Shrubbie and Maineman

Many people think that the rich are able to weasel their way out of taxes, but they actually pay an overwhelming majority of the taxes in the United States.


What's more, their share of the tax burden is increasing.

So what? So is their share of the entire "income" pie.

The top 10 percent of taxpayers paid over 70% of the total amount collected in federal income taxes in 2010, the latest year figures are available, according to the Tax Foundation, a think tank that advocates for lower taxes. That's up from 55% in 1986.

View attachment 2337


Are the top 10% in imminent danger of losing their homes to foreclosure?

Do the top 10% have to decide each month whether they will pay all the bills or feed their children?

Just find me some evidence the top 10% are suffering from the same hardships the bottom 20% suffer each month and we can talk.
So replying in kind means I am under the mistaken idea that insult equals intelligent debate? Sorry my dear, you are accurately describing yourself, not me.
As the following quote proves, I was only responding in kind, AND it is you who continued to choose to insult rather than debate, since you didn't answer a single one of five distinct points I raised.

Clean your mirror, it is hiding your true self from you. By the way, it is not pretty.

Originally Posted by Montessa
Do you need special attention? All you post is insult and blather! I have seen your ass ripped apart over your support of Obama's Syrian policy, only to be cheered by the same posters when you spew insults- I guess you have been schooled to know your only accepted place in this forum, no?

Many people think that the rich are able to weasel their way out of taxes, but they actually pay an overwhelming majority of the taxes in the United States.

What's more, their share of the tax burden is increasing.

The top 10 percent of taxpayers paid over 70% of the total amount collected in federal income taxes in 2010, the latest year figures are available, according to the Tax Foundation, a think tank that advocates for lower taxes. That's up from 55% in 1986.

Attachment 2337

Do you need special medication?
Ther rich ROUTINELY pay capitol gains tax on earnings, in many cases it is their entire compensation. It is the biggest fraud going.
Secondly, yes they pay 70% of the income tax on 90% of the income, while 100 times as many people pay ALL the other taxes required in life, a far larger share of the total tax base than income tax alone.

Peddle your drooling simple minded lies to those stupid enough to not question them.

Seriously, I did not lob insults. I may have responded pointedly TO insults, but hardly began them. I can certainly assert that FACT in this thread quite easily. I note you did not quote the post I responded to- telling THAT! I also should point out that you needed to assert that I am a "retard" to a post I made. I had not called you or anyone else any name(s). I suppose that was also deserved because, well, you said so. I suggest you stop behaving like a 3rd grader if you want me to pay attention to you after this post.

I have personally read your and evince's posts packed full of insult and invective in this and other threads. My holding up a mirror to the two of you is entirely within the bounds of polite rebuttal. Especially when you consider you made the first personal attacks.

Your points have failed. Both the personal insults whine, as well as the economic truths you attempted to attack.
I do. The rich go blubbering to the govt, begging that their income be taxed at a rate less than the income of plumbers, construction workers, computer programmers, etc because "they're special".

And then they complain when the rest of us want clean water, clean air, a safety net for the poor, elderly, children, real health care reform, etc.

Did you bother reading Rune's post? Or were you too eager to spew talking points?

The rates paid by EVERY taxpayer have nothing to do with your don't talk stupid....

The cap. gains rates for EVERYONE are the same for don't matter if you're a plumber or a CEO.....

Are you people really so ignorant of the most basic of tax law. ???

So what? So is their share of the entire "income" pie.


Are the top 10% in imminent danger of losing their homes to foreclosure?

Do the top 10% have to decide each month whether they will pay all the bills or feed their children?

Just find me some evidence the top 10% are suffering from the same hardships the bottom 20% suffer each month and we can talk.

Romney may not be able to build those car elevators in ALL his houses.... oh, the trials he faces!
I do. The rich go blubbering to the govt, begging that their income be taxed at a rate less than the income of plumbers, construction workers, computer programmers, etc because "they're special".

And then they complain when the rest of us want clean water, clean air, a safety net for the poor, elderly, children, real health care reform, etc.

Did you bother reading Rune's post? Or were you too eager to spew talking points?

YOU don't get it! The rich ARE the government- at least the elected and appointed members of government. Seriously, the political class are rich just like the Rockefeller's etc!

All the agencies created to screw the average Joe, not only from his making money on his own land; service and or product, but by taxing the bejeebus out of him. That is not to say some government oversight isn't needed. It is not an all or nothing equation. THAT is the kind of thinking that the political class hope to keep alive! That is how they win elections.

Growing government has never been the answer. Limited government allows for everyone to succeed. Note that I did not say guarantees everyone will succeed.
Do you need special medication?
Ther rich ROUTINELY pay capitol gains tax on earnings, in many cases it is their entire compensation. It is the biggest fraud going.
Secondly, yes they pay 70% of the income tax on 90% of the income, while 100 times as many people pay ALL the other taxes required in life, a far larger share of the total tax base than income tax alone.

Peddle your drooling simple minded lies to those stupid enough to not question them.

Don't advertise you stupidity in public so much....I'm embarrassed for you...

Top 10 Percent of Earners Paid Majority of US Tax Percentage

Top earners are the target for new tax increases, but the federal income tax system is already highly progressive. The top 10 percent of income earners paid 71 percent of all federal income taxes in 2009 though they earned 43 percent of all income. The bottom 50 percent paid 2 percent of income taxes but earned 13 percent of total income. About half of tax filers paid no federal income tax at all.

And what percentage of the income they earned is irrelevant. We are all free to earn whatever we can...
YOU don't get it! The rich ARE the government- at least the elected and appointed members of government. Seriously, the political class are rich just like the Rockefeller's etc!

All the agencies created to screw the average Joe, not only from his making money on his own land; service and or product, but by taxing the bejeebus out of him. That is not to say some government oversight isn't needed. It is not an all or nothing equation. THAT is the kind of thinking that the political class hope to keep alive! That is how they win elections.

Growing government has never been the answer. Limited government allows for everyone to succeed. Note that I did not say guarantees everyone will succeed.

So wait - you're saying the rich use the govt to screw the poor and thus we shouldn't have govt? How about we just toss rich folks out of govt instead?

What do you mean by "limited govt"? That has a lot of meanings to a lot of different people. Perhaps if you specified what you would limit, that would help me understand where you are coming from.
I do. The rich go blubbering to the govt, begging that their income be taxed at a rate less than the income of plumbers, construction workers, computer programmers, etc because "they're special".

And then they complain when the rest of us want clean water, clean air, a safety net for the poor, elderly, children, real health care reform, etc.

Did you bother reading Rune's post? Or were you too eager to spew talking points?

The ignorance of the 47% rears its ugly head again.

You haven't a clue what capital gains taxes are, do you?

Do you think Warren Buffet or Michael Bloomberg collect paychecks?
Funny thing is, when you listen to libs they'll tell you that the 14th Amendment was passed to prevent voting majorities from passing laws that unequally impact voting minorities.

Yet they have no problem when 99% of the population gang up and pass tax laws that unequally impact 1% of the population.

Oh, they'll bluster and bloviate and rationalize, that's for sure. But none of it will fit into the square definition they've created for the 14th Amendment.
The Dem. quotes cover almost EVERY year from 1996 up and including are you trying to compare....

Bush's so called lies are the EXACT same things said by those Democrats AFTER the Dems. were saying those for YEARS.....YEARS !

Was the NIE written by and compiled 16 different intelligence agencys dishonest...did they cherrypick facts...did the NIE writers want war ?

Were the Democrats fixing the intell. all during the Clinton administration, including 2000 ?...Bush wasn't president until Jan of 2001 you realize....and that genius fixed
all the intell in the next two years to AGREE with what Clinton was saying for the last 8 years...?....really? Is that your contention.....its laughable

Bush fixed the intell. to agree and confirm what Clinton and the Democrats were saying about Saddam and wmd...before he become president ???

How far are you capable of stretching your imagination to convince yourself of this nonsense ?....can you think for yourself at all ?

Talk's cheap bravs. But just for you I did a little digging into the people making the quotes. I wanted to see how many actually voted for the war resolution in 2002 and here's the result.

Bill Clinton - unable to vote
Madeline Albright - unable to vote
Sandy Berger - unable to vote
Al Gore - unable too vote

Robert Byrd - voted no
Carl Levin - voted no
Bob Graham - voted no
Nancy Pelosi - voted no

Jay Rockefeller - voted yes
John Kerry - voted yes
Henry Waxman - voted yes
Hillary Clinton - voted yes
Tom Daschle - voted yes

Your list named 13 people. Only five of those people actually voted for the resolution. This means when push came to shove, eight either couldn't vote at all, or reconsidered their comments and voted no. So when Snopes talks about context, etc. this is what it means. Talk is cheap. Actions count. And when it came time to act, only five of the people on the list actually voted for the war.

Keep this in mind the next time you try to say all these Dems were actually in favor of the war when all they really did was give an opinion on Saddam.
They were in favor.

Every single one.

The Hildebeast of Benghazi voted for war.

She's your candidate, isn't she?

The campaign trial will be long and hard for her, unlike Bill.

Senior Bush administration officials publicly flirted with the idea that Iraq transferred weapons to other nations. The claim has been promoted on conservative media and Fox News many times over the years. In 2007, Mitt Romney said that it was "entirely possible" that weapons of mass destruction were moved from Iraq to Syria during the run-up to the Iraq war. The thing is that there is absolutely zero credible evidence that this was ever the case. I called up the State Department to ask about the theory the congressman rehashed. The first spokesperson I talked to simply laughed. The second could only say that the State Department doesn't "have any information on that." For a firmer rebuttal, here's an AP report from January 2005:

ntelligence and congressional officials say they have not seen any information—never "a piece," said one—indicating that WMD or significant amounts of components and equipment were transferred from Iraq to neighboring Syria, Jordan or elsewhere...The [Bush] administration acknowledged...that the search for banned weapons is largely over. The Iraq Survey Group’s chief, Charles Duelfer, is expected to submit the final installments of his report in February. A small number of the organization’s experts will remain on the job in case new intelligence on Iraqi WMD is unearthed.

But the officials familiar with the search say U.S. authorities have found no evidence that former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein transferred WMD or related equipment out of Iraq.
