So now Trump was tortured in jail

Nobody believes Biden's stories. All the MAGA people believe Trump.

Again - we have to define "abuse" and look at the evidence.

You commies only look at the party involved. You hate Trump so attack him regardless of facts.

Did Willis have her goons crunch down the handcuffs? It wouldn't surprise me. Would that be torture? Perhaps.

We don't know the facts - you love your party and Trump is a danger to the absolute power the party lusts for - hence you hate Trump and don't care what the facts actually are.
Which explains why you MAGATs hate American Jews, but love you some socialist Israeli Jews. BTW, did you know that abortion is legal in Israel? Did you know that YOUR tax $$ (assuming you actually pay anything into the system, which is questionable) go to support Israel -- and abortion?

Oh looky here, ThatBowlMovement is bleating the same Antisemitic trope that @Guno צְבִי was vomiting out yesterday.

The Antisemites of the left (redundant) think they are clever. They're not - they're just Nazi vermin.
Again - we have to define "abuse" and look at the evidence.

You commies only look at the party involved. You hate Trump so attack him regardless of facts.

Did Willis have her goons crunch down the handcuffs? It wouldn't surprise me. Would that be torture? Perhaps.

We don't know the facts - you love your party and Trump is a danger to the absolute power the party lusts for - hence you hate Trump and don't care what the facts actually are.
You have tied yourself to the Republican Party and want them to win at all costs. That means you believe Trump when he lies to claim election fraud and now torture. That is a joke you believe because you can't bring yourself to actually check the facts or call Trump on his lies.
You have tied yourself to the Republican Party and want them to win at all costs.

Rather I want you democrats to lose at all costs.

That means you believe Trump when he lies to claim election fraud and now torture.

The one lying is you.

I didn't need Trump to tell me that you engaged in massive fraud. You Marxists ALWAYS engage in election fraud. The evidence was all around us.

That is a joke you believe because you can't bring yourself to actually check the facts or call Trump on his lies.

You are a DNC sycophant - you live for your party and believe whatever MSNBC and the other hate sources tell you. Party defines reality for you.
Try checking the facts

What would you know of facts?

You just repeat the idiocy from CNN

rather than just believing anything Trump says because you are afraid to disagree with him.


I see, you're trying to project the way you mindless minions of the Marxist democrat party are onto we Americans.

Sorry, that's just stupid. Most of us disagree with Trump on dozens of issues - bump stocks are a good example. It's you Stalinists who march in lockstep with the party.
You actually believe Trump was tortured in jail? This proves Trumpers will believe anything he said. His Secret Service protection let this happen?

It does?

Please present this "proof"?

What is the claim in the letter?

You don't even know - but you call it a "lie" because MSNBC told you to. You're on "team commie" and don't even need to know what the issue is.
It does?

Please present this "proof"?

What is the claim in the letter?

You don't even know - but you call it a "lie" because MSNBC told you to. You're on "team commie" and don't even need to know what the issue is.
You believe he was tortured. That proves supporters will believe anything he said. None bothered to check the facts. MSNBC, Fox, NewsMax, CNN, and other TV news is for people who don't read.
What would you know of facts?

You just repeat the idiocy from CNN


I see, you're trying to project the way you mindless minions of the Marxist democrat party are onto we Americans.

Sorry, that's just stupid. Most of us disagree with Trump on dozens of issues - bump stocks are a good example. It's you Stalinists who march in lockstep with the party.
Sorry, I don't have a party. I won't vote for Trump or Biden. That is another assumption you make because you think everything has to be black or white.