Sick to death of all the sock accounts around here

I think it's not a coincidence that a thread like this seems to have brought together every single loser I have on ignore. Never seen so many non visible posts in one thread.
LOL cry some more bitch.
Notice that most MAGAts are so weak and stupid they refuse to consider any opinion with which they disagree or doesn't fit their world view.

This is an example of a typical JPP MAGAt:
More likely that women beat him off with bats.
He's on his third wife and working on his fourth. Like Trump, he committed adultery with all of them.

While I agree an intelligent, self-respecting woman would beat off lying scumbags with bats, there are those who would do anything to become married to someone who has more money than they do or are likely to earn. I have no problem with gold diggers but would never want to be married to one. Like those they marry, they are all about materialism and not about heart or soul.

It's amazing you never meet a janitor, a gas station attendant, a Taco Bell assistant manager on JPP.
Oh, I disagree. I think you and I have met a lot of them. They just don't admit it. LOL

Example; they can claim to be a retired head maintenance engineer for a large corporation and living in their retirement cottage. Translation: retired janitor living in a shack.

In many ways JPP is like the game of 20 questions except the goal isn't to guess what person or object they are thinking but who and what they really are. Even the ones that run away from such questions are revealing something about themselves. Such investigation takes patience since liars and demented people spook easily.

Such people clearly have severe mental issues. If caught as children, they can be treated. As adults, it's much more difficult. After a certain point, without treatment, they are too far gone to ever be returned to baseline.

Like MAGAts and low IQ people, irrational people have much in common with cats; solely interested in themselves and a very short attention span.

Oh, I disagree. I think you and I have met a lot of them. They just don't admit it. LOL

Example; they can claim to be a retired head maintenance engineer for a large corporation and living in their retirement cottage. Translation: retired janitor living in a shack.

In many ways JPP is like the game of 20 questions except the goal isn't to guess what person or object they are thinking but who and what they really are. Even the ones that run away from such questions are revealing something about themselves. Such investigation takes patience since liars and demented people spook easily.

I don't think there's anything shameful about being an Uber driver or managing a Taco Bell. But for some reason everyone on JPP ended up being stockbrokers, teachers, real estate magnets, doctors.