Shit Fat Girls Who Think They're Hot Say

What are you? Retarded? I answered your points, against my good judgment, "in red". . move around.

yeah you didn't address them anyway. Thanks for playing though.

You know, you look as abstaining from debate, or fleshing out your opinions as some type of strength, but in actuality, it's a weakness, you don't have the courage or the balls to clearly put yourself on record. Or maybe you just don't have the intellectual fortitude. I don't know . .
ok so lets pretend the cancer of poet didn't destroy this thread and get back to business

Bitch, I think I'm your worst nightmare. An educated n-word. An uppity negro, of the worst sort. I think I'm better than you.

I couldn't care less what you think. Who the hell are you? A pathetic, old man who spends most of his day on a politics forum trumpeting his greatness from the rooftop. Within twenty years, you will be dead, rotting in the ground. You will have no legacy, nobody to remember you.

I think I'm smarter than you.

You can think whatever you want. Everyone has their area of expertise. You're smarter about writing, no doubt. I am smarter about computers and other technology. Although, hilariously you cannot even accept that. I distinctly recall you attempting to "outsmart" me at my own game, and embarrassing yourself rather badly in the process.

We all know you THINK you're the best. We get it. But that's not reality.

Anyone that is annoyed at poet, please just ignore him in this thread, he is only here to troll, disrupt, and derail.

Let the record reflect that his first post in this thread was attacking another member, completely unprovoked. It was he that was the instigator.

Dont' let this thread fester, please have the discipline going forward to ignore him, arguing with him is completely unproductive.

yeah you didn't address them anyway. Thanks for playing though.

You know, you look as abstaining from debate, or fleshing out your opinions as some type of strength, but in actuality, it's a weakness, you don't have the courage or the balls to clearly put yourself on record. Or maybe you just don't have the intellectual fortitude. I don't know . .

LOL. Don't worry about it. When you discover that your arms are too short to box with God, it's a humbling experience. Captain Billy the Kid???? Are you serious? You're delusional.
Napoleonic Complex.
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Anyone that is annoyed at poet, please just ignore him in this thread, he is only here to troll, disrupt, and derail.

Let the record reflect that his first post in this thread was attacking another member, completely unprovoked. It was he that was the instigator.

Dont' let this thread fester, please have the discipline going forward to ignore him, arguing with him is completely unproductive.

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All the education in the world didn't save you from being a complete retard. No one here thinks you are a smart, you are an intellectual joke incapable of debating anything.

"Think" being the keyword. Many delusional people think all sorts of things.

Was this post merely a way of you to demonstrate that you can call guys "bitches" as well? It looks like it's merely a deflection post that you can point to in the future.

Ah, opinions. Like assholes, we all have them. Yours is not more important than mine. Oh, bitch, you're lying. The people that matter, mostly the liberals, know that I'm smarter than most. I intimidate you, and so you retaliate. I understand. If I wasn't a threat, you wouldn't address it. Debate? Bring some debating skills and some debate, and you might get some in return. Who debates here. You and your ilk are too caught up in undermining, insulting, dismissing and reducing in stature to debate. You've had plenty of time.....where was any effort, on your part to engage? Go back through the threads and find one incident.

And I only call guys that act like bitches, "bitches". Funny, all the "guy bitches" seem to be on the conservative and libertarian sides. I'm fucking gay, and you "guys" act more like spoiled, self-absorbed bitches more so than any of the evil women here...and Ice Dancer is missing in action.
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Anyone that is annoyed at poet, please just ignore him in this thread, he is only here to troll, disrupt, and derail.

Let the record reflect that his first post in this thread was attacking another member, completely unprovoked. It was he that was the instigator.

Dont' let this thread fester, please have the discipline going forward to ignore him, arguing with him is completely unproductive.

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I couldn't care less what you think. Who the hell are you? A pathetic, old man who spends most of his day on a politics forum trumpeting his greatness from the rooftop. Within twenty years, you will be dead, rotting in the ground. You will have no legacy, nobody to remember you.
Right. No legacy? I'm busy creating it. I have almost 1500 facebook friends, who hang on my every word. I have a readers group that adores me. A website, a book, a cd, hosting poetry events....much to your chagrin.
I wouldn't trumpet my greatness, if I had not first been attacked as being nothing significant. Why should I brag? Who are you people that I have to prove myself to you?
Rather than to be "torn down", I "trumpet". Simple.

You can think whatever you want. Everyone has their area of expertise. You're smarter about writing, no doubt. I am smarter about computers and other technology. Although, hilariously you cannot even accept that. I distinctly recall you attempting to "outsmart" me at my own game, and embarrassing yourself rather badly in the process.

Are you insane? My partner and I have 4 desktop computers ( graphics, server, music, and film editing), two tablets, and a laptop. 2 computers are 6-core. We have a production company and a project studio. Do you understand composing music via computer? Do you understand film editing? My partner ran a computer lab in Europe. He builds them from scratch. You don't know squat, when it comes to him. Are you familiar with Joomla, or do you still use html.? Don't talk about what you don't know.
We all know you THINK you're the best. We get it. But that's not reality.

You're confused about reality.

Anyone that is annoyed at poet, please just ignore him in this thread, he is only here to troll, disrupt, and derail.

Let the record reflect that his first post in this thread was attacking another member, completely unprovoked. It was he that was the instigator.

Dont' let this thread fester, please have the discipline going forward to ignore him, arguing with him is completely unproductive.


OOoh, such control. Is this you, using your hyper super hero mod powers?
What a nothing.
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Anyone that is annoyed at poet, please just ignore him in this thread, he is only here to troll, disrupt, and derail.

Let the record reflect that his first post in this thread was attacking another member, completely unprovoked. It was he that was the instigator.

Dont' let this thread fester, please have the discipline going forward to ignore him, arguing with him is completely unproductive.

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Anyone that is annoyed at poet, please just ignore him in this thread, he is only here to troll, disrupt, and derail.

Let the record reflect that his first post in this thread was attacking another member, completely unprovoked. It was he that was the instigator.

Dont' let this thread fester, please have the discipline going forward to ignore him, arguing with him is completely unproductive.

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Sorry I intimidated you. It wasn't my intention. Please continue your whine. Neanderthals, sitting around, telling each other, how much "men" they are. As if. LOL
Another thing. Don't dare mention me being a misogynist or woman abuser again. Sexual objectification of women, is the highest form of misogyny.
I have a deep respect for women, because of my mother. I have zero respect for bitches, including men 'who act like bitches".
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Anyone that is annoyed at poet, please just ignore him in this thread, he is only here to troll, disrupt, and derail.

Let the record reflect that his first post in this thread was attacking another member, completely unprovoked. It was he that was the instigator.

Dont' let this thread fester, please have the discipline going forward to ignore him, arguing with him is completely unproductive.

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He's on my ignore list now. I have no intention of reading or responding to anything he writes, ever again.
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Anyone that is annoyed at poet, please just ignore him in this thread, he is only here to troll, disrupt, and derail.

Let the record reflect that his first post in this thread was attacking another member, completely unprovoked. It was he that was the instigator.

Dont' let this thread fester, please have the discipline going forward to ignore him, arguing with him is completely unproductive.

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Lies and sissy chatter.
the girl is in some in between state of kinda fat and not really fat. In some of the shots she doesn't really look that fat at all.

youtube comments seem to be 50/50