Shaken, not stirred!
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Okay, let me put an end to all this gunner BS.
First, the Second Amendment to the Constitution states: A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
Subsequently, this little ditty came about during Washingtons tenure as President: Militia Act of 1792,
Second Congress, Session I. Chapter XXVIII
Passed May 2, 1792,
providing for the authority of the President to call out the Militia.
And lastly, we have The Militia Act of 1903, which repealed the above and converted it into the National Guard.
I would STRONGLY urge all who believe the erroneous insinuations of the subject title of this thread to CAREFULLY go and read what I've named here....because I don't think that all the gunners and NRA toadies and suckers would be willing to actually ADHERE to the letter of the law regarding gun ownership AS DICTATED BY THE CONSTITUTION AND CONGRESS.
you're a moron if you think an act of congress can repeal an amendment to the constitution. end of story.
OMG! Who do think CREATE the Amendments, you blithering idiot!!??!!? Did you even READ the Militia Act of 1903? Stop playing "got'cha".....if an Amendment cancels out/nullifies/replaces the effects of a previous enaction of the Constitution, then that part of the law is "repealed". Different roads, same final destination. Deal with it.
I swear, the proud ignorance of the oather/threeper/birther/libertarian/neocon/teabagger mind never ceases to amaze me. Carry on.