Size of holes in mask vs size of coronavirus

Correct. He is a simpleton. 'Hole is smaller than virus, therefore mask does not work'. And then he wants you to speak with authority about why he's wrong. The virus can't escape a mask because the airplane it needs to transport it IS bigger than the hole. Maybe that will sink in. Maybe not. Who cares at the end of the day. I cannot teach advanced calculus to my Cairn Terrier. It is what it is.

Yeah, some things are self evident. A basic knowledge of the transport of the virus tells a reasonably intelligent person why masks work. The problem here is that Evmetro, among others, does not fit that description.
Yeah, some things are self evident. A basic knowledge of the transport of the virus tells a reasonably intelligent person why masks work. The problem here is that Evmetro, among others, does not fit that description.

It's willful ignorance. Ironically, the same people who whine about wearing masks are the ones that want things re-opened faster. Want the economy to recover? Wear a fucking mask. What was done with the NBA can be done a larger scale. They implemented strict social distancing guidelines, wore masks, and had rapid testing and contact tracing. Yesterday, the NBA bubble was virus free.
It's willful ignorance. Ironically, the same people who whine about wearing masks are the ones that want things re-opened faster. Want the economy to recover? Wear a fucking mask. What was done with the NBA can be done a larger scale. They implemented strict social distancing guidelines, wore masks, and had rapid testing and contact tracing. Yesterday, the NBA bubble was virus free.


We had some anti-mask protesters here a couple weeks ago. Just a handful of idiots, mind you. Claiming that mandatory mask requirements somehow violate their rights. I’d be willing to bet many of these anti-maskers are also anti-vaxxers.

A co-worker’s father-in-law died earlier this week from COVID. And, due to the virus, he had to die alone.

One does not have a right to place me and my loved ones at risk simply because of their massive ignorance and stupidity.
We identified disease contagion before we identified viruses themselves. Remember, viruses are too small to see on a normal microscope. This is because you do not have to know how something works, to know that it works.

There is currently incomplete information. We do not know how small the droplets that can carry the virus. There has been a new study that says that droplets produced by speaking can carry the disease, which should not be surprising due to the amount of people transmitting the disease without having symptoms.

Discussion of droplet size, droplet nuclei, and virus transmission get addressed AFTER the basics are identified. If you don't know the size of what you are filtering out and the size of the filter openings, you have no business discussing how droplets, droplet nuclei, or virus transmission are involved in the filtering process.
It's willful ignorance. Ironically, the same people who whine about wearing masks are the ones that want things re-opened faster. Want the economy to recover? Wear a fucking mask. What was done with the NBA can be done a larger scale. They implemented strict social distancing guidelines, wore masks, and had rapid testing and contact tracing. Yesterday, the NBA bubble was virus free.

You don't know shit about the science behind masks. You wear a mask because CNN told you masks should be worn. You don't even know the size of what you want to filter out and the size of the holes in your filter.
Discussion of droplet size, droplet nuclei, and virus transmission get addressed AFTER the basics are identified. If you don't know the size of what you are filtering out and the size of the filter openings, you have no business discussing how droplets, droplet nuclei, or virus transmission are involved in the filtering process.
Two hairdressers tested positive for COVID, they wore masks and their customers wore masks, none of the customers, contacted the virus.

Would you say the masks worked? Or how do you explain no one getting the virus.
I have noticed that it only takes seconds or minutes for toddlers to figure out how to put square pegs into square holes, and round pegs into round holes. It shouldn't take ten years for somebody to figure out that filter holes need to be smaller than what they are intended to capture.

Covid cooties do not travel on their own.
Even the ones you see under the microscope are immersed in a medium of some sort.
And it has no means of self locomotion.
Airborne Covid travels in moisture. A bit in shed skin cells (what is usually referred to as dust).
droplet nuclei

Do droplets have nuclei? Cells have nuclei, but I don't think I have heard nuclei used for droplets or even viruses. Viruses head for the nucleus, when they enter the cell.

I know raindrops have nuclei, but that is a particle for water to condense around. Droplets coming out of our mouth are slowly evaporating, the opposite of condensing.

Discussion of droplet size, droplet nuclei, and virus transmission get addressed AFTER the basics are identified.

I am more of an engineer, but even scientists would agree that you hit a problem from whatever side gives you answers. It is an extremely bad idea to put off getting answers until you work out the basics. For instance, we have had some idea of controlling contagion for hundreds of years, and vaccines for a hundred years, but only got the electron microscope and different crystal scan technology in the last few decades. If we had delayed everything until we got the basics, we still would not have started. A billion or so people would have died.

We are working with incomplete information. We know masks work, but not how well. Maybe they cut transmission in half, maybe they reduce transmission by 99%. Either way, they are good.
You don't know shit about the science behind masks.

The peer reviewed papers are mostly in pre-release, and are somewhat contradictory. In other words, we are far from consensus, and. therefore we all don't know "shit" about the science behind masks. We are working it out. In a year or two, people will know more.

But there is a consensus that it works, and so lets wear them until we know exactly why it works, and how to make it work better.
Two hairdressers tested positive for COVID, they wore masks and their customers wore masks, none of the customers, contacted the virus.

Would you say the masks worked? Or how do you explain no one getting the virus.

Wait, I thought anecdotal evidence was no bueno. Remember all the anecdotal evidence about hydroxychloroquine? Remember you and your ilk poo-pooing that? Hypocrite much?
Covid cooties do not travel on their own.
Even the ones you see under the microscope are immersed in a medium of some sort.
And it has no means of self locomotion.
Airborne Covid travels in moisture. A bit in shed skin cells (what is usually referred to as dust).

Wrong thread, this is the one where we are establishing the size of the openings in masks compared to the size of coronavirus
Do droplets have nuclei? Cells have nuclei, but I don't think I have heard nuclei used for droplets or even viruses. Viruses head for the nucleus, when they enter the cell.

I know raindrops have nuclei, but that is a particle for water to condense around. Droplets coming out of our mouth are slowly evaporating, the opposite of condensing.

I am more of an engineer, but even scientists would agree that you hit a problem from whatever side gives you answers. It is an extremely bad idea to put off getting answers until you work out the basics. For instance, we have had some idea of controlling contagion for hundreds of years, and vaccines for a hundred years, but only got the electron microscope and different crystal scan technology in the last few decades. If we had delayed everything until we got the basics, we still would not have started. A billion or so people would have died.

We are working with incomplete information. We know masks work, but not how well. Maybe they cut transmission in half, maybe they reduce transmission by 99%. Either way, they are good.

The basic information is already known, just not here on this forum. It is readily available on the internet. Our jpp keyboard scientists have no idea what size the holes in their masks are compared to the size iof the coronavirus, but they want to claim that they are following or listening to the science. If you are an engineer, you should understand the need for this basic info if one is to go any deeper into the science.
The peer reviewed papers are mostly in pre-release, and are somewhat contradictory. In other words, we are far from consensus, and. therefore we all don't know "shit" about the science behind masks. We are working it out. In a year or two, people will know more.

But there is a consensus that it works, and so lets wear them until we know exactly why it works, and how to make it work better.

Like countryboy pointed out, this isn't how lefties are looking at Hydroxychloroquine. WTF?
The basic information is already known, just not here on this forum. It is readily available on the internet. Our jpp keyboard scientists have no idea what size the holes in their masks are compared to the size iof the coronavirus, but they want to claim that they are following or listening to the science. If you are an engineer, you should understand the need for this basic info if one is to go any deeper into the science.

Do droplets have nuclei? Cells have nuclei, but I don't think I have heard nuclei used for droplets or even viruses. Viruses head for the nucleus, when they enter the cell.

I know raindrops have nuclei, but that is a particle for water to condense around. Droplets coming out of our mouth are slowly evaporating, the opposite of condensing.

I am more of an engineer, but even scientists would agree that you hit a problem from whatever side gives you answers. It is an extremely bad idea to put off getting answers until you work out the basics. For instance, we have had some idea of controlling contagion for hundreds of years, and vaccines for a hundred years, but only got the electron microscope and different crystal scan technology in the last few decades. If we had delayed everything until we got the basics, we still would not have started. A billion or so people would have died.

We are working with incomplete information. We know masks work, but not how well. Maybe they cut transmission in half, maybe they reduce transmission by 99%. Either way, they are good.

BTW, yes. Droplets do have nuclei. After the droplet evaporates, the nuclei is still there, floating about the room and ready to be sucked into the openings of your mask. One should at least know the sizes of coronavirus, the openings in their masks, and the size of droplet nuclei.
BTW, yes. Droplets do have nuclei. After the droplet evaporates, the nuclei is still there, floating about the room and ready to be sucked into the openings of your mask. One should at least know the sizes of coronavirus, the openings in their masks, and the size of droplet nuclei.

Thanks for this info, Ev.