Sick Gun Grabbers want all gun owners insured

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
We know what the framers meant because they (ie., President George Washington) elucidated with the Militia Act of 1792....something you're too frightened to read.
and apparently you're too stupid to understand that acts of congress cannot trump the constitution.

Are you really this fucking dumb or just plain stubborn to the point of insipidness?

I NEVER stated or suggested any of the sort that you assert here, STY, and the chronology of the posts proves that. Time and again I keep pointing out the LAWS passed by Congress that are IN CONJUNCTION with the Second Amendment of the Constitution......laws that intellectually dishonest NRA drones like yourself REFUSE to read, much less discuss.

Unless you've got better, I'll just ignore your parroting.
I am happy to say that there will be no new gun laws passed this year, and Obama basically admitted the "defeet" today in his speech, which I saw on CNN. You gun grabbers need to wake up and smell the gun powder. Why don't you go buy a gun and learn how to shoot it, and then your constipation will probably go away because you caved and gave up, just like Obama did. Just relax and fire a couple hundred rounds off at the range, this will relieve all the gun grabber pent-up tension you people obviously have and cure your constipation....Walla....eureka(I have found it)

Right....stupid SOB's like you have no problem with the neocon/teabagger GOP thwarting the Rule of Congress and the Constitution by threatening to filibuster a ruling that had LEGAL majority voting support in the Senate.

Yet you all whine like bitches about "unconstitutionality" the moment Obama PROPOSES anything. Hypocrits!

Well bunky, YOU didn't have the brains or courage to address my points here.....and like Obama said, the people are sure as hell going to remember this in the up-coming elections (and that goes for the cowardly Dems and Dixiecrats that went along with this garbage.)

Funny how people like YOU say that, "if you're not guilty, then the Patriot Act shouldn't bother you"....yet a simple background check has your panties in a bunch.

What are YOU afraid of, bunky? Man up and answer honestly, for a change.
tai, you're a dedicated moron. end of story. you're wrong and everyone here knows you're full of shit.

And there you have it folks.....a lame ass retort from a defeated intellectually impotent NRA flunkie.

You may have the last word, STY.....proves me right every time. Adios for now.
Actually, that one only in ONE specific case, and it was NOT a national edict that officially nullified the Militia Act of 1903. This was already addressed.

In U.S. V. Miller, 307 U.S. 174 (939) the Court upheld a federal law criminalizing the shipment of a sawed-off shotgun in interstate commerce. Concluding that the "obvious purpose" of the Second Amendment was "to assure the continuation and render possible the effectiveness" of the state militia, the Court refused to strike down the law on Second Amendment grounds absent any evidence that a sawed-off shotgun had "some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well regulated militia." The Court added that without this evidence, "we cannot say that the Second Amendment guarantees the right to keep and bear such an instrument."

That ruling did not simply address that one case, but reiterated that the 2nd is an individual right, unconnected to any military or militia service.
and apparently you're too stupid to understand that acts of congress cannot trump the constitution.

Apparently he is not bright enough to even know that Congress can not void an Amendment by making a law against it! He seems to think a damn lot like that jackass infesting the People's House now!
Watch for the coming Executive Orders from the traitor in chief..
Right....stupid SOB's like you have no problem with the neocon/teabagger GOP thwarting the Rule of Congress and the Constitution by threatening to filibuster a ruling that had LEGAL majority voting support in the Senate.

Yet you all whine like bitches about "unconstitutionality" the moment Obama PROPOSES anything. Hypocrits!

Well bunky, YOU didn't have the brains or courage to address my points here.....and like Obama said, the people are sure as hell going to remember this in the up-coming elections (and that goes for the cowardly Dems and Dixiecrats that went along with this garbage.)

Funny how people like YOU say that, "if you're not guilty, then the Patriot Act shouldn't bother you"....yet a simple background check has your panties in a bunch.

What are YOU afraid of, bunky? Man up and answer honestly, for a change.

Obama whined like a little girl that the dems in the senate stopped his crap. He planned on it passing in the Senate and failing in the Republican controlled House. That way he could use it 2014 elections blaming it ALL on the Republicans . Now the Democrat Senators put the slammers on that little play and the boyking cried like a whimpering little child about it.
What a worthless puss he is.:lolup:
Hey however many responses.....shove your citation needed shit up your ass.
You are totally losing your cool, and I have seen Libs go bonkers on the old Board act just like you are doing here with your high intensity temper tantrums, so I know what I'm talking about. Before you totally embarrass yourself and your Leftist cohors, I advise you to go seek professional help, like an Anger Management course. Folks, most Libs are like spoiled brats if they do not always get their way, in this case not getting their way was losing the gun control stuff. The problem with LeadPlate here is that there is a short circuit failure within his psyche that only counseling will help, I feel sorry for the fool.
You are totally losing your cool, and I have seen Libs go bonkers on the old Board act just like you are doing here with your high intensity temper tantrums, so I know what I'm talking about. Before you totally embarrass yourself and your Leftist cohors, I advise you to go seek professional help, like an Anger Management course. Folks, most Libs are like spoiled brats if they do not always get their way, in this case not getting their way was losing the gun control stuff. The problem with LeadPlate here is that there is a short circuit failure within his psyche that only counseling will help, I feel sorry for the fool.

Temper tantrums????TEMPER TANTRUMS??? this, coming from you? Just about every post you make is a temper tantrum. Why didn't Obama put a wanted poster up???
Right....stupid SOB's like you have no problem with the neocon/teabagger GOP thwarting the Rule of Congress and the Constitution by threatening to filibuster a ruling that had LEGAL majority voting support in the Senate.

Yet you all whine like bitches about "unconstitutionality" the moment Obama PROPOSES anything. Hypocrits!

Well bunky, YOU didn't have the brains or courage to address my points here.....and like Obama said, the people are sure as hell going to remember this in the up-coming elections (and that goes for the cowardly Dems and Dixiecrats that went along with this garbage.)

Funny how people like YOU say that, "if you're not guilty, then the Patriot Act shouldn't bother you"....yet a simple background check has your panties in a bunch.

What are YOU afraid of, bunky? Man up and answer honestly, for a change.
You Libs can only win elections when you screw up the economy, get 50 million people on Food Stamps, and then allow a bunch of illegal aliens to vote. That my dear Liberal is the whole thing in a nutshell. You are getting desperate Right here because the silent majority, who did not turn out to vote enough for Romney, will this time around do their thing. We will keep the House and secure the Senate, and you Libs will start throwing moore tantrums like you just did here, and I can hardly wait for all that the action, probably a lot of whimpering and whining....butt Right now, I will declare this little victory over you.
Temper tantrums????TEMPER TANTRUMS??? this, coming from you? Just about every post you make is a temper tantrum. Why didn't Obama put a wanted poster up???
You cannot get my goat fool, because I have added you to my lists of Libs who I dominate mentally, butt who I will also re-educate as to the ways of the silent majority. I will try my best to retrain you, to point you in the RIGHT direction so you will not feel like you do now, as useless as tits on a Boar.....TOUCHE' again
You cannot get my goat fool, because I have added you to my lists of Libs who I dominate mentally, butt who I will also re-educate as to the ways of the silent majority. I will try my best to retrain you, to point you in the RIGHT direction so you will not feel like you do now, as useless as tits on a Boar.....TOUCHE' again

Only in your own mind, "longassstringofcapitalletters"
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Actually, that one only in ONE specific case, and it was NOT a national edict that officially nullified the Militia Act of 1903. This was already addressed.

In U.S. V. Miller, 307 U.S. 174 (939) the Court upheld a federal law criminalizing the shipment of a sawed-off shotgun in interstate commerce. Concluding that the "obvious purpose" of the Second Amendment was "to assure the continuation and render possible the effectiveness" of the state militia, the Court refused to strike down the law on Second Amendment grounds absent any evidence that a sawed-off shotgun had "some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well regulated militia." The Court added that without this evidence, "we cannot say that the Second Amendment guarantees the right to keep and bear such an instrument."

That ruling did not simply address that one case, but reiterated that the 2nd is an individual right, unconnected to any military or militia service.

Not quite, because of this, ...The Court added that without this evidence, "we cannot say that the Second Amendment guarantees the right to keep and bear such an instrument."

And again, this ruling DOES NOT change the chronology of the laws regarding the Militia Acts of 1792 and 1903. All I'm saying is that IF gun rights advocates are so hyped about the Constitution and the laws derived from it, then they should follow the letter of the law. Problem with the gunners is that they just want to ignore what they don't like.

And when all is said and done, there has been no "gun grabbing" legislation passed or proposed DESPITE the NRA propaganda of the last 30 years.
Apparently he is not bright enough to even know that Congress can not void an Amendment by making a law against it! He seems to think a damn lot like that jackass infesting the People's House now!
Watch for the coming Executive Orders from the traitor in chief..

You're statement builds upon the false premise (aka LIE) that STY has put forth. I suggest you go back and READ CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY what I wrote in the exchange.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Right....stupid SOB's like you have no problem with the neocon/teabagger GOP thwarting the Rule of Congress and the Constitution by threatening to filibuster a ruling that had LEGAL majority voting support in the Senate.

Yet you all whine like bitches about "unconstitutionality" the moment Obama PROPOSES anything. Hypocrits!

Well bunky, YOU didn't have the brains or courage to address my points here.....and like Obama said, the people are sure as hell going to remember this in the up-coming elections (and that goes for the cowardly Dems and Dixiecrats that went along with this garbage.)

Funny how people like YOU say that, "if you're not guilty, then the Patriot Act shouldn't bother you"....yet a simple background check has your panties in a bunch.

What are YOU afraid of, bunky? Man up and answer honestly, for a change.

Obama whined like a little girl that the dems in the senate stopped his crap. He planned on it passing in the Senate and failing in the Republican controlled House. That way he could use it 2014 elections blaming it ALL on the Republicans . Now the Democrat Senators put the slammers on that little play and the boyking cried like a whimpering little child about it.
What a worthless puss he is.:lolup:

What are you, ten years old? Obama pointing the fingers at the BLOCK VOTERS, who have been very vocal about their agenda since 2008. And when he pointed out that the people should remember who voted which way come election, he sure as hell DIDN'T exclude the few Dems that sold out.

Let me educate you, bunky: The Senate had the VOTE MARGIN BY CONSTITUTIONAL LAW to pass this's the GOP who have initiated this 60 vote margin via their CONSISTENT abuse and threat of a filibuster.

A matter of fact, a matter of history that willfully ignorant parrots like yourself refuse to acknowledge.

So what's your problem, bunky....scared of a backgroud check?
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Right....stupid SOB's like you have no problem with the neocon/teabagger GOP thwarting the Rule of Congress and the Constitution by threatening to filibuster a ruling that had LEGAL majority voting support in the Senate.

Yet you all whine like bitches about "unconstitutionality" the moment Obama PROPOSES anything. Hypocrits!

Well bunky, YOU didn't have the brains or courage to address my points here.....and like Obama said, the people are sure as hell going to remember this in the up-coming elections (and that goes for the cowardly Dems and Dixiecrats that went along with this garbage.)

Funny how people like YOU say that, "if you're not guilty, then the Patriot Act shouldn't bother you"....yet a simple background check has your panties in a bunch.

What are YOU afraid of, bunky? Man up and answer honestly, for a change.

You Libs can only win elections when you screw up the economy, get 50 million people on Food Stamps, and then allow a bunch of illegal aliens to vote. That my dear Liberal is the whole thing in a nutshell. You are getting desperate Right here because the silent majority, who did not turn out to vote enough for Romney, will this time around do their thing. We will keep the House and secure the Senate, and you Libs will start throwing moore tantrums like you just did here, and I can hardly wait for all that the action, probably a lot of whimpering and whining....butt Right now, I will declare this little victory over you.

See folks....a little truth, some facts and an honest challenge sends intellectually impotent neocon/teabagger parrots like SJ into a frothing, error ridden rant while AVOIDING the previous information.

To repeat: Funny how people like YOU say that, "if you're not guilty, then the Patriot Act shouldn't bother you"....yet a simple background check has your panties in a bunch.

What are YOU afraid of, bunky? Man up and answer honestly, for a change.