Should women be allowed interstate travel?

Should women be allowed interstate travel?​

No, thou shalt stay bare-foot and pregnant and left in the home, cooking thine food, changing my kids diapers, washing and a ironing my clothes, scrubbing my floors, cleaning my toilet, and she better be naked and horny, with my drink ready and in hand, by the time I get home!

Just ask J.D. Vance! He'll tell you all about it!
Just as soon as you get me a link to Kamala being appointed Tsar.
Never mind. I got the context from other posters. and it's his OPINION. Do you really think his OPINION could ever see the legislative light of day? For what it's worth, I agree with him. Furthermore, I would like to see abortion providers face legal consequences for their actions. That is my OPINION.

I would love for people, male and female, to take sole responsibility for both the moral and financial results of the physical act of reproduction.

Do I think any of that is going to happen? Hell no. I am as content with the SCOTUS decision as I am ever going to get on this plane of existence. Leave it to the states to DEMOCRATICALLY vote on the issue and stop calling down the heavy-handed wrath of the federal government for every perceived butthurt. I am tired of the whole discussion on abortion.

The border czar bullshit? Really? What's next on your "questions that impact humanity" list? How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? The "border czar" is not and never has been an official government office. It's a convenient way of referring to the president's point man on matters of immigration. That was her. I don't think Trump ever even had a "border czar", unless it was the secretary of homeland security.

But you're on mission, aren't you? Another inane thread avoiding discussion of issues that people care about.
Yeah the recording of him saying it isn't proof..

He never said it you honorless moron.

HuffingGlue and Jarod are fucking lying - what part of that are you too stupid to grasp?

Vance opposes "George Soros chartering a 747 to fly women to abortions in order to circumvent state laws."

But pathological liar @Jarod said Vance called for outlawing women traveling - a blatant lie.

See why no believes you? About anything? About you ages, about your gender, about anything? It's because you LIE about fucking everything. And you think it's really clever to lie.

It's not.
Poor LV426. He doesn't have a brain.
Alien quotes?

He never said it you honorless moron.

HuffingGlue and Jarod are fucking lying - what part of that are you too stupid to grasp?

Vance opposes "George Soros chartering a 747 to fly women to abortions in order to circumvent state laws."

But pathological liar @Jarod said Vance called for outlawing women traveling - a blatant lie.

See why no believes you? About anything? About you ages, about your gender, about anything? It's because you LIE about fucking everything. And you think it's really clever to lie.

It's not.
Watch the video in the link. He said it. Not sure how to help you.
So JD Vance says women should not be allowed to travel from red states to blue states?

You guys really are insane….
I expect the context is to be found in the twisted labyrinth of a baby killer's mind.......good job,'ve revealed your hatred for the unborn everywhere......
it was about men in the south believing their wives are their property to do with as they want.
PAY ATTENTION that is what the thread is about.
Have a nice day
I thought it was about demmycrats who believed the bodies of their unborn children were their property to decapitate as they attention to what the thread is REALLY about.......
Watch the video in the link. He said it. Not sure how to help you.

So Kamala said all white babies must be killed at birth.

I mean, if we're just going to lie - we Americans might as well do it too.

Do you support killing all white children?

Why did Kamala say all white children should be killed?
So Kamala said all white babies must be killed at birth.

I mean, if we're just going to lie - we Americans might as well do it too.

Do you support killing all white children?

Why did Kamala say all white children should be killed?
Quote her saying that. I'll wait..