
Up until my posts on this thread I was smoking 20-30 cigs a day. In the last week I have had 2, both while I was out drinking Saturday night with an army buddy who is home in between deployments. So I count that as a special occasion.

Weird, the last time someone posted on this thread was 11 days ago and you and I just posted at the exact same minute.

Even weirder you kind of validated what I said, that real will power is not quitting something completely but being able to do it responsibly.
Weird, the last time someone posted on this thread was 11 days ago and you and I just posted at the exact same minute.

Even weirder you kind of validated what I said, that real will power is not quitting something completely but being able to do it responsibly.

Actually not that weird. I was scanning the index and saw you writing your response here, but I just thought I'd mention my personal accomplishment. Definitely a huge element of willpower involved. No doubt about that. My girlfriend and I have both been taking Chantix for the last three weeks, but she is still smoking everyday and I am not. Even with aids to help quitting, willpower is essential.
I could technically give up cheeseburgers but fuck that shit, it's not happening
If it's causing budget problems, just dress up in prison stripes, wear a mask and people will think you're cute when you steal their burgers.
On the downside you have to hang out with big purple blobs that are of unknown origin.
Actually not that weird. I was scanning the index and saw you writing your response here, but I just thought I'd mention my personal accomplishment. Definitely a huge element of willpower involved. No doubt about that. My girlfriend and I have both been taking Chantix for the last three weeks, but she is still smoking everyday and I am not. Even with aids to help quitting, willpower is essential.

What do you mean scanning the index? And how do I do that?
I'm going to go do some heroin responsibly.

You laugh but it's worth a look. If you do heroin three or four times a year, you have made no significant impact on your health. If you are able to do it these times in isolation, which most people can't, are you doing it responsibly? It's almost a cliche to say that the responsible use is zero use. If it doesn't impact your mental or physical health, your financial status, your career prospects, or your relationships, why is using it irresponsible?
Haha, I thought someone might bring up coke, but I think you know I meant the usual vices.
Hell you know I actually made some money in gambling probably every year except that one really bad year.

Where I'm from a heroin addiction is a lot more of a "usual vice" than a gambling addiction.
Lest Topspin derail the thread with his childish marijuana fetish, allow me to clarify: this thread pertains strictly to tobacco products. With that established, how many of you smoke?

I'd be classified as a light smoker. Djarum Blacks are my absolute favorite cigarette; I burn through a pack of these every two weeks or so. To any smoker who hasn't tried them, I highly recommend you buy a pack. They're fantastic.

Cigars and shisha are usually reserved for special occasions (social events). Any cigar connoisseurs out there?

Yes, my mouth was watering when some one mentioned a good Feuntes!
I was unAmerican and smoked a great Cuban at a wedding last year! I don't recall the name of the cigar, but it was marvelous. I don't partake as much as I use to because of my cancer, but I will still partake, I can't pass up a good cigar! I also use to be a lover of clove cigarettes, but that pass time has also gone away!
thank you for trying to get me to try heroin though..

Haha you know perfectly well I am advancing a hypothetical argument. It is the same hypothetical argument, however, that led to my personal quest to try every drug so perhaps I should stop before I get too persuasive.
my wife currently smokes, I do not, but i'm hoping she'll quit damned soon, for tax money reasons if not for her health

First the money and then her health, I hope you just wrote that backwards and your wife's health is your first priority! Right! :rolleyes:
Where I'm from a heroin addiction is a lot more of a "usual vice" than a gambling addiction.
Yeah? Hard to say nowadays though with the internet don't you think?

My "addiction" though was really just some young kid thinking he could mathematically go over 50% odds in blackjack by watching the number of face cards going by and altering bets accordingly. It probably was easier for me to quit when I could face the fact that my addiction was not to gambling but in thinking I could actually make money on it.
I smoke but my girlfriend and I are trying to quit using Chantix.

So far it has basically made us want to kill each other, and we're both still smoking. It's still the first week though so we're sticking with it. I'm a little more committed to it than her. I think she's going to start back when it gets bad.

I am sorry, but that had to be hell! Two people committed to each other should NEVER stop smoking at the same time, unless you are on Zanax to help you stop! It gave me a big chuckle! I can just imagine after dinner and the two of you glaring at each other! that is when you re-place sex for the cigarette!
it is/was possible to beat blackjack dano, though it's much harder to these days, especially with automatic shufflers.

Foxwoods though still just has a 6 deck shoe so you could count cards there.
I quit cold turkey and I had a 2.5 pack a day habit but I had also reached a point where I knew if I didnt' quit I would die young and fear is one hell of a motivator. I did a number of things which helped me. You're all ready doing one. I talked my GF into quiting with me at the same time as I knew I couldn't do it if she kept on smoking. All's she had to do was spark up once and I was a goner.

Next was I stopped doing all the things I associated with smoking. I quit drinking coffee and beer and I would get up and go for a walk after meals until the nicotene fit subsided. I stoped going to clubs and bars and restraunts as I new if I went to one I would spark up.

I also stopped associating with anyone I knew who smoked until I had a grip on things (that took 6 months). Most of my friends and family smoked and I stopped seeing them, at first they thought I was mad at them but I convinced them I was serious about smoking.

Next I started doing activities that not only distracted me from smoking but also made it damned inconvienant to drop what I was doing to go buy a pack. At first I went to a local river and would hike a mile or two up and down it to find a fishing spot and would fish most evenings. Did that for a couple of months, then I started riding my bike when I got home from work, that was even better because as I got better at cycling it became positive reinforcement not to smoke.

It was a full year before I stopped having nicotene fits on a daily basis. After 1 year I went to a bar for the first time. A colleague lit up a cigar and I promptly had a nicotene fit and immediatly made my excuses and left. It was a full two years before the smell of tobacco didn't cause a nicotene fit. By then, I'd lost a lot of friends who smoked because I just couldn't be around smokers till I had a firm grip on things. That sucked but I'm still alive 15 years later. I'm positive had I kept smoking at the rate I was, I would now be dead.

4 years after I quite smoking cigerettes I went to Miami on a business trip. Our host turned us onto some authentic Cuban cigars (a Cohiba lancero). It was my very first premium cigar and I enjoyed it and oddly it gave me no urge to smoke a cigerette. I've enjoyed premium cigars ever since. Each Thursday I drop by a local walk in humidor with a good bottle of whiskey and I get a good cigar and have a couple of stiff drinks and then go home for dinner. Man, that's living.

That is what my hubby did, Woke up one morning, started to cough and he threw his cigarettes in the thrash. His mother had emphysema and died from esophagus cancer. He didn't want to follow her act!