APP - Senator Kennedy became one of my heroes!

So, if you are Pro-Choice across the board... you are a mass murderer, if you are Pro-Choice in some circumstances you are not?

No. You would not be a mass murderer. But you would be complacent in the mass murder of the innocent lives that are taken due to abortion.
Funny how they call me Pro-Abortion, yet the two times Ive impregnated a woman resulted in my two happy healthy children!
Funny how they call me Pro-Abortion, yet the two times Ive impregnated a woman resulted in my two happy healthy children!

Being in support of an action does not mean you carry out the action yourself.

You either support it being legal or you do not.
Being in support of an action does not mean you carry out the action yourself.

You either support it being legal or you do not.

You are correct; supporting the legilazation of something is not the same thing as promoting it, recomending it, or being pro-it!

I belive many currently illegal drugs should be legal, I would not recomend you take them, in do not belive you should take them, I am not pro-drug use.

I belive cigeretts should be legal, I would not recomend you smoke them I am not pro-cigerette.
You are correct; supporting the legilazation of something is not the same thing as promoting it, recomending it, or being pro-it!

I belive many currently illegal drugs should be legal, I would not recomend you take them, in do not belive you should take them, I am not pro-drug use.

I belive cigeretts should be legal, I would not recomend you smoke them I am not pro-cigerette.

You cannot read. I stated being in support of an action doesn't mean you have to take the action yourself.

People can support abortions being legal, without having an abortion themselves. But in supporting the abortions being legal, you are complicit in the murder of innocent children.

It is the same as stating, I support murder being legal, but "I" would never kill someone. You are stating that it is ok for others to do so legally.
You cannot read. I stated being in support of an action doesn't mean you have to take the action yourself.

People can support abortions being legal, without having an abortion themselves. But in supporting the abortions being legal, you are complicit in the murder of innocent children.

It is the same as stating, I support murder being legal, but "I" would never kill someone. You are stating that it is ok for others to do so legally.

No, there is where you are wrong. Just because something is illegal does not make it okay. There are plenty of things that are legal that I do not belive are okay!

According to your rules, the Government is the final decision maker on if something is okay... If you belive its wrong, you must support the government making it illegal?

Deminishing oneself by abusing alchol is WRONG, but its illegal.... Are you complicit in Alchole abuse buy not supporting prohibition?
No, there is where you are wrong. Just because something is illegal does not make it okay. There are plenty of things that are legal that I do not belive are okay!

According to your rules, the Government is the final decision maker on if something is okay... If you belive its wrong, you must support the government making it illegal?

Deminishing oneself by abusing alchol is WRONG, but its illegal.... Are you complicit in Alchole abuse buy not supporting prohibition?
When you diminish yourself it is your business, when you take some other life, especially the most innocent and least capable of defense, it is not. Some people support others rights to take human life if it is at an early stage, others do not believe that it is within your rights to take that life with impunity.
You cannot read. I stated being in support of an action doesn't mean you have to take the action yourself.

People can support abortions being legal, without having an abortion themselves. But in supporting the abortions being legal, you are complicit in the murder of innocent children.

It is the same as stating, I support murder being legal, but "I" would never kill someone. You are stating that it is ok for others to do so legally.

But you are not complicit in murder just because you say it should be legal...!
When you diminish yourself it is your business, when you take some other life, especially the most innocent and least capable of defense, it is not. Some people support others rights to take human life if it is at an early stage, others do not believe that it is within your rights to take that life with impunity.

Others do not belive it is a life.

Still others belive they have to ballance the rights of the individual embryo with the rights of the pregnant woman and draw a line somewhere. The more developed the embryo is, the more important its rights are!
Others do not belive it is a life.

Still others belive they have to ballance the rights of the individual embryo with the rights of the pregnant woman and draw a line somewhere. The more developed the embryo is, the more important its rights are!
Then they are incapable of understanding what life is. (Most would say it isn't a "person" yet, but not that it isn't alive because that is demonstrably false).

You become complicit when you take an active role in allowing others to continue killing. There is a difference between standing by and taking an active role.
When you diminish yourself it is your business, when you take some other life, especially the most innocent and least capable of defense, it is not. Some people support others rights to take human life if it is at an early stage, others do not believe that it is within your rights to take that life with impunity.

I belive that in many situations home schooling is harmfull to children, When it is I belive its wrong... Do I belive it should be illegal... NO!

I belive arranged marriages are wrong... harmfull to people... Do I belive they should be illegal... NO!

I belive prostitution is wrong, I belive its harmfull to woman... Do I belive it should be illegal... No!

I belive individual discrimination against people due to race is wrong... It is harmfull to all of society. Do I belive it should be illegal... No!
I belive that in many situations home schooling is harmfull to children, When it is I belive its wrong... Do I belive it should be illegal... NO!

I belive arranged marriages are wrong... harmfull to people... Do I belive they should be illegal... NO!

I belive prostitution is wrong, I belive its harmfull to woman... Do I belive it should be illegal... No!

I belive individual discrimination against people due to race is wrong... It is harmfull to all of society. Do I belive it should be illegal... No!
What you "believe" is beside the point, many do believe that home schooling should be illegal, when they take definitive action towards one side or the other they are either supporting home schooling or they support ending its legality.

And none of these take a life.

And you do believe that discrimination based on race should be illegal, I've seen you support Affirmative Action with zeal. What you don't believe should be illegal is the people who speak out.

You argue poorly. You take positive action to ensure that others can take life, that is support and complicity.
Then they are incapable of understanding what life is. (Most would say it isn't a "person" yet, but not that it isn't alive because that is demonstrably false).

You become complicit when you take an active role in allowing others to continue killing. There is a difference between standing by and taking an active role.

But you see... I do not belive that by keeping abortion legal you are increasing the amount of abortions. I do not belive that making it illegal will prevent abortions. I belive that the best way to prevent abortions is to keep it legal, but promote more education and more alternatives.

If you still hold to your previously stated position, you belive abortion should be legal, but the MD's should be required to attempt to "save" the "life". You know many will "die" under that plan, are you complicit in murder?
What you "believe" is beside the point, many do believe that home schooling should be illegal, when they take definitive action towards one side or the other they are either supporting home schooling or they support ending its legality.

And none of these take a life.

And you do believe that discrimination based on race should be illegal, I've seen you support Affirmative Action with zeal. What you don't believe should be illegal is the people who speak out.

I said individual discrimination. Affirmative Action is not individual discrimination, it is government forced discrimination.
But you see... I do not belive that by keeping abortion legal you are increasing the amount of abortions. I do not belive that making it illegal will prevent abortions. I belive that the best way to prevent abortions is to keep it legal, but promote more education and more alternatives.

If you still hold to your previously stated position, you belive abortion should be legal, but the MD's should be required to attempt to "save" the "life". You know many will "die" under that plan, are you complicit in murder?
I believe you work very hard to give yourself an excuse to promote the legal sanction of an activity that some believe to be atrocious. I think that it is silly to say, "I don't think it would end it, therefore we shouldn't make a law against it."

I don't think a law against murder will stop people from committing that crime, but I don't support legalizing it therefore.

And no, I do not think it should be legal to directly and purposefully take that life, you are misstating my position by a large margin.
What you "believe" is beside the point, many do believe that home schooling should be illegal, when they take definitive action towards one side or the other they are either supporting home schooling or they support ending its legality.

And none of these take a life.

And you do believe that discrimination based on race should be illegal, I've seen you support Affirmative Action with zeal. What you don't believe should be illegal is the people who speak out.

You argue poorly. You take positive action to ensure that others can take life, that is support and complicity.

False. I take positive action to prevent it from being swept under a rug and to promote a more effective way of ending the taking of "life".

Under your theory, If I defended keeping arranged marriages legal, even though I am against arranged marriages..... But I did it because I felt an important overiding political principal called freedom was at stake, I would be complicit and supportave of arranged marriages.
I believe you work very hard to give yourself an excuse to promote the legal sanction of an activity that some believe to be atrocious. I think that it is silly to say, "I don't think it would end it, therefore we shouldn't make a law against it."

I don't think a law against murder will stop people from committing that crime, but I don't support legalizing it therefore.

And no, I do not think it should be legal to directly and purposefully take that life, you are misstating my position by a large margin.

Okay, obviously I misunderstood your position... What is it again? Do you belive abortion should be legal?