Sick to death of all the sock accounts around here

I don't think there's anything shameful about being an Uber driver or managing a Taco Bell.

But for some reason everyone on JPP ended up being stockbrokers, teachers, real estate magnets, doctors.
Honest work is never shameful. The shame comes in when they whine, bitch and moan that their plight is the fault of others such as blaming brown people or the Jews.

The stupid and mentally ill can lead rich fantasy lives online. :thup:

Lots and lots of fun troll threads and posts this morning.... They're the only gang in JPPville...😂

In reality there was only one gang here in recent times -- yours. Sadly you are as shitty a leader as you are a human being. So one by one your followers found better things to do with their lives than defend you and attack the ppl you fear and hate because you're too cowardly to do it yourself. Tsk. lol
Not a shrink, just a behaviorist, but IMO it's because they are insecure. They could be lying to boost themselves up or they could be telling the truth, but their own insecurities are holding them back. Either way, they should find a counselor, a shrink or join group therapy to ease their pain.

Like you, I'm always suspect of a person who pats themselves on the back a lot and seeks to impress strangers on the Internet.
You two need to get a room. You're both mad at the world because it had a lot more fun. That's what life is all about. We learned this in kindergarten.

Play nice with others
Flush and wash your hands
Life is not that complicated
Its dishonest and quite frankly pretty damn childish and weird. I think a forum vote needs to be put up to do away with them and a new rule imposed of ONE account and one account only. ZERO socks. If the vote comes up favoring my proposal then it gets passed on to our CEO Damo for his approval or disapproval. Who's with me? Its high time we put an end to this nonsense for good imo.....
I'd vote for it, but it's not really obtainable, since people will just create accounts through blind servers.
Its dishonest and quite frankly pretty damn childish and weird. I think a forum vote needs to be put up to do away with them and a new rule imposed of ONE account and one account only. ZERO socks. If the vote comes up favoring my proposal then it gets passed on to our CEO Damo for his approval or disapproval. Who's with me? Its high time we put an end to this nonsense for good imo.....
You just bumped his thread. The same poster you railed against. :laugh: