So now Trump was tortured in jail

Trump campaign fundraising email says he was ‘tortured’ in jail”

“Former President Trump’s campaign in a Monday fundraising email criticized his treatment at the Fulton County Jail in Georgia, saying he was “tortured” while getting his historic mug shot at the jail.”

“I want you to remember what they did to me. They tortured me in the Fulton County Jail”

“Trump surrendered last August to the Fulton County Jail, a stipulation of his criminal indictment in Georgia. Upon arriving to the jail in a presidential-style motorcade, Trump was booked, fingerprinted and photographed for a mug shot. The process took about 20 minutes

Sad enough a guy running for President feels he has to lie like this but even sadder that the MAGA cult actually believes all the shit he shovels

I have no reason to doubt Trump - and every reason to doubt you.
Sad enough a guy running for President feels he has to lie like this but even sadder that the MAGA cult actually believes all the shit he shovels
He knows his supporters will believe him no matter how crazy his stories. They are believing the "weaponized justice system" lie.
Trump's campaign email is not the same as Biden saying something directly to the press

also he didn't imply it - he states the reason - it was because of cannibals

try to keep up shit stains -
Nobody believes Biden's stories. All the MAGA people believe Trump.
Trump tends to exaggerate in the same way and for the a same reason comedians exaggerate.....which I am mostly fine with.

This here is a bridge too far...I wonder if there is a story about how this happened.
the plane was shot down in the ocean - which is why the body was not recovered

But Biden still suggested he could of been eaten by cannibals

thanks for proving my point - at no point did I justify Trump's dumb shit - yet here you are - being the hypocrite I claimed and justifying the bullshit from Dementia Joe

“they never found the body because there used to be — there were a lot of cannibals, for real, in that part of New Guinea.”

you are a gas lighting shit stain too. This is saying his uncle was eaten by cannibals - he gave no other alternative
Biden clearly said that Cannibals were the reason they never found uncle Bosey's body. :facepalm:
Trump campaign fundraising email says he was ‘tortured’ in jail”

“Former President Trump’s campaign in a Monday fundraising email criticized his treatment at the Fulton County Jail in Georgia, saying he was “tortured” while getting his historic mug shot at the jail.”

“I want you to remember what they did to me. They tortured me in the Fulton County Jail”

“Trump surrendered last August to the Fulton County Jail, a stipulation of his criminal indictment in Georgia. Upon arriving to the jail in a presidential-style motorcade, Trump was booked, fingerprinted and photographed for a mug shot. The process took about 20 minutes

Sad enough a guy running for President feels he has to lie like this but even sadder that the MAGA cult actually believes all the shit he shovels
Best-selling Toadstool Cultist poster...

You are making up numbers. Madoff cheated organizations and the super weathy too.
The VAST majority of Madoff's chumps were Jewish and the vast majority of Jews are DEMOCRATS.

Last week’s ABC mini-series chronicled the most famous financial fraud in recent American history: Bernard Madoff’s $50 billion Ponzi scheme, which devastated elite institutions and families of the American Jewish community. The scale of Madoff’s crimes was breathtaking.

At one point, around 85 percent of his investors were also Jews, aka Members of the Tribe, and included well-known individuals, charities and institutions — from Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel to the Hadassah women's organization. As it turned out, Madoff was actually running the biggest Ponzi scheme in history.

The real shit stain is the person who does not understand that there were 3 people in that plane crash Bidens uncle disappeared from.

One was fished out of the water by a barge and survived.

The other disappeared either died on impact, or may have been killed by a shark(s) in the water, or may have drown.

Saying the above as POTENTIAL for the 2nd guy DOES NOT mean i am claiming he died via drowning, or via shark or via impact. I am saying those are some of the potential answers.

Biden's uncle may have drown or been eaten by a shark or got taken by cannibals. ONly a shitstain does not understand the OPTIONS are NOT a claim.

only a shitstain forgives intentionally misleading implications.
The VAST majority of Madoff's chumps were Jewish and the vast majority of Jews are DEMOCRATS.

At one point, around 85 percent of his investors were also Jews, aka Members of the Tribe, and included well-known individuals, charities and institutions — from Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel to the Hadassah women's organization. As it turned out, Madoff was actually running the biggest Ponzi scheme in history.


they call this the Affinity Con.

he's our amazing banker Jew, he would never betray us.

come to find out..... he's just a piece of shit.
The VAST majority of Madoff's chumps were Jewish and the vast majority of Jews are DEMOCRATS.
Which explains why you MAGATs hate American Jews, but love you some socialist Israeli Jews. BTW, did you know that abortion is legal in Israel? Did you know that YOUR tax $$ (assuming you actually pay anything into the system, which is questionable) go to support Israel -- and abortion?