So now Trump was tortured in jail

Again - we have to define "abuse" and look at the evidence.

You commies only look at the party involved. You hate Trump so attack him regardless of facts.

Did Willis have her goons crunch down the handcuffs? It wouldn't surprise me. Would that be torture? Perhaps.

We don't know the facts - you love your party and Trump is a danger to the absolute power the party lusts for - hence you hate Trump and don't care what the facts actually are.
What is the evidence?
Whew, so now we got confirmation ^ that Trump was indeed tortured in Georgia

Guess that twenty minute stop to get his mugshot taken must have really been brutal for him, probably made him late for his tee time that day
he;s being tortured by the establishment in general, constantly.

because the establishment hates truth.
I have no reason to doubt Trump - and every reason to doubt you.
Right, “I have no reason to doubt Trump,” if Trump told you he shit gold you would believe him cause you “have no reason to doubt” him

I’d say you were incredibly naive, but it is a lot further out there than just naivety

And that is why you and the other Trumpkins are referred to as a cult
You actually believe Trump was tortured in jail? This proves Trumpers will believe anything he said. His Secret Service protection let this happen?
in this thread I proved that Biden supporters are the dumb asses too - out of one side of your fucking faces you laugh at Trump supporters for believing bullshit, than defend Biden and his cannibalism stories

you have selective reading. I clearly said I don't believe Trump - and never defended Trump - but boy did you dweebs defend Biden
in this thread I proved that Biden supporters are the dumb asses too - out of one side of your fucking faces you laugh at Trump supporters for believing bullshit, than defend Biden and his cannibalism stories

you have selective reading. I clearly said I don't believe Trump - and never defended Trump - but boy did you dweebs defend Biden
Your reading comprehension is also poor. I have never defended Biden or voted for him. The only difference is that Biden's stories of cannibalism, receiving awards in college or lying about his class rank had no affect on the U. S.

Trump's lies led to an attack on the nation's Capitol, caused mistrust of elections and election officials, led people to think violence was appropriate because he "thought" he was cheated in the election.
Your reading comprehension is also poor. I have never defended Biden or voted for him. The only difference is that Biden's stories of cannibalism, receiving awards in college or lying about his class rank had no affect on the U. S.

Trump's lies led to an attack on the nation's Capitol, caused mistrust of elections and election officials, led people to think violence was appropriate because he "thought" he was cheated in the election.
hey shit stain , you asked me this: "You actually believe Trump was tortured in jail?"
so again - do you shit stains bother to read before uttering your bigotry and bullshit?

also biden lying about "really fine people" gave power and visibility to very bad people - so his lies were harmful
in this thread I proved that Biden supporters are the dumb asses too - out of one side of your fucking faces you laugh at Trump supporters for believing bullshit, than defend Biden and his cannibalism stories

you have selective reading. I clearly said I don't believe Trump - and never defended Trump - but boy did you dweebs defend Biden
Anything but, your attempted deflection falls flat

As cited five times you failed to address the main questions: did Biden try to fund raise off his narrative, and secondly, how many Democrats would send Biden money because of his narrative ?

Easily recognized why you would never address those questions
Anything but, your attempted deflection falls flat

As cited five times you failed to address the main questions: did Biden try to fund raise off his narrative, and secondly, how many Democrats would send Biden money because of his narrative ?

Easily recognized why you would never address those questions
says the jackass that believes Biden and his lies
And he doubles down to prove my point

maybe one day you will actually learn what deflection means

shit stain - "even sadder that the MAGA cult actually believes all the shit he shovels"

me - proves hypocrisy of claims

shit stain - "stop deflecting. waaah. waaah"
You believe he was tortured.

And the Straw Man...

I alone will say what I believe, Comrade.

YOU claim to know "DA TWOOF."

So show us the evidence that you, or rather the DNC hate sources, have?

That proves supporters will believe anything he said. None bothered to check the facts. MSNBC, Fox, NewsMax, CNN, and other TV news is for people who don't read.

So, you telling a lie proves that the enemy of your party is really icky...

You are utterly fact free,
Sorry, I don't have a party.


Right, and you're a "libertarian" too...

I mean, just because you're a full blown sycophant for the DNC and spew never ending hatred for civil liberties is no reason to doubt you...

I won't vote for Trump or Biden.

Sure you won't.

That is another assumption you make because you think everything has to be black or white.

The United States Constitution is on the Ballot in November. A vote for Trump is a vote to restore it. A vote against - well obviously.
What is the evidence?

Trump says that Willis had her goons overtighten handcuffs - "crunching" as police call it to create extreme pain. I have no proof it happened, but it fits with the actions by Willis in general, and the pogrom your party wages against Trump.

I have no reason to doubt it. Your only argument is that you hate Trump because he endangers absolute power by the Marxist democrats. You offer nothing to refute his claim.

Right, and you're a "libertarian" too...

I mean, just because you're a full blown sycophant for the DNC and spew never ending hatred for civil liberties is no reason to doubt you...

Sure you won't.

The United States Constitution is on the Ballot in November. A vote for Trump is a vote to restore it. A vote against - well obviously.
Which civil liberties are you referring to?????
The United States Constitution is on the Ballot in November. A vote for Trump is a vote to restore it. A vote against - well obviously.
The Constitution was on the ballot in 2020 and the voters chose the Constitution after Trump tried to block the electoral vote count and in 2022 called for the suspension of the Constitution.

Hopefully, the voters will reject attempted sedition again. Unfortunately there are many sheep that believe his lies and don't care that he failed to follow his oath to defend the Constitution.
Trump says that Willis had her goons overtighten handcuffs - "crunching" as police call it to create extreme pain. I have no proof it happened, but it fits with the actions by Willis in general, and the pogrom your party wages against Trump.

I have no reason to doubt it. Your only argument is that you hate Trump because he endangers absolute power by the Marxist democrats. You offer nothing to refute his claim.
Your only evidence is Trump's statement and he is famous for his many lies.