Shrubbie and Maineman

What happens if the WMDS were shipped over the Syria, Obama invades the country sometime in the next several months, and ground forces happen upon the cache?

Now, there's something that would fundamentally alter our understanding of recent history (Probably not going to play out exactly like that, though...)!

#Axe to grind

In October 2003, the US intelligence community publicly pointed for the first time to transfers of WMD from Iraq to Syria. The Director of the National Imagery and Mapping Agency, James Clapper, said it linked the disappearance of Iraqi WMD with the huge number of Iraqi trucks entering Syria before and during the US invasion; based on satellite imagery, it assessed that these trucks contained missiles and WMD components. Shipments to Syria were supervised by Saddam’s most loyal intelligence agents. Once the shipments were made, these agents would leave and the regular border guards resumed their posts.

Moreover, captured Iraqi documents record that the Russian ‘spetsnaz’ moved many of Saddam’s weapons and related goods, including chemicals used to make chemical weapons plus missile components and MIG jet parts, out of Iraq and into Syria in the weeks before the 2003 invasion.

Read more:
Yes, those rich folks trolling for another tax cut... writing off their planes and yachts as business expenses... going for tax shelters... they sure do support big govt - when it helps them.

You mean like John Kerry? Oh, that's right he moors his yacht in a state where he pays lower taxes- how quaint.

The fact of the matter is that the wealthy pay the majority of taxes. They do this at a very low rate because they usually only pay capital gains. I have no actual problem with that. My problem is that we continue to grow government which causes the rest of us, to be bled. by said government in the way of income tax increases; loss of write offs etc. In addition, the areas of government that liberals tend to grow are welfare programs, and public sector jobs- ALL a cost to the middle and upper middle class. What this is doing is shrinking our middle class. The wealthy will NEVER give their wealth over to elected officials- NO, elected officials (aka the political class) ARE a part of the wealthy!

The only real hope for the average Joe to live a happy life, financially speaking, is to shrink government not grow it!

Everyone is still trying to make sense (or in the Democrats' case, make hay with) Mitt Romney's disparging remarks about "the 47 percent," but where did he come with that number and why are these people not paying income taxes?
While Romney's statement is technically true, and widely used conservative talking point, it's highly misleading and hardly the justifies the critique that these tax shirkers "should take personal responsibility and care for their lives." Even conservative pundit Ramesh Ponnuru said that the argument was "an intellectual and political dead end." The two main problems with Romney's statement are that many of the people in that 47 percent aren't actually living off government handouts — and they don't all vote Democratic either. Economics writers all over the internet broke out the chart machines to debunk these two claims. Here's the basics:
For starters, as you probably know, the 47 percent only applies to federal income taxes: Not the numerous other taxes that people have to pay. For example, 28 percent of Americans don't pay income tax, but they do contribute payroll taxes, which is what funds the two biggest entitlement programs, Medicare and Social Security. However, they either make next to nothing in wages or they qualify for enough credits (dependent exemptions; mortgage, tuition or student loan deductions, etc) to wipe out their tax bill. A family of four that makes less than $30,000 a year can easily erase their tax liability though standard deductions. These people have jobs and may or may not receive any government assistance at all. This popular chart from the Tax Policy Center is where the 47 percent figure originates, but it shows how the numbers break down:

So that leaves 18 percent of people who do not work at all, or make so little that they don't even pay payroll taxes. More than half of that group (10 percent of people) are retired and elderly people. They live off pensions or Social Security benefits, which are not taxed. But they spent a lifetime paying into those funds and no one would call them irresponsible. Not even Mitt Romney wants to axe Social Security.
So that means that of the Americans who don't pay income taxes, 83 percent either have a job or are retired. The rest — less then 10 percent of the total population — are probably unemployed (though even unemployment benefits are taxed); are too poor to pay taxes, or simply didn't file a return. Some of them are even be rich people who found ways to avoid having any liability, although that's a very small number of Americans. Plus, depending on where they live, most people pay some form of state and local income taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, or other government fees. When you total those up and compare by income group, we all come out paying about as much in taxes as our share of income:

(One other point about payroll taxes too: If you do pay them, that's 15.3% of your income (half paid by your employer, the other half by you) or about 1.5 percent more than Mitt Romney paid in taxes in 2011.)
Excellent chart. It represents why progressive taxation is the only fair form of taxation.
You mean like John Kerry? Oh, that's right he moors his yacht in a state where he pays lower taxes- how quaint.

The fact of the matter is the wealthy pay the majority of taxes. They do this at a very low rate because they usually only pay capital gains. I have no actual problem with that. My problem is that we continue to grow government which causes the rest of us to be bled by said government in the way of income tax increases; loss of write offs etc. In addition, the areas of government that liberals tend to grow are welfare programs, and public sector jobs- ALL a cost to the middle and upper middle class. What this is doing is shrinking our middle class. The wealthy will NEVER give their wealth over to elected officials- NO, elected officials (aka the political class) ARE a part of the wealthy!

The only real hope for the average Joe to live a happy life, financially speaking, is to shrink government not grow it!

bullshit and blather with no facts to back it.

dead brained clone
bullshit and blather with no facts to back it.

dead brained clone

Do you need special attention? All you post is insult and blather! I have seen your ass ripped apart over your support of Obama's Syrian policy, only to be cheered by the same posters when you spew insults- I guess you have been schooled to know your only accepted place in this forum, no?

Many people think that the rich are able to weasel their way out of taxes, but they actually pay an overwhelming majority of the taxes in the United States.

What's more, their share of the tax burden is increasing.

The top 10 percent of taxpayers paid over 70% of the total amount collected in federal income taxes in 2010, the latest year figures are available, according to the Tax Foundation, a think tank that advocates for lower taxes. That's up from 55% in 1986.

You mean like John Kerry? Oh, that's right he moors his yacht in a state where he pays lower taxes- how quaint.

The fact of the matter is that the wealthy pay the majority of taxes. They do this at a very low rate because they usually only pay capital gains. I have no actual problem with that. My problem is that we continue to grow government which causes the rest of us, to be bled. by said government in the way of income tax increases; loss of write offs etc. In addition, the areas of government that liberals tend to grow are welfare programs, and public sector jobs- ALL a cost to the middle and upper middle class. What this is doing is shrinking our middle class. The wealthy will NEVER give their wealth over to elected officials- NO, elected officials (aka the political class) ARE a part of the wealthy!

The only real hope for the average Joe to live a happy life, financially speaking, is to shrink government not grow it!
Are you kidding? Have you ever read anything besides a GOP talking points manual?

What a bunch of well rehearsed poorly thought out bullshit. Give it up lady, this isn't your bridge club.
Do you need special attention? All you post is insult and blather! I have seen your ass ripped apart over your support of Obama's Syrian policy, only to be cheered by the same posters when you spew insults- I guess you have been schooled to know your only accepted place in this forum, no?

Many people think that the rich are able to weasel their way out of taxes, but they actually pay an overwhelming majority of the taxes in the United States.

What's more, their share of the tax burden is increasing.

The top 10 percent of taxpayers paid over 70% of the total amount collected in federal income taxes in 2010, the latest year figures are available, according to the Tax Foundation, a think tank that advocates for lower taxes. That's up from 55% in 1986.

View attachment 2337

Do you need special medication?
Ther rich ROUTINELY pay capitol gains tax on earnings, in many cases it is their entire compensation. It is the biggest fraud going.
Secondly, yes they pay 70% of the income tax on 90% of the income, while 100 times as many people pay ALL the other taxes required in life, a far larger share of the total tax base than income tax alone.

Peddle your drooling simple minded lies to those stupid enough to not question them.
Peddle your drooling simple minded lies to those stupid enough to not question them.

The way you do - in effect - when you "ignore" people whose views differ from yours?

Now, maybe Tekkygal the sideline cheerleader will cheer you again.
Do you need special medication?
Ther rich ROUTINELY pay capitol gains tax on earnings, in many cases it is their entire compensation. It is the biggest fraud going.
Secondly, yes they pay 70% of the income tax on 90% of the income, while 100 times as many people pay ALL the other taxes required in life, a far larger share of the total tax base than income tax alone.

Peddle your drooling simple minded lies to those stupid enough to not question them.

I see, somehow you are also under the mistaken idea that insult equals intelligent debate.

The wealthy have so much wealth that capital gains tax provides 70% of income tax contributions. In addition they also pay property taxes on the most expensive properties; sales tax on the most expensive items; etc- JUST like the rest of us.

The only slobbering fool(s) are those who keep eating their own tail by growing government.
Do you need special attention? All you post is insult and blather! I have seen your ass ripped apart over your support of Obama's Syrian policy, only to be cheered by the same posters when you spew insults- I guess you have been schooled to know your only accepted place in this forum, no?

Many people think that the rich are able to weasel their way out of taxes, but they actually pay an overwhelming majority of the taxes in the United States.

What's more, their share of the tax burden is increasing.

The top 10 percent of taxpayers paid over 70% of the total amount collected in federal income taxes in 2010, the latest year figures are available, according to the Tax Foundation, a think tank that advocates for lower taxes. That's up from 55% in 1986.

View attachment 2337

Presenting FACTS to a fool like desh is like pouring water on a duck,,,,it just doesn't penetrate....
Do you need special medication?
Ther rich ROUTINELY pay capitol gains tax on earnings, in many cases it is their entire compensation. It is the biggest fraud going.
Secondly, yes they pay 70% of the income tax on 90% of the income, while 100 times as many people pay ALL the other taxes required in life, a far larger share of the total tax base than income tax alone.

Peddle your drooling simple minded lies to those stupid enough to not question them.

As desh would comment....."bullshit with no proof".

Of course the rich pay all those "other taxes" required in life also...kinda of a lie to suggest otherwise.
The way you do - in effect - when you "ignore" people whose views differ from yours?

Now, maybe Tekkygal the sideline cheerleader will cheer you again.

If you mean ignoring ILA who completely refuses to refrain from using heinously offensive pejoratives, then yes.

I already told you this is my single problem with him, and I have every right to choose not to be grossly offended.
If you mean ignoring ILA who completely refuses to refrain from using heinously offensive pejoratives, then yes.

I already told you this is my single problem with him, and I have every right to choose not to be grossly offended.

You do indeed.

If those who are ignored don't want to be .. perhaps they should consider growing the fuck up.
I see, somehow you are also under the mistaken idea that insult equals intelligent debate.

The wealthy have so much wealth that capital gains tax provides 70% of income tax contributions. In addition they also pay property taxes on the most expensive properties; sales tax on the most expensive items; etc- JUST like the rest of us.

The only slobbering fool(s) are those who keep eating their own tail by growing government.

So replying in kind means I am under the mistaken idea that insult equals intelligent debate? Sorry my dear, you are accurately describing yourself, not me.
As the following quote proves, I was only responding in kind, AND it is you who continued to choose to insult rather than debate, since you didn't answer a single one of five distinct points I raised.

Clean your mirror, it is hiding your true self from you. By the way, it is not pretty.

Originally Posted by Montessa
Do you need special attention? All you post is insult and blather! I have seen your ass ripped apart over your support of Obama's Syrian policy, only to be cheered by the same posters when you spew insults- I guess you have been schooled to know your only accepted place in this forum, no?

Many people think that the rich are able to weasel their way out of taxes, but they actually pay an overwhelming majority of the taxes in the United States.

What's more, their share of the tax burden is increasing.

The top 10 percent of taxpayers paid over 70% of the total amount collected in federal income taxes in 2010, the latest year figures are available, according to the Tax Foundation, a think tank that advocates for lower taxes. That's up from 55% in 1986.

Attachment 2337

Do you need special medication?
Ther rich ROUTINELY pay capitol gains tax on earnings, in many cases it is their entire compensation. It is the biggest fraud going.
Secondly, yes they pay 70% of the income tax on 90% of the income, while 100 times as many people pay ALL the other taxes required in life, a far larger share of the total tax base than income tax alone.

Peddle your drooling simple minded lies to those stupid enough to not question them.
The fact of the matter is that the wealthy pay the majority of taxes. They do this at a very low rate because they usually only pay capital gains. I have no actual problem with that.

I do. The rich go blubbering to the govt, begging that their income be taxed at a rate less than the income of plumbers, construction workers, computer programmers, etc because "they're special".

And then they complain when the rest of us want clean water, clean air, a safety net for the poor, elderly, children, real health care reform, etc.

Did you bother reading Rune's post? Or were you too eager to spew talking points?
I do. The rich go blubbering to the govt, begging that their income be taxed at a rate less than the income of plumbers, construction workers, computer programmers, etc because "they're special".

And then they complain when the rest of us want clean water, clean air, a safety net for the poor, elderly, children, real health care reform, etc.

Did you bother reading Rune's post? Or were you too eager to spew talking points?

yeah and then they say "we will invest it into the economy".

then they don't and take huge bonuses and then the right wing Idiots fall for it again the next time