Shrubbie and Maineman

You mean like John Kerry? Oh, that's right he moors his yacht in a state where he pays lower taxes- how quaint.

The fact of the matter is that the wealthy pay the majority of taxes. They do this at a very low rate because they usually only pay capital gains. I have no actual problem with that. My problem is that we continue to grow government which causes the rest of us, to be bled. by said government in the way of income tax increases; loss of write offs etc. In addition, the areas of government that liberals tend to grow are welfare programs, and public sector jobs- ALL a cost to the middle and upper middle class. What this is doing is shrinking our middle class. The wealthy will NEVER give their wealth over to elected officials- NO, elected officials (aka the political class) ARE a part of the wealthy!

The only real hope for the average Joe to live a happy life, financially speaking, is to shrink government not grow it!

The boat belongs to Kerry's wife. Is it possible she made the decision where to dock it?
They were in favor.

Every single one.

The Hildebeast of Benghazi voted for war.

She's your candidate, isn't she?

The campaign trial will be long and hard for her, unlike Bill.

If your recorded vote is "no" that means you were not in favor when it got down to the wire.

Everyone is still trying to make sense (or in the Democrats' case, make hay with) Mitt Romney's disparging remarks about "the 47 percent," but where did he come with that number and why are these people not paying income taxes?
While Romney's statement is technically true, and widely used conservative talking point, it's highly misleading and hardly the justifies the critique that these tax shirkers "should take personal responsibility and care for their lives." Even conservative pundit Ramesh Ponnuru said that the argument was "an intellectual and political dead end." The two main problems with Romney's statement are that many of the people in that 47 percent aren't actually living off government handouts — and they don't all vote Democratic either. Economics writers all over the internet broke out the chart machines to debunk these two claims. Here's the basics:
For starters, as you probably know, the 47 percent only applies to federal income taxes: Not the numerous other taxes that people have to pay. For example, 28 percent of Americans don't pay income tax, but they do contribute payroll taxes, which is what funds the two biggest entitlement programs, Medicare and Social Security. However, they either make next to nothing in wages or they qualify for enough credits (dependent exemptions; mortgage, tuition or student loan deductions, etc) to wipe out their tax bill. A family of four that makes less than $30,000 a year can easily erase their tax liability though standard deductions. These people have jobs and may or may not receive any government assistance at all. This popular chart from the Tax Policy Center is where the 47 percent figure originates, but it shows how the numbers break down:

So that leaves 18 percent of people who do not work at all, or make so little that they don't even pay payroll taxes. More than half of that group (10 percent of people) are retired and elderly people. They live off pensions or Social Security benefits, which are not taxed. But they spent a lifetime paying into those funds and no one would call them irresponsible. Not even Mitt Romney wants to axe Social Security.
So that means that of the Americans who don't pay income taxes, 83 percent either have a job or are retired. The rest — less then 10 percent of the total population — are probably unemployed (though even unemployment benefits are taxed); are too poor to pay taxes, or simply didn't file a return. Some of them are even be rich people who found ways to avoid having any liability, although that's a very small number of Americans. Plus, depending on where they live, most people pay some form of state and local income taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, or other government fees. When you total those up and compare by income group, we all come out paying about as much in taxes as our share of income:

(One other point about payroll taxes too: If you do pay them, that's 15.3% of your income (half paid by your employer, the other half by you) or about 1.5 percent more than Mitt Romney paid in taxes in 2011.)

You 'extrapolation' of what Romney actually said and meant is the lie....

His point was simple and should be understood even by you......

47% DON'T pay any fed. income tax, therefore

those 47% would have no interest in his cutting the income taxes on those that do pay, ergo,

that 47% would not have any reason to vote for him......

Simple, straight forward, and most of all.....the truth of the matter.

Your post is 98% convoluted bullshit.
You 'extrapolation' of what Romney actually said and meant is the lie....

His point was simple and should be understood even by you......

47% DON'T pay any fed. income tax, therefore

those 47% would have no interest in his cutting the income taxes on those that do pay, ergo,

that 47% would not have any reason to vote for him......

Simple, straight forward, and most of all.....the truth of the matter.

Your post is 98% convoluted bullshit.

Perhaps Romney should have SAID "47% don't pay fed income tax" - but he didn't did he? Are we supposed to read his mind?



Romney had NOTHING to offer for the voters except cutting tax rates? That's it? Really?

Good thing he lost if that's all he had to offer.
Perhaps Romney should have SAID "47% don't pay fed income tax" - but he didn't did he? Are we supposed to read his mind?



Romney had NOTHING to offer for the voters except cutting tax rates? That's it? Really?

Good thing he lost if that's all he had to offer.

His audience knew exactly what he was talking was meeting of obviously smart Republicans...not meant for ignorant Democrats.

You're not capable of reading his mind
I, nor Romney thinks that the ONLY issue people vote on is FIT
Romney wasn't addressing what he had to offer other voters....

Does that answer all your strawman crap, or do you have more irrelevant nonsense to ask .
Senior Bush administration officials publicly flirted with the idea that Iraq transferred weapons to other nations.

My own evidence, for what it is worth, is purely anecdotal. As I drove east from Damascus in mid-March 2003 to cross the border into Iraq, my Iraqi Kurdish companion said he had spoken to Kurdish truck drivers who regularly used the road.

They reported an unusual build-up of traffic out of Iraq in previous days. Closed convoys of unmarked trucks, which other drivers were forbidden from approaching or overtaking, had been streaming across the border into Syria.

My companion was a former Kurdish peshmerga militia leader. A survivor of thallium poisoning by agents of Saddam Hussein, he was returning from Europe in time for the impending war.
His audience knew exactly what he was talking was meeting of obviously smart Republicans...not meant for ignorant Democrats.

You're not capable of reading his mind
I, nor Romney thinks that the ONLY issue people vote on is FIT
Romney wasn't addressing what he had to offer other voters....

Does that answer all your strawman crap, or do you have more irrelevant nonsense to ask .

Just using your "so called logic" Nova. You said
"47% DON'T pay any fed. income tax, therefore

those 47% would have no interest in his cutting the income taxes on those that do pay, ergo,

that 47% would not have any reason to vote for him......"

So YOU said there is no reason to vote for Romney except for cutting income taxes.

YOU said 47% of the people in this country wouldn't vote for him because he's not cutting their income taxes.

SO YOU said he had nothing else to offer.

Wow. What a lack of faith in your candidate.
Just using your "so called logic" Nova. You said
"47% DON'T pay any fed. income tax, therefore

those 47% would have no interest in his cutting the income taxes on those that do pay, ergo,

that 47% would not have any reason to vote for him......"

So YOU said there is no reason to vote for Romney except for cutting income taxes.

YOU said 47% of the people in this country wouldn't vote for him because he's not cutting their income taxes.

SO YOU said he had nothing else to offer.

Wow. What a lack of faith in your candidate.

Nothing new ?...the same old strawman crap ?

No...what I said is that Ronmey was saying that those 47% would not vote for him based on his cutting income taxes on those that do pay them....

No...I didn't say he had nothing else to offer, I said the topic at the time of this meeting, at that particular moment in the meeting was income tax rates...not
what he else he had to offer anybody else about any other issue....

what we hear from the clandestine tape was but a few minutes when the topic was income taxes....we don't
know what other subjects were talked about in the meeting.

I'm sticking to small words for your benefit...

Your lame persistence in an attempt to score a point is getting boring....anything else you have to offer ?
Nothing new ?...the same old strawman crap ?

No...what I said is that Ronmey was saying that those 47% would not vote for him based on his cutting income taxes on those that do pay them....

No...I didn't say he had nothing else to offer, I said the topic at the time of this meeting, at that particular moment in the meeting was income tax rates...not
what he else he had to offer anybody else about any other issue....

what we hear from the clandestine tape was but a few minutes when the topic was income taxes....we don't
know what other subjects were talked about in the meeting.

I'm sticking to small words for your benefit...

Your lame persistence in an attempt to score a point is getting boring....anything else you have to offer ?

You are denying your own words. Therefore you are not worth talking to. Of course, I knew that

You 'extrapolation' of what Romney actually said and meant is the lie....

His point was simple and should be understood even by you......

47% DON'T pay any fed. income tax, therefore

those 47% would have no interest in his cutting the income taxes on those that do pay, ergo,

that 47% would not have any reason to vote for him......

Simple, straight forward, and most of all.....the truth of the matter.

That was post number 304.

Now you are trying to squirm and pretend you said something else. But you didn't.