shoot vick

On second thought, I like it here and I like the people here.

However, why is that allowed? Most boards don't allow it, and will either block it and other intentionally inflammatory slurs, or ban posters who use them. There is no conversational value using such offensive slurs on a message board whatsoever. This has far less to do with being PC and far more to do with being a grown up. It's incredibly childish.

To the "agrument" that rappers and Dave Chappell uses it .. so what? What does that have to do with being an adult. Virtually every demographic in America, including whites, make light of negative and stereotypical characterizations of themselves to themselves. Jeff Foxworthy and others doing "redneck" humor have all sorts of names they call themselves, but that doesn't mean that I should do it, nor would I even consider it. I'm not even comfortable posting the quoted word. Mexicans and hispanics make fun of terms like "wetbacks" and "beaners", but I wouldn't. .. Why? .. Because I have a brain. That's all it takes, a brain.

And please don't tell me the guy who posted that bullshit is gay. How stupid is that? I don't have a problem with gays and I'm not about to denegrate them because of one fool who happens to be gay .. but just damn. You would think he would know better.

Damo, I hope you would consider not allowing posters to be intentionally offensive in such a manner.
On second thought, I like it here and I like the people here.

However, why is that allowed? Most boards don't allow it, and will either block it and other intentionally inflammatory slurs, or ban posters who use them. There is no conversational value using such offensive slurs on a message board whatsoever. This has far less to do with being PC and far more to do with being a grown up. It's incredibly childish.

To the "agrument" that rappers and Dave Chappell uses it .. so what? What does that have to do with being an adult. Virtually every demographic in America, including whites, make light of negative and stereotypical characterizations of themselves to themselves. Jeff Foxworthy and others doing "redneck" humor have all sorts of names they call themselves, but that doesn't mean that I should do it, nor would I even consider it. I'm not even comfortable posting the quoted word. Mexicans and hispanics make fun of terms like "wetbacks" and "beaners", but I wouldn't. .. Why? .. Because I have a brain. That's all it takes, a brain.

And please don't tell me the guy who posted that bullshit is gay. How stupid is that? I don't have a problem with gays and I'm not about to denegrate them because of one fool who happens to be gay .. but just damn. You would think he would know better.

Damo, I hope you would consider not allowing posters to be intentionally offensive in such a manner.

BasC, this site is probably a bit different than what your used to. Most of us came from a site called, where the forum was completely open and there was no moderator. We actually kind of liked it that way until the trolls started coming and making it impossible to debate.

So SR created That was cool and very open until SR had a plan to change up how it was moderated, created a Security Council with the power to 'troll' users. At about the same time, Damo created this site, and every board we've used has been an open forum where we can say whatever we want when we want. However Damo's is probably the best for being able to ignore people that go overboard. I got banned from a Message Board the other day for calling someone a douchebag. Nevermind that the guy I called a douchebag was calling me a 'classless asshole' indirectly. But since mine statement was more direct, i get suspended and he's still there. I would not want to be worried about that happening here.
On second thought, I like it here and I like the people here.

However, why is that allowed? Most boards don't allow it, and will either block it and other intentionally inflammatory slurs, or ban posters who use them. There is no conversational value using such offensive slurs on a message board whatsoever. This has far less to do with being PC and far more to do with being a grown up. It's incredibly childish.

To the "agrument" that rappers and Dave Chappell uses it .. so what? What does that have to do with being an adult. Virtually every demographic in America, including whites, make light of negative and stereotypical characterizations of themselves to themselves. Jeff Foxworthy and others doing "redneck" humor have all sorts of names they call themselves, but that doesn't mean that I should do it, nor would I even consider it. I'm not even comfortable posting the quoted word. Mexicans and hispanics make fun of terms like "wetbacks" and "beaners", but I wouldn't. .. Why? .. Because I have a brain. That's all it takes, a brain.

And please don't tell me the guy who posted that bullshit is gay. How stupid is that? I don't have a problem with gays and I'm not about to denegrate them because of one fool who happens to be gay .. but just damn. You would think he would know better.

Damo, I hope you would consider not allowing posters to be intentionally offensive in such a manner.

I'm really glad you reconsidered.

I've been thinking about it a lot, and Damo could ban the word. But you know, people do use the word. I've had to learn how to deal with that. It's much easier to deal with it on a message board, but say that your aunt uses the word. That's more difficult. What do you do then? I think that having had to deal with it in cyberspace, particularly from people from my so-called "side", has helped me to deal with it in real life too. Because I can no longer respect myself for not speaking up no matter who uses it, or where.

Maybe Rob uses this word in real life too. Maybe what happened on this thread, and the all-around ass-kicking he took from pretty much everybody, will jolt some sense into him.
On second thought, I like it here and I like the people here.

However, why is that allowed? Most boards don't allow it, and will either block it and other intentionally inflammatory slurs, or ban posters who use them. There is no conversational value using such offensive slurs on a message board whatsoever. This has far less to do with being PC and far more to do with being a grown up. It's incredibly childish.

To the "agrument" that rappers and Dave Chappell uses it .. so what? What does that have to do with being an adult. Virtually every demographic in America, including whites, make light of negative and stereotypical characterizations of themselves to themselves. Jeff Foxworthy and others doing "redneck" humor have all sorts of names they call themselves, but that doesn't mean that I should do it, nor would I even consider it. I'm not even comfortable posting the quoted word. Mexicans and hispanics make fun of terms like "wetbacks" and "beaners", but I wouldn't. .. Why? .. Because I have a brain. That's all it takes, a brain.

And please don't tell me the guy who posted that bullshit is gay. How stupid is that? I don't have a problem with gays and I'm not about to denegrate them because of one fool who happens to be gay .. but just damn. You would think he would know better.

Damo, I hope you would consider not allowing posters to be intentionally offensive in such a manner.

Rob is very immature and self centered and has some deep emotional problems.
He has hated me for years for trying to point them out to him.
Being gay does not make someone a decent person and anyone no matter who they are and what race,gender,sexual leaning can be an utter fool.
I have told him before that my gay friends find his attitude discusting.

He is totally self absorbed and deserves to be ignored or if Damo wishes banned for his total insensitivity and lack of anything worth offering this sight.
I am against banning speach however.

BAC ,I have enjoyed your postings and hope you will stay on here and help us prove to the people who are closet racists just how racist they are and force them to face themselves in a mirror.
BasC, this site is probably a bit different than what your used to. Most of us came from a site called, where the forum was completely open and there was no moderator. We actually kind of liked it that way until the trolls started coming and making it impossible to debate.

So SR created That was cool and very open until SR had a plan to change up how it was moderated, created a Security Council with the power to 'troll' users. At about the same time, Damo created this site, and every board we've used has been an open forum where we can say whatever we want when we want. However Damo's is probably the best for being able to ignore people that go overboard. I got banned from a Message Board the other day for calling someone a douchebag. Nevermind that the guy I called a douchebag was calling me a 'classless asshole' indirectly. But since mine statement was more direct, i get suspended and he's still there. I would not want to be worried about that happening here.

That's another problem. Damo bans that word, which we can all probably agree is beyond the pale of any decency. Then Mainman calls Rob a f*g, and Rob starts screaming that if the n word is banned, so should the f word be banned.

Then BB calls me a "ho" and a "tramp", and I say, well wait a minute...and so on.

Rob was shunned on this. I think that says something. Maybe that is better than banning the word? I think it's debatable, and I see both sides, and I'm not going to tell an African American who grew up in the South during Jim Crow what to feel or how to react, I can tell you that...but in the end, I think I come down on the side of, let the community handle it. A good old-fashioned shunning can still be effective. And maybe even make someone think.
Rob is very immature and self centered and has some deep emotional problems.
He has hated me for years for trying to point them out to him.
Being gay does not make someone a decent person and anyone no matter who they are and what race,gender,sexual leaning can be an utter fool.
I have told him before that my gay friends find his attitude discusting.

He is totally self absorbed and deserves to be ignored or if Damo wishes banned for his total insensitivity and lack of anything worth offering this sight.
I am against banning speach however.

BAC ,I have enjoyed your postings and hope you will stay on here and help us prove to the people who are closet racists just how racist they are and force them to face themselves in a mirror.

Well said Desh.
I do appreciate everyone's comment and you guys, and Damo, are the reason I came back. I've also been on over-moderated sites so I can understand what Damo is trying to accomplish here. I wish to support him in that effort.

However, I do not have the capacity to simply ignore shit like that. What happens when I retaliate?

I can get real ugly.

I live in Atlanta now, but I'm not from the south. I'm from Detroit and I've never felt compelled to have to listen to or take that stupidity. I didn't like it when I thought sexist remarks were being made about Darla and if someone had called her a intentionally nasty name, I would have gotten ugly and retaliated.

I would have defended that fool if someone had made an intentionally nasty comment about him being gay .. of course, he's on his own now.

I realize that posting here is a privledge and I don't want to upset, distract, or alter the purpose of the site at all. But understand that I have a short fuse when it comes to such ignorance. No point in lying and saying that I'm going to work on that .. it ain't gonna happen. But if I feel the need to get too nasty about something said .. I'll ban myself for a while and see if I can get over it.
I do appreciate everyone's comment and you guys, and Damo, are the reason I came back. I've also been on over-moderated sites so I can understand what Damo is trying to accomplish here. I wish to support him in that effort.

However, I do not have the capacity to simply ignore shit like that. What happens when I retaliate?

I can get real ugly.

I live in Atlanta now, but I'm not from the south. I'm from Detroit and I've never felt compelled to have to listen to or take that stupidity. I didn't like it when I thought sexist remarks were being made about Darla and if someone had called her a intentionally nasty name, I would have gotten ugly and retaliated.

I would have defended that fool if someone had made an intentionally nasty comment about him being gay .. of course, he's on his own now.

I realize that posting here is a privledge and I don't want to upset, distract, or alter the purpose of the site at all. But understand that I have a short fuse when it comes to such ignorance. No point in lying and saying that I'm going to work on that .. it ain't gonna happen. But if I feel the need to get too nasty about something said .. I'll ban myself for a while and see if I can get over it.

Listen, if someone calls me an intentionally nasty name you can get as nasty as you want in response, Damo has no say in it! ;) I am just kidding.

Damo would be the proper one to respond to this, but I will just say, no one I know of is going to hold it against you, whatever your response to what was said in this thread. No way.
I have no qualms against verbal retaliation. Just against graphic depictions of illegal sex acts with underage children. (So far that is all we have deleted on this site.)

The reality is, that people often type before they think on this, and many other, sites. And they will get called out for their insensitivity, or even outright racism.

"Knowing" Robdawg/Connecticut Stud (same guy) for as long as I have, I do not believe that it is in his heart to judge an entire ethnic minority by the alleged actions of one QB of a professional team. But that is for others to judge.
BasC, this site is probably a bit different than what your used to. Most of us came from a site called, where the forum was completely open and there was no moderator. We actually kind of liked it that way until the trolls started coming and making it impossible to debate.

So SR created That was cool and very open until SR had a plan to change up how it was moderated, created a Security Council with the power to 'troll' users. At about the same time, Damo created this site, and every board we've used has been an open forum where we can say whatever we want when we want. However Damo's is probably the best for being able to ignore people that go overboard. I got banned from a Message Board the other day for calling someone a douchebag. Nevermind that the guy I called a douchebag was calling me a 'classless asshole' indirectly. But since mine statement was more direct, i get suspended and he's still there. I would not want to be worried about that happening here.

Exactly. That's what I liked about this site and fp and There was no banning, and no moderator. They are excercises in free speech - the good, the bad, and the ugly. Luckily, those sites for the most part have had mature and responsible posters. The ignore option is always available for trolls and assholes.

You won't find a better board administrator/moderate than Damocles. Believe me - I get threatened with banning at other, pro-bush sites. And I'm not even that foul mouthed or trollish.

I think its more valuable to point out racists remarks, condemn them and laugh at them, that it is to just ban the poster. Generally. Obviously, continuous trollish or racists behaviour might need to be addressed. But, I've never really seen it get out of hand here, or at fp.
Exactly. That's what I liked about this site and fp and There was no banning, and no moderator. They are excercises in free speech - the good, the bad, and the ugly. Luckily, those sites for the most part have had mature and responsible posters. The ignore option is always available for trolls and assholes.

You won't find a better board administrator/moderate than Damocles. Believe me - I get threatened with banning at other, pro-bush sites. And I'm not even that foul mouthed or trollish.

I think its more valuable to point out racists remarks, condemn them and laugh at them, that it is to just ban the poster. Generally. Obviously, continuous trollish or racists behaviour might need to be addressed. But, I've never really seen it get out of hand here, or at fp.

Absolutely right. I think it was great that Rob was exposed and vilified for his thoughtless remark (and I think that was the worst of it; it was thoughtless more than he intended it to be racist). The reaction of the entire board community should have taught him that this was not acceptable to anybody; he tried, briefly, weakly, to defend himself and finally capitulated. Hopefully he's learned something from this. I just wish he could learn why it's so bad.

I've had my feelings reinforced that this is a truly great community here on this board and I'm glad to be a part of it.

BAC I'm really glad that you decided to return. :)
I'll just add this on my way out the door ..

Unbeknownst to those who are slaves to MSM, there is a lot of support for Vick. I live in Atlanta and I've never seen more Vick jerseys than I have in the past week. I don't wear sports jerseys, but I bought a Vick jersey which I bought specifically for when I walk my dog, a dog that helped save my life.

I had to settle for an XL because Foot Locker was out of Large.

I've trained dogs and have shown Bouviers for 30 years. It helped pay my way through college so I never needed a student loan. I love dogs, but at the same time this entire Visk saga is full of hypocrisy and double standards.

Many of those calling for Vick's head are the same ones who said that it was wrong to convict the Duke team before they had their day in court, and I agreed with that. However, they have no problem convicting Vick before his day in court.

The fact that he was indicted says nothing. The feds can indict a chicken sandwich and there are a plethora of cases where that indictment went nowhere and the accussed were proven innocent. He is innocent until proven guilty. However, I have no doubt that even if he is proven innocent there will be those who claim it was because he had a good lawyer or "there were too many blacks on the jury."

The duplicity is sickening.

"But it took place in a house that he owned" .. sure it did .. but another Atlanta, now Seattle football player, Patrick Kerney, who isn't black, had a rape take place in his house .. while he was at home. He was never arrested, booked, or even questioned .. and the media hardly spoke of it.

How many have heard of this ...

Marlins Pitcher Scott Olsen Arrested

He was driving under the influence, drove away from the police, then once they caught him, he got into a fight with the police, and this is just the latest in a string of troubles.

The result ...

Marlins to wait for legal system before deciding on discipline

Had this been Allen Iverson, Vick, or just about any other black player it would be splattered all over MSM.

Then, I come here and ... "NIGGER VICK"


That being said, I'm outta here.

black, first off I'm glad that idiot's title was removed. Never should have been here in the first place.

I would make two points in reference to points you made.

In the Duke case the evidence was shaky from the start and when the accuser changed her story it all started falling apart.

In this case it seems pretty clear that dog fighting went on and how much Vick knew about it is still unclear but I don't thinks its way off base for people to believe Vick had to have some idea what was going on at a house he owned.

Other (black) athletes have been in trouble for dogfighting but it never made headlines. Why Vick? He's a superstar. He has a $130 million contract, the second highest in the NFL I believe, and he is one of the most high profile NFL players. He also has a large Nike contract so he is well known by much of the nation.

The Seattle player you mentioned nobody has heard of hence it didn't get the same news coverage. Successful high profile athletes are going to get more attention that's just reality.

Sorry completely lost my train of thought here...