Should you send a woman a picture of your junk?

Lol, i have several friends who get naked when they are drunk, that is usually when it is time for me to leave the party. It is going to another level. They also play hockey, it seems to be related.
Maybe its just my libertarian nature, but I really don't see the big deal about the recent string of people sending cock shots to other people.
The reality is you would not hire a gas station attendant that you knew had such poor impulse control. Why anybody would think that hiring them to enact laws or to be the executive authority over millions was the thing to do with somebody with such clear impulse control issues is beyond my thought processes. You literally have to turn off all the thought that goes into hiring somebody for simple jobs, for instance the janitor (wouldn't want that impulse control issue to translate into flashing women while "cleaning" the toilet), and go to a special place where you ignore issues because of the color of jersey they wear when they know they are on stage.

This couple may just be the perfect example of the political elite in the US:

The Huma Unmentionables
By Andrew C. McCarthy

Charlotte’s revulsion over Huma Abedin’s calculated “stand by your man” routine is surely right. Still, it is amazing, as we speculate about Ms. Abedin’s political future, that the elephant in the room goes unnoticed, or at least studiously unmentioned.

Sorry to interrupt the Best Enabler of a Sociopath Award ceremony but, to recap, Ms. Abedin worked for many years at a journal that promotes Islamic-supremacist ideology that was founded by a top al-Qaeda financier, Abdullah Omar Naseef. Naseef ran the Rabita Trust, a formally designated foreign terrorist organization under American law. Ms. Abedin and Naseef overlapped at the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs (JMMA) for at least seven years. Throughout that time (1996–2003), Ms. Abdein worked for Hillary Clinton in various capacities.

Ms. Abedin’s late father, Dr. Zyed Abedin, was recruited by Naseef to run the JMMA in Saudi Arabia. The journal was operated under the management of the World Assembly of Muslim Youth, a virulently anti-Semitic and sharia-supremacist organization. When Dr. Abedin died, editorial control of the journal passed to his wife, Dr. Saleha Mahmood Abedin — Huma’s mother.

Saleha Abedin is closely tied to the Muslim Brotherhood and to supporters of violent jihad. Among other things, she directs an organization – the International Islamic Committee for Woman and Child. The IICWC, through its parent entity (the International Islamic Council for Dawa and Relief), is a component of the Union for Good (also known as the Union of Good), another formally designated terrorist organization. The Union for Good is led by Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the notorious Muslim Brotherhood jurist who has issued fatwas calling for the killing of American military and support personnel in Iraq as well as suicide bombings in Israel. (As detailed here, the Obama White House recently hosted Qaradawi’s principal deputy, Sheikh Abdulla bin Bayyah, who also endorsed the fatwa calling for the killing of U.S. troops and personnel in Iraq.)

Like Sheikh Qaradawi, who helped write the charter for the IICWC, Saleha Abedin is an influential sharia activist who has, for example, published a book called Women in Islam that claims man-made laws enslave women. It reportedly provides sharia justifications for such practices as female-genital mutilation, the death penalty for apostates from Islam, the legal subordination of women, and the participation of women in violent jihad. Dr. Abedin has nevertheless been hailed in the progressive press as a “leading voice on women’s rights in the Muslim world” (to quote Foreign Policy). What they never quite get around to telling you is that this means “women’s rights” in the repressive sharia context.


Snark about NRO all you like, Andrew McCarthy has the creds that just dismisses your attempts. There are links to be found at the site.
Maybe its just my libertarian nature, but I really don't see the big deal about the recent string of people sending cock shots to other people.

Porn eventually shows up in every modern form of communication invented. The telegraph was probably difficult.
Porn eventually shows up in every modern form of communication invented. The telegraph was probably difficult.

I read an article some time back that 'telegraph sex' was far more popular than it had any right to be.
She knows a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy, and hyperbole too? Truly, this is investigative journalism worthy of McCarthy.

And people wonder why we think some conservatives are barking mad.

"On June 13, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) sent letters to several Inspectors General asking for an investigation into "the direct influence within the intelligence community of Muslim Brotherhood operatives." In her letter, Bachmann referenced Huma Abedin, the State Department's deputy chief of staff and a longtime Clinton aide. Bachmann claimed that Abedin "has three family members" who are "connected to Muslim Brotherhood operatives."

CNN's Anderson Cooper has noted that "neither Congresswoman Bachmann nor her four colleagues have actually provided credible evidence, just insinuations." Similarly, The Atlantic investigated the allegations and found that "from person to person, you kind of have to do a somersault to get from Huma Abedin to the Muslim Brotherhood." Bachmann's allegations have been condemned by the Democratic and Republican leaders of the House Intelligence Committee, among others."


Both Michelle Bachmann and Newt Gingrich used this line as a defense to justify requests made to investigate assistant to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin.

Gingrich: “There weren’t allegations, there was a question,” Gingrich insisted. “The question ought to be asked across the board, what’s the role of the Muslim Brotherhood, what are its various networks and to what degree does it now influence the United States?

First of all the questions weren’t across the board. They were about Abedin’s family specifically with unproven claims HER FAMILY have ties with the Muslim Brotherhood and that SHE was infiltrating and unduly influencing government. An employee vetted with a high-level security clearance.

I like to bust spin messages by playing my favorite game, “let’s go with that” and carry forward Gingrich’s defense premise to other scenarios to see if the logic applies. It should if it’s a principle. So imagine if some told Gingrich or you….
“Your daughter has sex with donkeys? Right? Hey, I’m just asking questions. I’m just investigating if women are sexually loose “across the board.”

I don’t know if Gingrich has a daughter, but I bet he wouldn’t tolerate an accusation sitting out there demeaning his daughter while giving the accuser time and freedom to do a fishing expedition for a valid investigation to tie it to. And having no proof at all to support a dangerous claim."
Maybe its just my libertarian nature, but I really don't see the big deal about the recent string of people sending cock shots to other people.

I couldn't care less, it's about how he treats his wife. The lowlife drags her out there, not once, but twice, to cover for his shame. A man would shield her from the fallout, not use her as a shield. Well, IMO, a man wouldn't be in this position in the first place.

Then she reads that statement, and honestly she looked like one of those people taken prisoner by Al Queda reading a statement about the imperialistic united states...then she starts to move off stage and he says to her "don't go far". Seriously?

I absolutely think he's a monster, and it makes me wonder just how abusive he is to her in private. Because what he has done to her is abuse. I, DARLA, would vote for a republican against him. So how do you like that? I always said I would vote for a republican only at gun point and even then I might choose the bullet. I guess you never know.
that much is she paying?

Women don't pay for these things, are you serious? I can't get over the whole phenomenon. I wish someone could explain it to me. I saw some commentors on Jezebel claiming they do like getting d-pictures. I find it hard to believe, but I certainly respect other women's sexuality, and that is fine for them. (though I can't help it, still mind-boggling to me) In my entire life I got one. It was only last year actually. Completely unsolicited, and anonymous. I looked up the number it was sent from and it was some sort of cell proxy service that you can get online (which I had never even heard of before). I strongly suspect I know who sent it, some idiot who was harrassing me every week in a networking group I belonged to. Every other week actually. I no longer belong to the group. Also, I was furious, and disgusted.

My personal feeling is keep it in your pants guys. That should be something for your lover only. I am not interested in those shots. Just doesn't do anything for me, but to each their own. A guy who is sending them all around like Weiner though, I do feel there is something predatory about that. Also, gross. Also, unless you are madly and lustfully in love there really is nothing all that fascinating about a penis. It is not about the body part, but who it is attached to. If it is about the body part, it's objectification and just not hot. Hot is YOUR penis. (assuming you are the one I am madly and lustfully in love with) Not hot is A penis. I guess that I am just a typical female that way, how do you like that huh? The big scary radical feminist. Just my two cents. Since you guys all put in your, cents! lol
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