Shrubbie and Maineman

How far are you capable of stretching your imagination to convince yourself of this nonsense ?....can you think for yourself at all ?

I think I can explain...

What they "believe", or desperately want to believe, is that Saddam was soooo gawdawfully scared of Clinton .... Clinton's tactics of occasionally lobbing Tomahawk missiles into unoccupied office buildings in the middle of the night after announcing they were coming .... was such a terrifying tactic that Saddam fully cooperated with United Nations weapons inspectors...

... which for some right-wing fascist reason doesn't quite match the accounts of some weapons inspectors ...

... and the weapons inspectors were able to completely decommission Saddam's entire chemical and biological munitions cache...

... even though they never found any, even during/after Clinton's terrifying "assaults"...

Will we ever get a full accounting of what happened to the WMDs? No.

An anecdote of the era the libby dibbies conveniently omit from their "histories" is that there was a United Nations oil embargo on Iraqi oil linked to Saddam's unwillingness to cooperate with United Nations weapons inspectors. Nations were doing an end-run around this embargo with the assistance of the United Nations General Secretary Khoffi Anan's very own son, and lots of people were getting rich, including Khoffi Anan's son, and presumably Khoffi himself, and countries were enjoying discounted black market oil.

The embargo, the weapons inspections program, and the entire operation of the United Nations were corrupted from top to bottom.

Is it possible for libtards to admit one of the most beloved hobby horses, the United Nations, was corrupt and ineffectual? Obviously not...

... the more palatable option for libtards is to blame a supremely decent human being, President GW Bush.
How far are you capable of stretching your imagination to convince yourself of this nonsense ?....can you think for yourself at all ?

I think I can explain...

What they "believe", or desperately want to believe, is that Saddam was soooo gawdawfully scared of Clinton .... Clinton's tactics of occasionally lobbing Tomahawk missiles into unoccupied office buildings in the middle of the night after announcing they were coming .... was such a terrifying tactic that Saddam fully cooperated with United Nations weapons inspectors...

... which for some right-wing fascist reason doesn't quite match the accounts of some weapons inspectors ...

... and the weapons inspectors were able to completely decommission Saddam's entire chemical and biological munitions cache...

... even though they never found any, even during/after Clinton's terrifying "assaults"...

Will we ever get a full accounting of what happened to the WMDs? No.

An anecdote of the era the libby dibbies conveniently omit from their "histories" is that there was a United Nations oil embargo on Iraqi oil linked to Saddam's unwillingness to cooperate with United Nations weapons inspectors. Nations were doing an illegal and criminal end-run around this embargo with the assistance of the United Nations General Secretary Khoffi Anan's very own son, and lots of people were getting rich, including Khoffi Anan's son, and presumably Khoffi himself, and countries were enjoying discounted black market oil.

The embargo, the weapons inspections program, and the entire operation of the United Nations were corrupted from top to bottom. Obviously those involved did a mad dash to eliminate incriminating evidence in the leadup to the invasion to cover their tracks, which would have need Saddam's cooperation. It's very likely the WMDs disappeared with the oil embargo evidence.

Is it possible for libtards to admit one of their most beloved hobby horses, the United Nations, was corrupt, criminal, and ineffectual? Obviously not...

... the more palatable option for libtards is to blame a supremely decent human being, President GW Bush.
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I think I can explain...

What they "believe", or desperately want to believe, is that Saddam was soooo gawdawfully scared of Clinton .... Clinton's tactics of occasionally lobbing Tomahawk missiles into unoccupied office buildings in the middle of the night after announcing they were coming .... was such a terrifying tactic that Saddam fully cooperated with United Nations weapons inspectors...

... which for some right-wing fascist reason doesn't quite match the accounts of some weapons inspectors ...

... and the weapons inspectors were able to completely decommission Saddam's entire chemical and biological munitions cache...

... even though they never found any, even during/after Clinton's terrifying "assaults"...

Will we ever get a full accounting of what happened to the WMDs? No.

An anecdote of the era the libby dibbies conveniently omit from their "histories" is that there was a United Nations oil embargo on Iraqi oil linked to Saddam's unwillingness to cooperate with United Nations weapons inspectors. Nations were doing an end-run around this embargo with the assistance of the United Nations General Secretary Khoffi Anan's very own son, and lots of people were getting rich, including Khoffi Anan's son, and presumably Khoffi himself, and countries were enjoying discounted black market oil.

The embargo, the weapons inspections program, and the entire operation of the United Nations were corrupted from top to bottom.

Is it possible for libtards to admit one of the most beloved hobby horses, the United Nations, was corrupt and ineffectual? Obviously not...

... the more palatable option for libtards is to blame a supremely decent human being, President GW Bush.

:rofl: you are delusional.
wow....hit a nerve did I ?

what the fuck dude are you an emotion vampire.

being a sociopath you cant feel emotions so you lick them off the screen when you think you have detected some emotion?

do you have any idea how fucking sick in the head you look here at times.

Like some leach hoping to learn what human emotion really tastes like because your a black void inside.
you are delusional.

And clearly your commanding knowledge of the issue has hit a brick wall.

It's been my experience that liberal hacks like yourself usually have a vested interest in clinging to their stories, even after they're so clearly cornered. What's your interest? Food Stamps? Section 8 housing? Medicaid? SNAP? WIC? SSI?
taft the only person you have cornered is the poor dupe at the coffee maker at work who has to listen to you rant just to get a fucking cup of coffee
BTW I have worked in my lifetime at regular jobs

Obviously by "regular jobs" you mean "jobs that never lifted me out of the 47%".

Those who've spent a lifetime paying taxes rarely share your support of government largesse. Unless they've reached the Kennedy/Heinz-Kerry/Rockefeller level of wealth, when they no longer have income to tax, only capital gains. Then they make a return to supporting government largesse.
that's right fuckstain.

college jobs and then I got married and had a baby.

oh the crime of it all

fuck you very much
so if you claim working only counts if you have a six figure job then how do you get everyone six figure jobs?

what a fucking dumb ass you are.

job is a job and people who work an honest job deserve respect don't you think?


you only think wealthy people have morals.

you peer into your own dead heart and think ONLY MONEY makes the person.

fucking scumbait
And clearly your commanding knowledge of the issue has hit a brick wall.

It's been my experience that liberal hacks like yourself usually have a vested interest in clinging to their stories, even after they're so clearly cornered. What's your interest? Food Stamps? Section 8 housing? Medicaid? SNAP? WIC? SSI?

taft the only person you have cornered is the poor dupe at the coffee maker at work who has to listen to you rant just to get a fucking cup of coffee

LOL, why bother responding when Desh handled you so well.
What a dipshit, and no, I am an employer and have never collected anything you fucking moron. Unlike you you though, I am not a selfish selfcentered prick and believe in doing the best thing for humanity. Seriously fuck off and die.

By the way, "a supremely decent human being, President GW Bush." Bravo would be very proud of you you deluded hack. Bush was a relentless moron who couldn't even speak English
and allowed the destruction of the world economy to please his friends with tax breaks, started fake wars which emptied our treasury and killed and wounded hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of innocent people, while saddling generation after future generation with back-breaking debt. you fool.

He didn't have a decent cell in his entire body, he was literally a plaque upon mankind, likely one of the ones predicted in the Bible. Go fuck yourself.
so if you claim working only counts if you have a six figure job then how do you get everyone six figure jobs?

what a fucking dumb ass you are.

job is a job and people who work an honest job deserve respect don't you think?


you only think wealthy people have morals.

you peer into your own dead heart and think ONLY MONEY makes the person.

fucking scumbait

No, that's not what I said.

What I was saying was that generally it is those who share your epic life-fail that sit around all day having political tantrums demanding handouts from those who succeeded in life. Not entirely, but generally.

I can tell you quite candidly that the reason for your failure is a deep hatred you harbor for those more successful than you. If you turned that hatred into admiration and emulation, you might do better for yourself. Instead, your hatred makes you delusional and you read and hear things that were never said. That's a fatal flaw to achieving success.
Obviously by "regular jobs" you mean "jobs that never lifted me out of the 47%".

Those who've spent a lifetime paying taxes rarely share your support of government largesse. Unless they've reached the Kennedy/Heinz-Kerry/Rockefeller level of wealth, when they no longer have income to tax, only capital gains. Then they make a return to supporting government largesse.

You are just a fool who believes someday the rich will let you into their club. I suggest buying lottery tickets, it is basically your only chance. lol
Quote Originally Posted by evince
taft the only person you have cornered is the poor dupe at the coffee maker at work who has to listen to you rant just to get a fucking cup of coffee

That was classic. Glad Rune quoted it so i didn't miss it. It's Deshisms like that one that I love and miss.
No, that's not what I said.

What I was saying was that generally it is those who share your epic life-fail that sit around all day having political tantrums demanding handouts from those who succeeded in life. Not entirely, but generally.

I can tell you quite candidly that the reason for your failure is a deep hatred you harbor for those more successful than you. If you turned that hatred into admiration and emulation, you might do better for yourself. Instead, your hatred makes you delusional and you read and hear things that were never said. That's a fatal flaw to achieving success.

No, that's not what I said.

What I was saying was that generally it is those who share your epic life-fail that sit around all day having political tantrums demanding handouts from those who succeeded in life. Not entirely, but generally.

I can tell you quite candidly that the reason for your failure is a deep hatred you harbor for those more successful than you. If you turned that hatred into admiration and emulation, you might do better for yourself. Instead, your hatred makes you delusional and you read and hear things that were never said. That's a fatal flaw to achieving success.

yeap a fuckstain that thinks being a stay at home mom is an epic fail.

a heart made of petrified rat shit you have