Sick to death of all the sock accounts around here

Its dishonest and quite frankly pretty damn childish and weird. I think a forum vote needs to be put up to do away with them and a new rule imposed of ONE account and one account only. ZERO socks. If the vote comes up favoring my proposal then it gets passed on to our CEO Damo for his approval or disapproval. Who's with me? Its high time we put an end to this nonsense for good imo.....
Just ignore them. They have no life.

They just want attention.

between that and name changes I've given up on thinking of the other posters as distinct individuals......I just treat all the people who say stupid things the same.......sometimes they react by saying "You're a liar! Prove I said that!"......I think that's the main reason the stupid people HAVE so many sock accounts.....
we have a winner.