Should I B concerned about site traffic?

Should I B concerned about site traffic?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 43.8%
  • No

    Votes: 9 56.3%

  • Total voters
I'm in the "maybe" category. I see one ongoing problem is that many posters block others. Some block so many it kills any discussion. With so many people on ignore you get less traffic.

Note: I never put anyone on ignore. You can respond in an intelligent manner and I usually will return the favor. On the other hand, you can spam being a jackass all day and I won't, but you don't go on ignore. I want to see your ignorance on display.

All good points. I think Damo realizes the dilemma and falls to the side of Free Speech first. Ergo Legina, TDAK and anyone else who blindly bans a bunch of people is, indeed, killing discussion on that thread - ergo, their thread dies. The forum lives on.

One problem is where there's two threads of same topic. Damo will merge them if he sees it unless there's this thread ban problem. JPP members have been banned from their own thread because the thread merger includes all the bans of each thread.
Why did you make the poll private, it's an open invitation to trolls.

Always a tough call. Public polls reveal who is who, especially if they use known socks such as Mason, Legion and others with Sock Puppet Armies.

OTOH, some people don't want to vote in certain polls if their name is attached; usually situations where their "friends" would turn on them such as a lefty who supports gun rights or a righty who doesn't want to suck Trump's cock. Therefore, votes will be down.

Private polls can be biased by socks and trolls as you point out, but people are also allowed to be more honest.

Note that this poll was only 3 votes, one of them mine, until yesterday when it suddenly ballooned up to 12 votes.

Surveys like this are for fun and discussion. A local phenomenon since JPP is not a fair cross-section of the US voting population.
I had given up on forums until Frank Apisa recommended to me JPP, after essentially being thrown out of both Able2Know and Debate Politics. I was very thrilled to find a place where it is still possible to speak freely this deeply into this Dark Age. Frank and I know each other at least back to aught six, and have had many awesome conversations. We completely dont agree about Trump which is a problem but that did not get in the way of him reaching out to me and helping me.
On a more serious note, one thing that drives away traffic is an overabundance of trolls, haters, bigots, zealots, racists, psychos, and drunks like the one whose thread this is. Just sayin'.