Shrubbie and Maineman

As far as wasting more time, sorry but he can look at a page full of contrary evidence and still insist he is right...been there, done that. TFF

glad you admit that.....that is exactly what you do time after time....

Odd we never here the pinheads whining that Clinton was LYING about Saddam....after all, he was bombing the shit out of them since 1993 on just
about daily basis....AND threatening all out war with him....I wonder if he was gonna get the consent of Congress first.
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Odd we never here the pinheads whining that Clinton was LYING about Saddam....after all, he was bombing the shit out of them since 1993 on just about daily basis....AND threatening all out war with him....I wonder if he was gonna get the consent of Congress first.

I guess Bush had a time machine that allowed him to fool the Democrats with lies before he was president.
Odd we never here the pinheads whining that Clinton was LYING about Saddam....after all, he was bombing the shit out of them since 1993 on just
about daily basis....AND threatening all out war with him....I wonder if he was gonna get the consent of Congress first.

You sure make a lot of assumptions.
Where did they go?

What happens if the WMDS were shipped over the Syria, Obama invades the country sometime in the next several months, and ground forces happen upon the cache?

Now, there's something that would fundamentally alter our understanding of recent history (Probably not going to play out exactly like that, though...)!

#Axe to grind
What happens if the WMDS were shipped over the Syria, Obama invades the country sometime in the next several months, and ground forces happen upon the cache?

Now, there's something that would fundamentally alter our understanding of recent history (Probably not going to play out exactly like that, though...)!

#Axe to grind

If that happens then it happens and our history is indeed altered.
A) You can't compare the '90's to 2002-03. Has it occurred to you that the sanctions implemented in the '90's to get Saddam to disarm actually WORKED?
B) My biggest problem with Bush is not the lies, which are documented and verfiable. It's the dishonest portrayal of the evidence that the admin did have. "The intel was being fixed around the policy" - let's not forget those words. That's exactly what they did; they stacked & cherrypicked what they had to support a case for war. They didn't present what they had in an objective way; it was all to serve the agenda.

Is that a "lie"? Maybe not - but it sure ain't honest.

The Dem. quotes cover almost EVERY year from 1996 up and including are you trying to compare....

Bush's so called lies are the EXACT same things said by those Democrats AFTER the Dems. were saying those for YEARS.....YEARS !

Was the NIE written by and compiled 16 different intelligence agencys dishonest...did they cherrypick facts...did the NIE writers want war ?

Were the Democrats fixing the intell. all during the Clinton administration, including 2000 ?...Bush wasn't president until Jan of 2001 you realize....and that genius fixed
all the intell in the next two years to AGREE with what Clinton was saying for the last 8 years...?....really? Is that your contention.....its laughable

Bush fixed the intell. to agree and confirm what Clinton and the Democrats were saying about Saddam and wmd...before he become president ???

How far are you capable of stretching your imagination to convince yourself of this nonsense ?....can you think for yourself at all ?
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The Dem. quotes cover almost EVERY year from 1996 up and including are you trying to compare....

Bush's so called lies are the EXACT same things said by those Democrats AFTER the Dems. were saying those for YEARS.....YEARS !

Was the NIE written by and compiled 16 different intelligence agencys dishonest...did they cherrypick facts...did the NIE writers want war ?

Were the Democrats fixing the intell. all during the Clinton administration, including 2000 ?...Bush wasn't president until Jan of 2001 you realize....and that genius fixed
all the intell in the next two years to AGREE with what Clinton was saying for the last 8 years...?....really? Is that your contention.....its laughable

Bush fixed the intell. to agree and confirm what Clinton and the Democrats were saying about Saddam and wmd...before he become president ???

How far are you capable of stretching your imagination to convince yourself of this nonsense ?....can you think for yourself at all ?
. Only one democrat -Gore - ever expressed absolute certainty about Saddam's supposed stockpiles of WMD 's... And he wasn't CINC at the time.