Size of holes in mask vs size of coronavirus

I understand the job of a mask, but that is not what I am asking for. I only want to establish the size of coronavirus and compare it to the size of the openings in masks. I am not looking for mask statistics, I don't care how the coronavirus gets trapped by a mask, I don't care if the virus gets through the mask, and I don't care if the virus gets beamed from one person to another's lungs like in Star Trek. I don't care if masks work, and I don't care about droplets. I am not looking for information about how coronavirus travels in droplets before they evaporate, and I am not expressing my opinion about masks. I just want the sizes.

This should not be hard to find out on the internet, if it is hard to find out then you should be wondering why it is hard to find out.....for instance maybe the experts have never done the work or maybe power does not want the Little People to know. There is now a long record of there being organized programs to shut down the transmission of information that the Elites dont want talked about, I left the D party in the late 80's because I was seeing too much of this from the Left.
You are getting too far ahead, we have not established the basics yet. How big are the openings in a mask, and how big is coronavirus? We can move on to bigger and better things once we establish these two basics. I'm not asking if masks work, if they are good, what kind of mask to use, how masks work, or how how many nuclei pass through a mask. I just want the size if the openings in the mask and the size of coronavirus.

I am not too far ahead. It's just that you are too far behind. You are asking the wrong questions.

As to the openings in the mask, there is no "opening". Hepa filters and N95 masks and other masks don't use hole size to filter small particles. Your question completely ignores how filtration actually works. So the "size" of the opening is irrelevant. Because of the way masks work they are better at blocking particles the size of the coronavirus than larger particles.

Feel free to not want to solve the issue. But don't feel you are contributing when all you do is ask stupid questions and insist on asking them over and over even after being told that your question is ridiculous and won't lead to a solution.
I understand the job of a mask, but that is not what I am asking for. I only want to establish the size of coronavirus and compare it to the size of the openings in masks. I am not looking for mask statistics, I don't care how the coronavirus gets trapped by a mask, I don't care if the virus gets through the mask, and I don't care if the virus gets beamed from one person to another's lungs like in Star Trek. I don't care if masks work, and I don't care about droplets. I am not looking for information about how coronavirus travels in droplets before they evaporate, and I am not expressing my opinion about masks. I just want the sizes.

So, you are simply asking ignorant questions because you don't want to look them up yourself. And then you are going to use the simple answers to try to show that something that doesn't rely on the hole size can't work because of the hole size. Stupidity at it's finest there Evmetro.

But to answer your questions since you are too lazy to look it up yourself.
Coronavirus size .08 - 0.14 μm.
Mask hole size - Not relevant.

This is a 3M technical bulletin:

Many particulate respirators use a non-woven fibrous filter media to capture particles. Fibers ranging in size from less than 1
μm up to 100 μm in size crisscross to form a web of many layers which is mostly air due to the spaces between the fibers. It
is these spaces between fibers that allow for breathability. Particles are trapped, or captured, when flowing through the layers
of filter media, and that capture can happen through several different mechanisms. These are gravitational settling, inertial
impaction, interception, diffusion, and electrostatic attraction

Masks are actually better at filtering out particles less than 1 μm than they are in filtering out 3 μm particles. An N95 mask filters out 95% of 3 μm particles.
So, you are simply asking ignorant questions because you don't want to look them up yourself. And then you are going to use the simple answers to try to show that something that doesn't rely on the hole size can't work because of the hole size. Stupidity at it's finest there Evmetro.

But to answer your questions since you are too lazy to look it up yourself.
Coronavirus size .08 - 0.14 μm.
Mask hole size - Not relevant.

This is a 3M technical bulletin:

Masks are actually better at filtering out particles less than 1 μm than they are in filtering out 3 μm particles. An N95 mask filters out 95% of 3 μm particles.

The mask filter media microns are hole size. You stupid fuck. Nice cut and paste as well as not understanding a damn thing you are talking about.
So, you are simply asking ignorant questions because you don't want to look them up yourself. And then you are going to use the simple answers to try to show that something that doesn't rely on the hole size can't work because of the hole size. Stupidity at it's finest there Evmetro.

But to answer your questions since you are too lazy to look it up yourself.
Coronavirus size .08 - 0.14 μm.
Mask hole size - Not relevant.

This is a 3M technical bulletin:

Masks are actually better at filtering out particles less than 1 μm than they are in filtering out 3 μm particles. An N95 mask filters out 95% of 3 μm particles.

I have the answers. As I have already posted, the information is readily available on the internet.

Congratulations for being the first lefty to do a quick Google search for this basic information.
A droplet is a cluster of water. It does not need to have anything else, much less a nucleus. When it evaporates, it does not need to leave anything behind. Nuclei is the plural of nucleus. So if droplets did have nuclei, the correct way to say the sentence "After the droplet evaporates, the nuclei is still there", would be "After the droplet evaporates, the nucleus is still there." You are just using nuclei everywhere to try to sound smart.

Viruses do not have nuclei, or most of the rest of the mechanisms of the cell. The best I can figure, you want to use the word virion. That is the virus particle that travels around and then infects a cell.

Masks appear to work best in reducing the viruses going out, rather than the viruses coming in. So lets say an infected person were to sneeze, cough, or even speak, droplets with the virion would come out of the mouth. These droplets are collected by the mask, or even if some get around the mask, do not travel as far due to loss of kinetic energy due to the mask.

The two questions you might want to ask is how good the mask is at stopping the droplets, and can the virion travel far without the droplets? Clearly the masks do stop at least some of the droplets, but no one knows how many, because we do not know how small of droplets the virion can travel on. While the evidence is far from conclusive, it does not seem these virion travel well without droplets.

If you would like to learn more about droplet nuclei, a simple Google search will help you out. From the WHO: "Respiratory infections can be transmitted through droplets of different sizes: when the droplet particles are >5-10 μm in diameter they are referred to as respiratory droplets, and when then are <5μm in diameter, they are referred to as droplet nuclei." There is no need to show me how much you know, I can see that you have a fair knowledge base. I'll discuss other stuff with you, but this thread is just about the size of the openings in masks compared to the size of coronavirus.
The gaps in the masks are roughly 10,000 times bigger than COVID-19

This would lead one to wonder how masks filter out the virus. Now that we have established how big the item is that we want to filter out, as well as the size of the holes in the filter, we can then move on to establishing the smallest size of droplet or droplet nuclei and compare THAT to the size of the holes in the filter...
The mask filter media microns are hole size. You stupid fuck. Nice cut and paste as well as not understanding a damn thing you are talking about.

Media size is the size of the material in the mask.
Many particulate respirators use a non-woven fibrous filter media to capture particles. Fibers ranging in size from less than 1 μm up to 100 μm in size crisscross to form a web of many layers which is mostly air due to the spaces between the fibers. It is these spaces between fibers that allow for breathability. Particles are trapped, or captured, when flowing through the layers of filter media, and that capture can happen through several different mechanisms. These are gravitational settling, inertial impaction, interception, diffusion, and electrostatic attraction

A fiber is not a hole.

But I guess that makes me the stupid fuck for being able to actually read.
I have the answers. As I have already posted, the information is readily available on the internet.

Congratulations for being the first lefty to do a quick Google search for this basic information.

So why are you asking for hole size in masks if you know that it is irrelevant? If you actually had the answer you would know that N95 masks can filter out over 95% of individual viruses that might be floating in the air.
This would lead one to wonder how masks filter out the virus. Now that we have established how big the item is that we want to filter out, as well as the size of the holes in the filter, we can then move on to establishing the smallest size of droplet or droplet nuclei and compare THAT to the size of the holes in the filter...

OMG.. So you don't have the answers. You are just talking out of your ass on this.

Here is the answer..

Particles are trapped, or captured, when flowing through the layers of filter media, and that capture can happen through several different mechanisms. These are gravitational settling, inertial impaction, interception, diffusion, and electrostatic attraction.
The hole size doesn't matter because the openings only filter out large particles. How small particles are filtered out have nothing to do with hole size.