
I have a Coke addiction, I confess, the Zero Coke satisfies my occasion urge. Cherry coke reminds me of the soda fountain in my hometown. It’s my guilty pleasure now that I hardly ever drink these days.

RC is my favorite but the local store is always out of them.
Besides the obvious toilet paper, Clorox wipes shortage, what have you found hard to get?

1. Cherry Coke Zero
2. Diet Cherry 7UP
Good. Soda should be illegal. You should never put it in your mouth.

Not sure if it's any good as an enema, though.
Have you tried to buy ammo lately, or do you do your own reloading? A lot of ppl have been saying it's getting scarce too, probably from hoarding.

I reload everything but .22's. I have enough gun powder and ammo to start a small war. If my house would ever catch fire, I don't want to be within a mile of it!
I have a Coke addiction, I confess, the Zero Coke satisfies my occasion urge. Cherry coke reminds me of the soda fountain in my hometown. It’s my guilty pleasure now that I hardly ever drink these days.

Another one for the list, at least here. Paper towels. They are not to be found. Ended up ordering them from Amazon. I don't know why.
I was just able to get some cans of Lysol Spray, got four big cans, it did not last long in the store either?!!


This stuff is hard to get and it can kill the corona virus too!
I noticed a report that pepperoni is in shortage, due to production issues and that pizza sales are way up.
Have fun dealing with this for the next decade or so. Enjoy the wonders of Just In Time supply, another wonderful invention of the disgusting Baby Boomers.
Besides the obvious toilet paper, Clorox wipes shortage, what have you found hard to get?

1. Cherry Coke Zero
2. Diet Cherry 7UP

I dunno about the 7up but the cherry coke zero was also out here..

Some of their employees said it was do to the virus situation..
I dunno about the 7up but the cherry coke zero was also out here..

Some of their employees said it was do to the virus situation..
I’ve been making hand wipes for our car so we can sterilize everything because it’s hard to find Clorox or Lysol wipes.
I’ve been making hand wipes for our car so we can sterilize everything because it’s hard to find Clorox or Lysol wipes.

Lysol and a paper towel works just as well.....just don't inject it. Depending upon the surface being cleaned, a spray bottle with a chlorine bleach mixed water is cheap and works well too.