Slaving for 28.8 hours ?

Some have said that Europe was able to invest so much more heavily in social safety net and other improvements because for decades the US had been paying its defense bills.

Now whether or not that expenditure was necessary is another issue.
Not necessarily. China's crime rate is even lower, after all, yet I doubt we want to emulate their legal system.

Ok but Japan is a liberal democratic republic. The PRC is an authoritarian Oligarchy.
Handgun control

I was waiting for that. The biggest reason is of course cultural. However another big part is how the police and authority are seen. If we can change public perceptions of these things we can see positive change.
Handgun control

I was waiting for that. The biggest reason is of course cultural. However another big part is how the police and authority are seen. If we can change public perceptions of these things we can see positive change.

poverty contributes to crime. So do drugs.

I suspect our poverty-rate and drug usage far exceeds japan.

Nationwide, federal handgun control would be problematic here, and likely unconstitutional.
poverty contributes to crime. So do drugs.

I suspect our poverty-rate and drug usage far exceeds japan.

Nationwide, federal handgun control would be problematic here, and likely unconstitutional.

I am convinced that what makes the US an anomalous and very difficult country to deal with as far as crime is the long lasting vestiges of insitutionalized inequity first in the form of slavery and then segregation.

A similar nation to our north doesn't have these problems.

It is interesting to note that two nations that have similar problems to our own are South Africa and Zimbabwe two nations that practiced apartheid.
poverty contributes to crime. So do drugs.

I suspect our poverty-rate and drug usage far exceeds japan.

Nationwide, federal handgun control would be problematic here, and likely unconstitutional.

I am convinced that what makes the US an anomalous and very difficult country to deal with as far as crime is the long lasting vestiges of insitutionalized inequity first in the form of slavery and then segregation.

A similar nation to our north doesn't have these problems.

It is interesting to note that two nations that have similar problems to our own are South Africa and Zimbabwe two nations that practiced apartheid.

that might be part of it. But its not entirely an institutional racial thing.

White poverty in this country is very high, compared to other developed countries. A drive through parts of rural american and appalachia would demonstrate this. The poverty rate amongst white americans, would never be tolerated in some other developed countries.
I'm not using that to cite as a root cause of poverty although it is by a large degree. I was talking more about violent crime. Violent crime in those other countries is very high as well.
poverty contributes to crime. So do drugs.

I suspect our poverty-rate and drug usage far exceeds japan.

Nationwide, federal handgun control would be problematic here, and likely unconstitutional.

people probably turn to drugs b/c of stress from their jobsd.
Rob that is incorrect. First off marijuana is a drug and certainly would be helpful in stressful situations. However people who use marijuana often times associate with users of other drugs and try them.

Here are some figures

Of high school seniors in 2001, 8.2% reported having ever used cocaine.

Adults 18 to 25 years of age currently have the highest percentage of cocaine use than any other age group.

90% of cocaine users smoked, drank, or used marijuana before trying cocaine.

Among substance abuse treatment admissions whose earliest reported drug of abuse at admission was stimulants, opiates, or cocaine, the average age of first use rose between 1993 and 2003: for stimulants from age 18.5 to age 19.7; for opiates from age 21.0 to age 22.1; and for cocaine from age 22.5 to age 22.7.
high school is stressful too. its not just the working world... and we make it streessful.... b/c we have to dominate the world he he he.
High school is not stressful when you put it in perspective. Hell Middle school is stressful so is elementary school. But the premise of what you said is that people turn to drugs mainly because of stress on the job because of long hours right? Kids are only in school 30 hours a week typically. Are you saying kids are in school too long too?
That is inevitable anyway IHG. with world trade , immigration and such. Our standard of living has to go down. Manufacturing jobs just keep going overseas.
Yep, europe is doing well off our longf hours of work, so is China and India :)
A german company just bought uthe public water suppoy and distribution network in Lexington , KY. And have done so in many other parts of the country. We support the broader middle calss in european countries....

If it is Aquarion, be prepared for your water bills to tripple....

Did your city give you a tax break or credit for SELLING OFF ONE OF YOUR ASSETS? Well, our town didn't .....
Probably, but I thnk employee productivity has pretty much peaked out. I like being hourly paid better than when I was salaried and working 60 hours every week. No life outside work.