shoot vick

don't worry im not going anywhere.

its my bad to use that language but it really made me PO"ed so i sling insults at people.

everyone does that.

well rob... you of all people should know about being offended, if i recall somthing like this happened a while back and you took it pretty seriously
I can change the title, but I prefer to only do it when asked by the original poster.

The only threads that I condone deleting on sight are those that deal with child pornography. We had a couple posters that used to battle about it with incredibly disgusting descriptions... Those threads are not here.

I'll take a consensus. I grow tired of seeing the title myself.

Oh yeah, those posts were bad too.

On this, the word itself is very jarring to many of us. An obscenity.

The other thing is, some, for instance bac, lived through a time when that word held behind it, violence, and even death.

And you know, it's just beyond the pale.
Not only that, but I post at work. I really don't want to have to explain that or any of asshats posts.
Not only that, but I post at work. I really don't want to have to explain that or any of asshats posts.

asshat I still have on IA because of his use of that word last week. Rob I didn't put on IA because I feel like harrassing him about it for a while.

Realistically, people do use this word, and I think it should be dealt with and they should take a lot of shit for it. Asshat is a lost cause. Rob needs to learn that there are other people in this world besides for gay people and of course, pit bulls, and their feelings count too. Other injustices have been done to people, it's not just gay people.

And of all people he should know. How did Matthew Sheppard end up tied to a fence and beaten to death? He was first dehumanized by words. And there is no word more dehumanizing than this one. It's not just a word, it's a word used to dehumanize an entire people so that it's ok to commit atrocities upon them. That's the first thing you do when you want to committ atrocities against people, you dehumanize him. And a lot of us know that, and he damned well should start giving it some thought.

asshat I still have on IA because of his use of that word last week. Rob I didn't put on IA because I feel like harrassing him about it for a while.

Realistically, people do use this word, and I think it should be dealt with and they should take a lot of shit for it. Asshat is a lost cause. Rob needs to learn that there are other people in this world besides for gay people and of course, pit bulls, and their feelings count too. Other injustices have been done to people, it's not just gay people.

And of all people he should know. How did Matthew Sheppard end up tied to a fence and beaten to death? He was first dehumanized by words. And there is no word more dehumanizing than this one. It's not just a word, it's a word used to dehumanize an entire people so that it's ok to commit atrocities upon them. That's the first thing you do when you want to committ atrocities against people, you dehumanize him. And a lot of us know that, and he damned well should start giving it some thought.

Get real for once in your life..bringing up a travesty like the Mathew case..when a couple of idiots took it way to you really believe this is the norm in society..if so ya need to get out way more..if one opposes gay marriage it does not equate to mayhem...just a thought!
Get real for once in your life..bringing up a travesty like the Mathew case..when a couple of idiots took it way to you really believe this is the norm in society..if so ya need to get out way more..if one opposes gay marriage it does not equate to mayhem...just a thought!

They took it way too far? So how far is not too far?

It wasn't just one case. It happened right here in NYC just last year to another gay man. And those are not the only two cases either.

Rob is always freaking out if someone says something about gays, and then comes on here and uses the n word, and I have a big fucking problem with that and guess what? I don't give one rat's ass what you think about it, because you are nothing but a moron.
They took it way too far? So how far is not too far?
Reminds me of the Simpsons in the Grifter episode. When Wally took the gun and shot Principle Skinner and Homer jumps up and says, "This has gone on just long enough!"
Whatever darla...........

They took it way too far? So how far is not too far?

It wasn't just one case. It happened right here in NYC just last year to another gay man. And those are not the only two cases either.

Rob is always freaking out if someone says something about gays, and then comes on here and uses the n word, and I have a big fucking problem with that and guess what? I don't give one rat's ass what you think about it, because you are nothing but a moron.

and I think you are fool of shit!..A spoiled brat that never experienced life..hows that? Go have another Mohito(pun) or whatever that is in the NYC clubs!

Reminds me of the Simpsons in the Grifter episode. When Wally took the gun and shot Principle Skinner and Homer jumps up and says, "This has gone on just long enough!"

Hey 'wally' is my knickname...My uncle was a WWII vet( I was named after him)... so my name was Walter..but Momma called me 'Wally' so we were different...ya remembered from a forum along time ago..kudos!
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I'll just add this on my way out the door ..

Unbeknownst to those who are slaves to MSM, there is a lot of support for Vick. I live in Atlanta and I've never seen more Vick jerseys than I have in the past week. I don't wear sports jerseys, but I bought a Vick jersey which I bought specifically for when I walk my dog, a dog that helped save my life.

I had to settle for an XL because Foot Locker was out of Large.

I've trained dogs and have shown Bouviers for 30 years. It helped pay my way through college so I never needed a student loan. I love dogs, but at the same time this entire Visk saga is full of hypocrisy and double standards.

Many of those calling for Vick's head are the same ones who said that it was wrong to convict the Duke team before they had their day in court, and I agreed with that. However, they have no problem convicting Vick before his day in court.

The fact that he was indicted says nothing. The feds can indict a chicken sandwich and there are a plethora of cases where that indictment went nowhere and the accussed were proven innocent. He is innocent until proven guilty. However, I have no doubt that even if he is proven innocent there will be those who claim it was because he had a good lawyer or "there were too many blacks on the jury."

The duplicity is sickening.

"But it took place in a house that he owned" .. sure it did .. but another Atlanta, now Seattle football player, Patrick Kerney, who isn't black, had a rape take place in his house .. while he was at home. He was never arrested, booked, or even questioned .. and the media hardly spoke of it.

How many have heard of this ...

Marlins Pitcher Scott Olsen Arrested

He was driving under the influence, drove away from the police, then once they caught him, he got into a fight with the police, and this is just the latest in a string of troubles.

The result ...

Marlins to wait for legal system before deciding on discipline

Had this been Allen Iverson, Vick, or just about any other black player it would be splattered all over MSM.

Then, I come here and ... "NIGGER VICK"


That being said, I'm outta here.
n Black, please listen. He was one Jackass who made that stetement and several of us complained. that is anything but the concensus of this board. true, vick has sorta been convicted before trial, but with that much against him that is bound to be the case. and that's got nothing to do with being black. Please reconsider and stick arround. there arealways asses who jump to conclusions, racist, ethnical, or whatever. The rest of us have to outweigh such people.
I hope he comes back, he had insight and was unafraid to speak on questions that I had that others had been in the past. I was learning from him.
mbl727, you rotten bastard.

I love FOOTBALL (and not that NFL shit) even more than Poker sucks hairy balls.
Mohito's are great. I had one of the best one's I've ever had in Miami a couple of weeks ago. They are refreshing and good ones aren't too sweet. they've got mint leaves in them too.
Mohito's are great. I had one of the best one's I've ever had in Miami a couple of weeks ago. They are refreshing and good ones aren't too sweet. they've got mint leaves in them too.

I made them for a party last month. They're easy to make, and they are delicious.

But there's a Spanish place on the upper east side that makes the best one I've ever had. I have to ask them how they do it.