
IMy view on cigerettes is pretty harsh. They nearly killed me and the affected the quality of my life. Cigerettes are the most dangerous drug in the world and should be regulated like Heroine and other schedule 1 narcotics and outright outlawed. The officers of the major cigerette companies should be sent to prison for life as the murderers they are as they put the Columbian cocaine cartels to shame. Not even Hitler or Stalin has the record for mass murder that those bastards have.

It is clear to me that you are indeed a liberal statist. You want to legalize marijuana, but ban tobacco? This is bullshit. You claim marijuana is a "civil rights issue," and I do not necessarily disagree. However, we cannot have it both ways. I have every right to put into my body what I choose, and not you nor any government has the authority to dictate otherwise. If you disagree, then you are a fascist. It is that simple.

FYI, I've quit cold turkey on a couple occasions (went several months without a smoke), and only started again because I enjoy it. Just because you allowed yourself to become addicted does not give you the authority to trample the rights of others. Get off your high horse.

Just Say No to Fascism
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I smoke the hookah daily. Its not the same thing, its not exactly the right thing either though. Even so, that's after work for about an hour. Its not the same thing Captain Buzzkill.

I love teh hukah. However, I try to reserve it only for special occasions (maybe 4 or 5 times per year). It "feels" healthier than smoking a cigarette, but feelings can be deceiving - I read somewhere that a 1-hour hookah session is equivalent to 100 cigarettes.
Umm I thought you smoked cigars daily?
You have not quit, you just decided to switch to cigars.

Not quite the same though certainly not healthy for you. You don't inhale cigars to their not as addictive nor do they do as much damage to your lungs. Smoking one good cigar a day is equal to about a pack of cigerettes in terms on nicotene ingested.

I smoke about one or two cigars a week.
I love teh hukah. However, I try to reserve it only for special occasions (maybe 4 or 5 times per year). It "feels" healthier than smoking a cigarette, but feelings can be deceiving - I read somewhere that a 1-hour hookah session is equivalent to 100 cigarettes.

Hookah is in no way, shape, or form safer than smoking cigarettes. Sure "it's not the same thing". A car isn't the same thing as a truck. Doesn't mean you can drive drunk in it.
It is clear to me that you are indeed a liberal statist. You want to legalize marijuana, but ban tobacco? This is bullshit. You claim marijuana is a "civil rights issue," and I do not necessarily disagree. However, we cannot have it both ways. I have every right to put into my body what I choose, and not you nor any government has the authority to dictate otherwise. If you disagree, then you are a fascist. It is that simple.

FYI, I've quit cold turkey on a couple occasions (went several months without a smoke), and only started again because I enjoy it. Just because you allowed yourself to become addicted does not give you the authority to trample the rights of others. Get off your high horse.

Who said anything about banning tobacco? I didn't. I'm opposed to a drug delivery system which if used in the manner intended by the manufacturer, will kill the user. If pot was marketed in such a way I'd oppose that too. Cigerettes, as a delivery system for nicotene, are the most dangerous drug device known to man. Cigerette companies have marketed them for many years knowing good and well that these delivery devices kill and in addition they manipulate the drug, nicotene, essentially freebasing it so as to make vastly more addictive via rapid absorption.

I have no problem with tobacco products, cigars, pipe tobacco, snuff, chewing tobacoo. What I oppose is the deadly, chemically manipulated drug delivery system known as cigerettes. If joints were systematically manufactured, marketed and manipulated to make them more addictive and more profitable but deadly as a consequence, I would oppose that too. Just because you believe in decriminalization does not mean that legalized drugs of any sort should not be marketed in an unregulated manner.

Second, if you think people "Allow" them selves to become addicted then you don't comprehend the physiological process of addiction.
As I stated, a 1-hour session is equivalent to 100 cigarettes. Of course it isn't safer; I did not suggest otherwise.

I was mostly responding to beefy. To suggest that you "quit smoking" when you do hookah daily is ridiculous. It's like saying you quit drinking because you switched from whiskey to rum.
I smoke but my girlfriend and I are trying to quit using Chantix.

So far it has basically made us want to kill each other, and we're both still smoking. It's still the first week though so we're sticking with it. I'm a little more committed to it than her. I think she's going to start back when it gets bad.

it took me about seven weeks with Chantix then one day I didn't smoke another cigarette for eight months..just fell of the wagon recently...dang-it
Lest Topspin derail the thread with his childish marijuana fetish, allow me to clarify: this thread pertains strictly to tobacco products. With that established, how many of you smoke?

I'd be classified as a light smoker. Djarum Blacks are my absolute favorite cigarette; I burn through a pack of these every two weeks or so. To any smoker who hasn't tried them, I highly recommend you buy a pack. They're fantastic.

Cigars and shisha are usually reserved for special occasions (social events). Any cigar connoisseurs out there?
I own two humidors, one that holds 159 and one that holds 450. I smoke on average 2 cigars a day. One in the morning with coffee and one at night. Saturdays when I don't have my kids I smoke 3 to 5 cigars with 2 at night at the local brewery. Tobacco is great in moderation.
As I stated, a 1-hour session is equivalent to 100 cigarettes. Of course it isn't safer; I did not suggest otherwise.

Whoever told you that is an idiot. A pack of cigarettes is roughly 3/4 an ounce of tobacco, meaning 5 packs would be nearly 4 ounces. It is about 1/3 ounce that is smoked in a hooka. Not to mention than many non cigarette smokers will enjoy a 1 hour session with a hooka where 100 cigarettes would have them puking their guts up for 2 days. Think about it, don't accept everything you hear from every jackass as gospel. Seriously, sheesh. This is a pretty easy one.

I was mostly responding to beefy. To suggest that you "quit smoking" when you do hookah daily is ridiculous. It's like saying you quit drinking because you switched from whiskey to rum.

This is equally as retarded. It is not in any fashion the same thing, except to a pimplenecked pencildick.
I was mostly responding to beefy. To suggest that you "quit smoking" when you do hookah daily is ridiculous. It's like saying you quit drinking because you switched from whiskey to rum.


Whoever told you that is an idiot.

The Mayo Clinic and World Health Organization:

I quote, "According to a World Health Organization advisory, a typical one-hour session of hookah smoking exposes the user to 100 to 200 times the volume of smoke inhaled from a single cigarette."

A pack of cigarettes is roughly 3/4 an ounce of tobacco, meaning 5 packs would be nearly 4 ounces. It is about 1/3 ounce that is smoked in a hooka.

We're talking about volume of smoke inhaled, not the amount of nicotine ingested.
I can't even stomach cigars. Every time I get offered a smoke its nauseating, and I can't finish it...


Probably because you're not smoking it right.

On a somewhat off-topic note, I used to dip at least a few times per day. Then, on one occasion I accidentally swallowed that shit. It was the last time.
Probably because you're not smoking it right.

On a somewhat off-topic note, I used to dip at least a few times per day. Then, on one occasion I accidentally swallowed that shit. It was the last time.

You mean chew? Chew is the nastiest habit there is, and I have met three people in college that do it. But yeah, I know I'm probably not smoking the cigars right, but I also can't stand cigarettes either.

Someday I wanna try a pipe, just so I can put on the whole "intellectual" look. Especially if I ever get a Ph.D. I would so walk around campus with a brown flannel suit, top hat, briefcase or cane, and my pipe!