So now Trump was tortured in jail

No beliefs should be illegal.

You can't keep your story straight - you just said that those who believed "lies" (which would be anything contrary to the party) are criminals who use the symbol of hate (at least the one you hate), the American flag, to overthrow our democracy.

You can believe anything you want to. But when you resort to violence then you are breaking criminal laws.

Unless it's for St. Floyd - in which case murdering 39 cops, raping 19 people, and causing over a trillion dollars in damages is "just making your voice heard."

None of these have anything to do with political party beliefs.


The two tiered system of injustice you demand is purely a feature of your party.

Violence should be prosecuted without regard to anything political parties advocate.

Yet it isn't. Violence in service to your party is not prosecuted at all. PROTEST against your party is prosecuted beyond the legal extents of the law. You need to send a message that opposition to the party will be dealt with harshly.
Yes, the Constitution guarantees government cannot prevent any group from protesting.

Unless they are Trump supporters. Then they must be imprisoned. You've made this clear.

However, it says "peacefully assemble." That applies to anyone--Democrat, Republican, citizens, non-citizens....

Nope, pro-Hamas groups were not prosecuted for breaking into the Capitol - they are subject to a completely different law than Americans supporting Trump.

But when those protestors turn to violence they are engaging in criminal behavior and should be prosecuted. It also protects the right to lobby government.

I understand, Fiery but mostly peaceful protests are only for democrats, Comrade hypocrite.
Unless they are Trump supporters. Then they must be imprisoned. You've made this clear.
You have no reading comprehension. Where did I say Trump supporters do not have the right to protest? I clearly said everybody if you actually read my post. Anybody who becomes violent should be prosecuted. This applies to everybody. Is this clear enough or are you going to make up more lies? You can't grasp that some people can have views that disagree with you without being Republicans.
yes you authoritarians are typical

so take your demands on how I must act and stick them up your ass - since making demands is cool with you and all
Some people are not smart enough to engage in political debate without becoming angry, accusing posters of things they never said, making everything black and white and excessively partisan; especially when they have reading comprehension problems.
I understand, Fiery but mostly peaceful protests are only for democrats, Comrade hypocrite.
No, you clearly do not understand and have not understood any of this discussion about constitutional law. You favor government that dictates religious practices and I want religion free from government interference. Yet, you continue to repeat the opposite.
You can't keep your story straight - you just said that those who believed "lies" (which would be anything contrary to the party) are criminals who use the symbol of hate (at least the one you hate), the American flag, to overthrow our democracy.
No, You reading comprehension is killing you. I said those who committed violence are committing criminal acts and should be prosecuted. I did not say they should be prosecuted for their beliefs. We don't know their beliefs and beliefs can never be criminal. My point was that most of those who attaced the Capitol did so because they believed Trump's lies about election fraud.
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If we were face to face I could explain all this stuff to you nice and slow so your reading comprehension did not cause problems.
It would not work. It is difficult to convince a person that their beliefs are wrong using logic and facts, when their beliefs are emotional and personal. They react in anger and use insults as if you were attacking them, not the felon in chief.
Trump tends to exaggerate in the same way and for the a same reason comedians exaggerate.....which I am mostly fine with.
Charlie Chaplin and Adolf Hitler shared similar mannerism. With Chaplin, it was about exaggerated movements for comedy sake. With Hitler, it was about exaggerated movements to focus hatred and create an excuse for genocide.

The movements are similar, but the reasons are very, very different.
You have no reading comprehension. Where did I say Trump supporters do not have the right to protest?

You say it every time you tell the BIG LIE that the J6 protest was an "insurrection."

The reason the party has you chant that bit of demagoguery is to warn all the consequence of protesting against the party.

I clearly said everybody if you actually read my post.

Again, you primarily post party demagoguery. Particularly the threats against those who openly oppose your party. To point out that the 2020 election was corrupted is "insurrection" and a threat to duhmobcracy.

Anybody who becomes violent should be prosecuted.

Yet the only ones who ARE prosecuted are enemies of the party.

You attack those who protested the election several times a day. When have you EVER demanded Raz Simone - who led an actual insurrection - not the fucking lie you tell - but men with guns invading and holding territory - be prosecuted?

The answer, never. Simone was acting on behalf of your party. The CHAZ/CHOP insurrection was supported and financed by your party.

You'll scream all day every day, "HOW DARE enemies of the party question the utterly corrupt 2020 election?"

But this? You're cool with it - Uber Alles democrat.


Never arrested - never prosecuted.

This applies to everybody.

Not under the rule of your party.

There is no law under your party. There is only the power to persecute enemies.

Is this clear enough or are you going to make up more lies? You can't grasp that some people can have views that disagree with you without being Republicans.

The only one lying is you - as we both know.

You have your party - which leaves no room for integrity.
Some people are not smart enough to engage in political debate without becoming angry, accusing posters of things they never said, making everything black and white and excessively partisan; especially when they have reading comprehension problems.
some idiots don't take accountability for why others are angry around them
So you believe trump was tortured? Wow, you are... gullible.

Do I believe that Fannie WIllis had her goons "crunch" Trump?

Yeah, I do. That is entirely consistent with her behavior. Click the cuffs several notches past skin contact to create pain? Yes - that sounds just like her - and you squeal with delight at the idea - because Trump threatens absolute power by your party.
If Trump said it, he believes it. If Trump says the opposite, he switches his beliefs.

Why wouldn't I?

It fits with the pattern of behavior from you Stalinists. All of you are consumed with burning hatred for the man who threatens the Marxist dictatorship you are on the brink of making a reality.

Would @Walt or you crush the handcuffs to dig in and create pain if you had the opportunity? We all know you would - hate consumes you - Trump is the usurper who denied Hillary her rightful place and set back the agenda a decade.

I've often said that if Hillary had won - 2016 would have been the last legitimate election in America.

The sad truth is that it was the last legitimate election anyway.