
Beefy does your health insurance provider think you are a non smoker?
If so you might be in for a big suprise some time MR. Hookah.
Whoever told you that is an idiot. A pack of cigarettes is roughly 3/4 an ounce of tobacco, meaning 5 packs would be nearly 4 ounces. It is about 1/3 ounce that is smoked in a hooka. Not to mention than many non cigarette smokers will enjoy a 1 hour session with a hooka where 100 cigarettes would have them puking their guts up for 2 days. Think about it, don't accept everything you hear from every jackass as gospel. Seriously, sheesh. This is a pretty easy one.

This is equally as retarded. It is not in any fashion the same thing, except to a pimplenecked pencildick.

It also depends on how you smoke it. For example. There's way more nicotene in the average cigar I smoke but I only puff on cigars. I don't inhale. There for a much smaller percentage of nicotene is absorbed on a per weight basis compared to cigerettes. With cigerettes, which are inhaled deeply, the nicotene is almost completely absorbed, almost instantaneously through the alveoli of the lungs and into the blood stream. Only intravenous injection has a more rapic absorption. In addition, the nicotene in cigerrette tobacco is chemically treated to with ammonia to remove attached nucleophiles. This enhances the rapid absorption on the nicotine inhaled into the lungs at and causes a more rapid impact on the central nervous system. In essence, it's essentially the same concept as free basing cocaine.

So one cannot underscore the impact that the route of entry of nicotene has on the individual.
Probably because you're not smoking it right.

On a somewhat off-topic note, I used to dip at least a few times per day. Then, on one occasion I accidentally swallowed that shit. It was the last time.

When I was in high school I bought a can of skoal and was trying a dip. Some buddies discovered my with the shit and the smart asses thought it would be funny to force feed me some of it. They force feed me about a quarter of a can and man I got so sick it wasn't even funny. I blew chunks until I was physically exhuasted. Never touched snuff again.
When I was in high school I bought a can of skoal and was trying a dip. Some buddies discovered my with the shit and the smart asses thought it would be funny to force feed me some of it. They force feed me about a quarter of a can and man I got so sick it wasn't even funny. I blew chunks until I was physically exhuasted. Never touched snuff again.

In the long run, they probably did you a favor. Chaw is notoriously dangerous as a contributor to various forms of mouth cancer. Besides, it's damned nasty. I just love to see the driver of the vehicle ahead of me open his door at a red light to spew a stream of dark effulgent -- cholinergics such as nicotine increase salivation remarkably with direct application. Ugh!

Inhalation can have an even more direct route than you described to the brain. A large part of what is taken up by the nasal capillaries goes directly to the brain -- the reason that drugs such as crack are so effective vs. injected stimulants. Of course, they also act as powerful vasoconstrictors, and will destroy the blood supply to the nasal cavities over time.
That is a significant difference.

Nicotine isn't the thing that causes cancer, after all. Nicotine is just addictive. The smoke causes the cancer. So if something requires a hundred times more smoke to get the same nicotine high, it's much worse. That's why lite cigarettes are so bad - people just smoke more to make up the nicotine difference, and it's even worse for them.
Nicotine isn't the thing that causes cancer, after all. Nicotine is just addictive. The smoke causes the cancer. So if something requires a hundred times more smoke to get the same nicotine high, it's much worse. That's why lite cigarettes are so bad - people just smoke more to make up the nicotine difference, and it's even worse for them.

Nicotine is also a potent poison in quite small quantities. In the lab it has to be handled with extreme caution and a great variety of protective gear, and that isn't just scare tactics. Nicotine may also act to suppress the immune system, and thereby have a permissive effect on cancer cell development.

I believe that it's the tar in the smoke that may be carcinogenic. This exists also in chew, so that route isn't without its own dangers at all.

Before I quit (13+ years ago) I was down to three ultra-light cigarettes a day. It was enough, and even the first one of the day made me a bit dizzy. I'm convinced that at that point it was the ritual and not the smoking that I was following. Some people may increase their number of cigs as you say, but the restrictions on the places where smoking is allowed may serve to cut down that number considerably. I did know some people, though, who used to cover the holes in the filters (the way that ultra-lights are constructed) with their fingers -- so much for lower intake, huh!
Nicotine isn't the thing that causes cancer, after all. Nicotine is just addictive. The smoke causes the cancer. So if something requires a hundred times more smoke to get the same nicotine high, it's much worse. That's why lite cigarettes are so bad - people just smoke more to make up the nicotine difference, and it's even worse for them.

I wouldn't say that. Nicotene is acutely toxic and is managed by both DOT and EPA as an acutely toxic chemical in it's commercial grade form. There are compouns in tobacco that are confirmed carcinogent, notibly benzene and cadmium and Poly Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH's) with cadmium probably being the biggest contributer. That also explains tobaccos penchant for bone dimineralization which can be attributed to tobacco's cadmium content.
I wouldn't say that. Nicotene is acutely toxic and is managed by both DOT and EPA as an acutely toxic chemical in it's commercial grade form.

It's toxic in that it's easy to overdose on its pure form in small amounts. It's literally impossible to overdose on it through cigarettes alone, so that really isn't a worry.
I quit smoking cigerettes 15 years ago and started riding my bike. Got so good at it I started racging. Was a USCF roadie from 95 to 2000 and got as high as Cat 3.

I had it bad when I was smoking, 2.5 packs a day, i had to quit or die.

Oddly enough, I enjoy smoking premium cigars, which give me no urge to smoke cigerettes. My favorites are a Fuentes Hemingway and Opus X.

My view on cigerettes is pretty harsh. They nearly killed me and the affected the quality of my life. Cigerettes are the most dangerous drug in the world and should be regulated like Heroine and other schedule 1 narcotics and outright outlawed. The officers of the major cigerette companies should be sent to prison for life as the murderers they are as they put the Columbian cocaine cartels to shame. Not even Hitler or Stalin has the record for mass murder that those bastards have.
Mass murder? You are being a retard, they never forced you to do anything. You just lack willpower and want to blame your weakness on someone else.
Mass murder? You are being a retard, they never forced you to do anything. You just lack willpower and want to blame your weakness on someone else.

And you're an ignorant fool incapable of objectively evaluating data and wouldn't know what a fact is if it fell on you and banged you like the $20 wingnut whore that you are.

Try telling the families of the nearly half a million people a year who die from cigerrettes that they just lacked will power.

No wonder Americans have rejected right wings politics. You guys are not only extremist, you're just plain stupid. If you're representative of the average white American male then we are one seriously fucked species doomed for extinction!
Its still not the legal system's job to deal with someone's chemical addiction to nicotene. And I had an uncle who died from his smoking, and a grandfather whose life was shortened by the smoking he had engaged in until he quit at middle age... Most people have known someone who died of cancer or emphezema, including probably Dano.
Try telling the families of the nearly half a million people a year who die from cigerrettes that they just lacked will power.

But it's true. They could have stopped smoking, but they did not.

It is that simple.

No wonder Americans have rejected right wings politics.

Americans have rejected Bush politics, not right-wing politics. There is a difference.

Like it or not, we're still a right-leaning country.
But it's true. They could have stopped smoking, but they did not.

It is that simple.

Americans have rejected Bush politics, not right-wing politics. There is a difference.

Like it or not, we're still a right-leaning country.

Really? Then you quit. Right now, cold turkey. I dare you.

I know from personal experience that #1. Quiting smoking was one of the hardest things I ever did and it took a hell of a lot more than will power. If you think you can get off of cigerettes on will power alone, you'll never quit. It takes way more than that and #2. having lost family members to emphasema and lung cancer who couldn't even quit when they were faced with dying and kept right on smoking up until they just couldn't inhale them no more shortly before they died. They wanted to quit in the worst way and couldn't.
There is a big differance between being "right leaning" or "right of center" and right wing politics. We've always been on a pendulum swing on politics in our nations history and for much of that history liberal politics have been very popular. At present we are trending more towards left of center than towards right of center with right wing politics in general becoming very unpopular.
Really? Then you quit. Right now, cold turkey. I dare you.

I know from personal experience that #1. Quiting smoking was one of the hardest things I ever did and it took a hell of a lot more than will power. If you think you can get off of cigerettes on will power alone, you'll never quit. It takes way more than that and #2. having lost family members to emphasema and lung cancer who couldn't even quit when they were faced with dying and kept right on smoking up until they just couldn't inhale them no more shortly before they died. They wanted to quit in the worst way and couldn't.

Up until my posts on this thread I was smoking 20-30 cigs a day. In the last week I have had 2, both while I was out drinking Saturday night with an army buddy who is home in between deployments. So I count that as a special occasion.
Really? Then you quit. Right now, cold turkey. I dare you.

I know from personal experience that #1. Quiting smoking was one of the hardest things I ever did and it took a hell of a lot more than will power. If you think you can get off of cigerettes on will power alone, you'll never quit. It takes way more than that and #2. having lost family members to emphasema and lung cancer who couldn't even quit when they were faced with dying and kept right on smoking up until they just couldn't inhale them no more shortly before they died. They wanted to quit in the worst way and couldn't.
Everyone I know who quit, quit because of will power. It may have been will power egged on by family concerns or health concerns but it was will power none the less.

I understand the science of addiction, but you are under the presumption that addiction is some sort of insurmountable scientic law - obviously it is not, your own experience even proves it.

You know Mottley, I've only really mentioned it a few times but I used to have a gambling addiction (blackjack). It was to the point where I was gambling rent money and even got evicted. It was then I quit cold turkey and did so for years and then I started thinking more.
I wondered have I really proved I can conquer something or have I just shown that I am too weak to face it responsibly? So I started gambling again, but this time just a couple times a year with a reasonably flexible small amount of money. Basically I just treated it like any other indulgence in life and did it in moderation.