shoot vick

can we make a petiton for this??

ps sorry lady t but he's a fuckin douchebag.

No need to go to that verbal extreme but he's going to get what's coming to him. Dog fighting is an issue and the government is going to make an example of him. If Vick is guilty he will not be able to buy his way with good expensive lawyers.

Right now Vick has very little public support behind him and that's the way it should be. Dropping N bombs and talk of shooting him don't help.
whats worse?? electorcuting dogs and torturing them, having them raped or using the N word??

ever hear sticks and stones may break my bones but words wont ever hurt me??

not 1 of you dumb fucks even spoke out about this, nor did anyting about it, but we gotta feel bad for vick, b/c he's human, did he get gang raped or electrocuted?? did he get dropped to his death??

you people are nuts.

poor vick for being called an N' word... but no poor dogs for getting slaughtered....

Are you kidding? We had a long discussion of how we felt even more compassion for dogs than humans because they couldn't understand what had happened to them.

You judge us poorly in your own anger. Slow yourself down and think for a bit, you have known us longer than your poor judgment of us shows.
you kill dogs by electrocution... sorry.... its just fucked up, i couldn't be this fucked in the head..... im so fuckin pissed you don't even know....

Well, then it's ok to indict all black people by using that word. As long as your're "so fucking pissed". When you're just pissed, then it's not ok. But you're "so fucking pissed", so then it's ok.

Except it's not ok with me, and you should ask Damo to change the title. Oh, and tiana isn't the only black person posting here, there is also BAC.

But even if you get signed permission slips from both of them by tacking " ps sorry lady t and bac, i'm so fuckinig pissed" at the end of your posts, it still wont' be ok with me.

If that's ok with you.
What the fuck is your problem?!

#1) People on this board HAVE posted that he's a scumbag and that he deserves to go to jail. There was an entire thread dedicated to it last week. So before you start getting all high and mighty over this shit, I'd suggest you look it up in the archives

#2) For someone that gets so uppity when people drop the f-word you have some fucking nerve coming in here slinging your shit around because you're upset over a few pit dogs. Two wrongs don't make a right.

#3) You're officially off my sugar list and have now made it to the shit list. That's extremely small minded and shows exactly what kind of person you really are Rob. Fuck you asshole.
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What the fuck is your problem?!

#1) People on this board HAVE posted that he's a scumbag and that he deserves to go to jail. There was an entire thread dedicated to it last week. So before you start getting all high and mighty over this shit, I'd suggest you look it up in the archives

#2) For someone that gets so uppity when people drop the f-word you have some fucking nerve coming in here slinging your shit around because you're upset over a few pit dogs. Two wrongs don't make a right.

#3) You're officially off my sugar list and have now made it to the shit list. That's extremely small minded and shows exactly what kind of person you really are Rob. Fuck you asshole.

calm down lady t, i just do this shit to get a rise obviously... unfortunately its not in my pants.

calm down lady t, i just do this shit to get a rise obviously... unfortunately its not in my pants.

Thats Lady T to a 'T'..she comes across as if she is so balanced...then wammo...she exposes the claws on racial issues...even if one is just joking or playing around for the input...way too sensitive imho!
Shoot NIGGER Vick ??

This kind of bullshit is allowed on this site?

I'm sorry, I thought I'd registered on an adult site.

I'm gone.