Should women be allowed interstate travel?

Should women be allowed interstate travel?​

Only with an ankle-tag and a male family member.

Haw, haw..............................................haw.
I'm pretty certain... I'm trying to figure out what you have against JD... But you support.
A woman who has helped ruin America as we know it.. chaos....fear...division... so many struggling...And is bent on continuing to do the same... I know you have to better for your children and the rest of us
Did you really type that? Trump trades in fear. Fear of immigrants, fear of gays, fear of trans, fear of women getting power, fear fear fear. Only Trump can save you. He says something that stupid, and you believe it.
Women in America have a real and reasoned fear. They are in danger of having their rights taken away.
Did you really type that? Trump trades in fear. Fear of immigrants, fear of gays, fear of trans, fear of women getting power, fear fear fear. Only Trump can save you. He says something that stupid, and you believe it.
Women in America have a real and reasoned fear. They are in danger of having their rights taken away.
There's not a bit of fear. Women are in not in danger, none at all... unless Kam gets elected... Then we're all in danger.... She's far worse than Joe...Those are some crazy pink hat ladies.... Always have been... always will be...
Women are not in danger...

US infant mortality increased in 2022 for the first time in decades, CDC report shows​

States funding anti-abortion clinics have some of highest rates of maternal and infant mortality in US, report finds​

If you're going to choose...choose wisely... And remember it's not just all about you ...
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New York Magazine…


A Majority of Americans Are Pro-Choice, Even in Red …

WEBFeb 23, 2023 · A new PRRI survey shows sizable pro-choice majorities in 43 of the 50 states, including all the battleground states and some deep-red territory.
J. D. Vance is the kind of despicable animated turd who would be willing to be Donald Trump's running mate.
He no less a piece of shit as the pigfucking orangutan himself.

At least the orangutan shaves. Vance looks like Stone and Eagle Eye only younger.
We don't need department store Santas in July.