
And why would you? Your theology, like most believers, is whatever feels good to you to believe so no one can tell you what is rational or irrational.
how amusing.....a person who proclaims there can be no belief without proof AND believes there are no deities has accused me o being irrational......
I listened to an interesting podcast from a Biblical scholar about sin, especially the Original Sin.

She asked listeners, “What is sin” and “What was actually wrong with eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil”?

Her take on sin is that it is a harmful concept to all of us. That it brings on unnecessary guilt. That it causes many to believe they’re always falling short. Never good enough. That, especially related to things like gays and abortion, it brings upon untold suffering to our fellow humans.

Original Sin? She asks why is having your eyes opened, to be aware of and recognize good and evil, to have a conscience and bad thing? As Genesis states, ‘to be like one of the gods’.

For me, an atheist as far as the Christian god goes, there is no such thing as sin. That’s a theological concept. But, I agree with her premise that the concept itself is not useful. And is, in fact, harmful to all of us.
Even when I was a kid myself, I thought it was terrible -- possibly bordering on abusive -- to teach children that they were born flawed and sinful and only Jesus could save them from Hell. There are better ways to teach ethical behavior than through fear and guilt.
I’ve heard a couple versions of the sin thing.

Jesus, I believe, just said ‘repent and you’ll be forgiven’. Easy and no strings attached. Admit you did wrong, try not to do it again and all is good.

Then, Paul comes along and adds this atonement thing. Now, there are strings attached to your forgiveness, as well as your salvation. The belief in this resurrection thing and having to accept Jesus as your lord and savior.

Basically, one guy, Paul, redefined it for the rest of Christianity. Pretty fucked up. Too bad Christians still buy that bullshit and can’t return to the original, simple concept.
Paul was a Jew before he was a Christian. Jews teach atonement as well as admitting that you erred. I think that's a healthy way to become an ethical person who behaves ethically towards others.
Actually, I did. At my university, we were required to take a year of theology classes.

Back to Biblical scholars. What they fuck are you afraid of, Cletus? Learning that all of the garbage your church has been feeding you all these years is bullshit?
so we agree your "biblical scholar" is just another person who refuses to believe there is anything scholarly about the Bible.......that's like getting tax law advice from a homeless person.........
I listened to an interesting podcast from a Biblical scholar about sin, especially the Original Sin.

She asked listeners, “What is sin” and “What was actually wrong with eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil”?

Her take on sin is that it is a harmful concept to all of us. That it brings on unnecessary guilt. That it causes many to believe they’re always falling short. Never good enough. That, especially related to things like gays and abortion, it brings upon untold suffering to our fellow humans.

Original Sin? She asks why is having your eyes opened, to be aware of and recognize good and evil, to have a conscience and bad thing? As Genesis states, ‘to be like one of the gods’.

For me, an atheist as far as the Christian god goes, there is no such thing as sin. That’s a theological concept. But, I agree with her premise that the concept itself is not useful. And is, in fact, harmful to all of us.
Damnation sounds pretty stupid.

Since we can't legislate ethics, I think the seven sins and the seven cardinal virtues from the Stoic and Christian traditions is a good model to aspire to.

In principle, I like the concept of some kind of metaphysical or cosmic consequences for a life of moral corruption. I never liked the idea of Stalin dying peacefully in his dacha, and just getting away scot free with his life of crime and cruelty
so we agree your "biblical scholar" is just another person who refuses to believe there is anything scholarly about the Bible.......that's like getting tax law advice from a homeless person.........
Nope, sure as shit not dumbfuck. What they do is try to determine what the texts ACTUALLY said, not only textually, but also in the context of the time. What they ACTUALLY meant.

Not what your church has told you all these years that you buy without question, uninvestigated, with no intellectual curiosity.

That’s you, punk. Through and through. That’s what also makes you a great Trumper
Nope, sure as shit not dumbfuck. What they do is try to determine what the texts ACTUALLY said, not only textually, but also in the context of the time. What they ACTUALLY meant.

Not what your church has told you all these years that you buy without question, uninvestigated, with no intellectual curiosity.

That’s you, punk. Through and through. That’s what also makes you a great Trumper
lol....atheists try to make the stupid believe the text doesn't say anything........the stupid believe them........
lol....atheists try to make the stupid believe the text doesn't say anything........the stupid believe them........
Wrong again, dumbfuck. They are very articulate in what the texts DO say. Unlike brainwashed morons like you who buy the garbage your church feeds you.

Simple example is the Baby Jesus story. No explanation from you thumpers as to the differences in different gospels or why it was completely missing in others. Lineage to David. Virgin birth. All that shit we were spoon fed since childhood.

There are tons more. But you’re too intellectually lazy or fearful of what you’ll find.
Wrong again, dumbfuck. They are very articulate in what the texts DO say. Unlike brainwashed morons like you who buy the garbage your church feeds you.

Simple example is the Baby Jesus story. No explanation from you thumpers as to the differences in different gospels or why it was completely missing in others. Lineage to David. Virgin birth. All that shit we were spoon fed since childhood.

There are tons more. But you’re too intellectually lazy or fearful of what you’ll find.
I'm sorry that you are stupid enough to believe the shit atheists post on the internet.......

Damnation sounds pretty stupid.

Since we can't legislate ethics, I think the seven sins and the seven cardinal virtues from the Stoic and Christian traditions is a good model to aspire to.

In principle, I like the concept of some kind of metaphysical or cosmic consequences for a life of moral corruption. I never liked the idea of Stalin dying peacefully in his dacha, and just getting away scot free with his life of crime and cruelty
we do legislate ethics.

murder is illegal.

fraud is illegal.
we do legislate ethics.

murder is illegal.

fraud is illegal.
Those are crimes.

Being able to restrain yourself from committing murder, theft is an ethical bar so low it barely clears the ground.

If you are patting yourself on the back for not committing rape and murder, you have put almost no thought into ethics and values.

The seven deadly sins and the cardinal virtues we get from our composite Stoic-Christian moral framework deals with values and ethical choices that we face on a daily and hourly basis in life - pride, arrogance, greed, anger, envy, temperance, justice, prudence, benevolence, charity -- and which can't realistically get legislated.
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Those are crimes.

Being able to restrain yourself from committing murder, theft is an ethical bar so low it barely clears the ground.

If you are patting yourself on the back for not committing rape and murder, you have put almost no thought into ethics and values.

The seven deadly sins and the cardinal virtues we get from our composite Stoic-Christian moral framework deals with values ethical choices that we face on a daily and hourly basis in life - pride, arrogance, greed, anger, envy, temperance, justice, prudence, benevolence, charity -- and which can't realistically get legislated.
you're not serious if you're not willing to even discuss the lowest bar.

there are people on here who actually think your "lowest bar, too obvious to discuss" is completely relative and therefore moral.

see? you want to skip the basics and play word games, because you're a sophist cunt, and a eugenics Nazi who wants mass murder based on environmental lies, that you know are lies.

so you avoid real moral discussions. that's your job. your job is obfuscation and running away.
you're not serious if you're not willing to even discuss the lowest bar.

there are people on here who actually think your "lowest bar, too obvious to discuss" is completely relative and therefore moral.

see? you want to skip the basics and play word games, because you're a sophist cunt.
Cypress is a religious obsessive who claims to not be religious. Hard to take him seriously.