Should women be allowed interstate travel?

well they both have that hillbilly mentality, got to keep a woman down on the farm barefoot and pregnant , and by all means keep them from talking to each other , can't let them get any type of knowledge,
Have a nice day
:lolup: Thinks he has a brain.

well years ago down in NC a guy killed his wife because she was fucking around on him
well he dumped her body in a national park.
they didn't charge him with killing her because back then I guess your wife was your property ( so I heard when I was down there ) he got 15 years in jail for littering in a national park.
at first I didn't believe it but being good friends with people that lived next door to him for most of their lives told me it was true , but I guess they have changed that law now I am not sure.
But yes some of them down there still believe your wife is your property
Have a nice day
This dipshit is a perfect example of a leftist mental case useless flailing and rambling bullshit.
it was about men in the south believing their wives are their property to do with as they want.
PAY ATTENTION that is what the thread is about.
Have a nice day
Not at all halfwit. It was about you bloviating pure, unadulterated bullshit trying to pretend that you have a brain and know what you are bloviating about.
It's just a hallmark of being a rightwinger that they are going to spend an inordinate amount of time stressing out about if their female neighbors are having sex, getting pregnant, and running off to a blue state.
The brook of babbling bullshit has arrived.
I am diametrically opposed to preventing women from traveling, for example. I think its a very good choice for some people not to have children. I do not believe jobs should be reserved for men. I am not opposed to freedom to marry who you chose.

I dont really have a problem with him personally, dont even know him. I have a problem with him representing me in government.
No one cares what a leftist loser with the severest TDS and who spends great amounts of time lying on this forum about issues believes or thinks.
“I’m sympathetic to the view that like, okay, look here, here’s a situation — let’s say Roe vs. Wade is overruled. Ohio bans abortion, in 2022 or let’s say 2024. And then, you know, every day George Soros sends a 747 to Columbus to load up disproportionately black women to get them to go have abortions in California... And, and it’s like, if that happens, do you need some federal response to prevent it from happening?”
I don't see any calls for a ban on travel dipshit.

So he didn't say what you allege he said... Thanks for the confirmation...

I am diametrically opposed to preventing women from traveling, for example. I think its a very good choice for some people not to have children. I do not believe jobs should be reserved for men. I am not opposed to freedom to marry who you chose.

I dont really have a problem with him personally, dont even know him. I have a problem with him representing me in government.
No one is preventing anyone from traveling.... Or doing any of the other thing that you mentioned... If you don't want him representing you don't vote for him... I don't want Kam representing me... So I won't vote for her... It's just that simple... The thing to do right now is encourage people to listen carefully For the next six months... And then vote for what's best for this country... Because it's a disaster right now
Its about the same amount of stretch as when Trumppers claim Kamala was the Border Tsar.
No it isn't. But you are a lying leftist hack with the severest case of TDS so we would expect you to lack any honesty or comprehension of what is being said. :palm:
No one is preventing anyone from traveling.... Or doing any of the other thing that you mentioned... If you don't want him representing you don't vote for him... I don't want Kam representing me... So I won't vote for her... It's just that simple... The thing to do right now is encourage people to listen carefully For the next six months... And then vote for what's best for this country... Because it's a disaster right now
Nobody is preventing travel yet, thanks to those who voted for Biden.
Just as soon as you get me a link to Kamala being appointed Tsar.
There you go again, desperately flailing and trying to pretend the media didn't call her that after Biden's appointing her to fix the issues with the Southern border.