So now Trump was tortured in jail

Right, “I have no reason to doubt Trump,” if Trump told you he shit gold you would believe him cause you “have no reason to doubt” him

I'm not a communist. I don't believe idiocy. If Trump said he shit gold it would contradict reality - sort of like Biden saying his uncle was eaten by cannibals. That would be reason to doubt him.

The idea that Willis would have her goons inflict physical pain on Trump on the other hand, is entirely consistent with the patterns of behavior by Willis.

I’d say you were incredibly naive, but it is a lot further out there than just naivety

And that is why you and the other Trumpkins are referred to as a cult

As I said, I have every reason to doubt what you claim.
Trump says that Willis had her goons overtighten handcuffs - "crunching" as police call it to create extreme pain. I have no proof it happened, but it fits with the actions by Willis in general, and the pogrom your party wages against Trump.

I have no reason to doubt it. Your only argument is that you hate Trump because he endangers absolute power by the Marxist democrats. You offer nothing to refute his claim.
You are such a maroon.
he;s being tortured by the establishment in general, constantly.

because the establishment hates truth.
You are torturing logic and common sense with nearly every post. If it is pro-Trump or his goofy statements, you jump in and agee, no matter how ridiculous. Trump is always being given the breaks that wealthy and powerful people get. He can flaunt the law and smear the courts in public and go home. You can't do that.
Poor Daffy donald, he got his mug shot taken and went home. How could he get through that?
Your reading comprehension is also poor. I have never defended Biden or voted for him.

You defend Biden every time. If anyone posts information harmful to the Biden regime, you immediately post anti-Trump hatred to try and defend Quid Pro.

The only difference is that Biden's stories of cannibalism, receiving awards in college or lying about his class rank had no affect on the U. S.

Biden's lies about taking bribes have compromised this country deeply. He is clearly compromised by Iran, which has led to disastrous policy decisions including aiding Iran in becoming a nuclear power, funding the 10/7/23 attack on Israel, etc.

Trump's lies led to an attack on the nation's Capitol, caused mistrust of elections and election officials, led people to think violence was appropriate because he "thought" he was cheated in the election.

There you go again with DNC propaganda and lies.

You got the outcome you wanted. The election was deeply flawed - to directly lie otherwise is the act of a sycophant.
The Constitution was on the ballot in 2020 and the voters chose the Constitution after Trump tried to block the electoral vote count and in 2022


You fucking democrats and your hypocritical lies...

called for the suspension of the Constitution.

Hopefully, the voters will reject attempted sedition again. Unfortunately there are many sheep that believe his lies and don't care that he failed to follow his oath to defend the Constitution.

Right, it's "sedition" if the Americans do it - when you democrats do it, well that's just fine and dandy.
Right, it's "sedition" if the Americans do it - when you democrats do it, well that's just fine and dandy.
Americans didn't attack the Capitol. It was the right-wing MAGA supporters who then tried to blame it on others because they are not man enough to take responsibility for their violent attack on police officers.
Americans didn't attack the Capitol. It was the right-wing MAGA supporters who then tried to blame it on others because they are not man enough to take responsibility for their violent attack on police officers.
it was individuals making individual decisions. attaching group labels to individual actions is dumb. blaming a speech for someone else harming people and property is so fucking dumb

shit stains gonna stain shit though
it was individuals making individual decisions. attaching group labels to individual actions is dumb. blaming a speech for someone else harming people and property is so fucking dumb

shit stains gonna stain shit though
A bunch of individuals who supported Trump who believed his lies about election fraud. And, all those individuals chose to make the same individual decision when they broke into the Capitol using flag poles and other weapons who threatened the life of public officials and stopped the counting of electoral votes that had to be stopped until the next day. Agreed, not all the protestors were violence, but those are the only ones the public condemns. Many were convicted of seditious conspiracy. It would not have happened without Trump's lies and calling for them to meet and march to the Capitol.
A bunch of individuals who supported Trump who believed his lies about election fraud. And, all those individuals chose to make the same individual decision when they broke into the Capitol using flag poles and other weapons who threatened the life of public officials and stopped the counting of electoral votes that had to be stopped until the next day. Agreed, not all the protestors were violence, but those are the only ones the public condemns. Many were convicted of seditious conspiracy. It would not have happened without Trump's lies and calling for them to meet and march to the Capitol.
can you stop staining shit for even one second?

too many lies and bullshit to unpack.

The fact is, even those of us that don't believe Trump's views on election theft still know the election was not fair

you shit stains refuse to take any accountability yourself. you lied about Russian collusion for years and forced the other party to not legislate and lead, but to defend against complete bullshit. You literally changed how elections were done claiming it was for safety - it was for power.

where is your accountability for that riot?

you stopped commerce and changed election laws because of bullshit covid excuses. much of the anger was a fallout from this as well. again the libtard shit stains take no accountability

for years you shit stains lied about the very fine people that oppose you. you painted America as either on your side, or racist - so fuck you. you take no accountability for the hate - but you should.
can you stop staining shit for even one second?

too many lies and bullshit to unpack.

The fact is, even those of us that don't believe Trump's views on election theft still know the election was not fair

you shit stains refuse to take any accountability yourself. you lied about Russian collusion for years and forced the other party to not legislate and lead, but to defend against complete bullshit. You literally changed how elections were done claiming it was for safety - it was for power.

where is your accountability for that riot?

you stopped commerce and changed election laws because of bullshit covid excuses. much of the anger was a fallout from this as well. again the libtard shit stains take no accountability

for years you shit stains lied about the very fine people that oppose you. you painted America as either on your side, or racist - so fuck you. you take no accountability for the hate - but you should.
I am as critical of Democratic actions as Republican. Like many of the JPP posters, you attribute views to other posters which they have not expressed and do not support. I never lied about Russian collusion. I'll believe the election was unfair when the deniers submit one piece of evidence to support all their allegations which have since been largely recanted by the very ones who originally made the allegations.

And try to make your points without the insults and language. We usually see insults when people have nothing more substantive to say. Be nice.
Americans didn't attack the Capitol.

Agreed - but you keep chanting the DNC lie that they did.

It was the right-wing MAGA supporters who then tried to blame it on others because they are not man enough to take responsibility for their violent attack on police officers.

You democrats and your hypocrisy.

During the Reichstag Fire, no police officers were killed. Now during the St. Floyd riots - 39 officers were murdered. But you don't worry about that, party above all.

Comrade, I know you oppose the United States Constitution, but the 14th has something called the "equal protection clause." Would you agree that those at the J6 Reichstag Fire should face IDENTICAL sentences as those who did the same acts during the St. Floyd Kristallnacht?

Yeah, of course not.
A bunch of individuals who supported Trump who believed his lies about election fraud. And, all those individuals chose to make the same individual decision when they broke into the Capitol using flag poles and other weapons who threatened the life of public officials and stopped the counting of electoral votes that had to be stopped until the next day. Agreed, not all the protestors were violence, but those are the only ones the public condemns. Many were convicted of seditious conspiracy. It would not have happened without Trump's lies and calling for them to meet and march to the Capitol.

Yes, you recite DNC talking points - we know.

You lied that opposing certification of the election in 2020 is "insurrection," but ran to a straw man fallacy when I posted video of 19 of your party members blocking certification in 2016. Suddenly it was all different - Uber Alles democrat.

The fuck you are.

You do literally nothing but spout DNC talking points.

Do you really think anyone here is stupid enough not to see through you?
You see everything in partisan terms. If somebody says something that is true but it doesn't fit the line given by one party, you think that person must be the opposite.

If you think you can see through me you would know I think Trump was too liberal--big spending and too much government intervention (tariffs). I am an economic conservative and neither party meets that view. I am a social liberal which really makes me more of a libertarian but they are a little extreme for me.

I spent a lot of time looking for any evidence of election fraud and found most of the allegations are false and since 2020 more of the allegations have been disproven. That is simply a fact---it has nothing to do with the DNC talking points.
Americans didn't attack the Capitol. It was the right-wing MAGA supporters who then tried to blame it on others because they are not man enough to take responsibility for their violent attack on police officers.

Yes, you chant slogans from Rachel Maddow. I get it.

You clearly think the Bill of Rights is a single sentence that you interpret as outlawing religion. (well, party leaders interpret it that way for you.)

In fact the 1st has a provision "peacefully assemble to petition the government for redress of grievance." This is the right to protest. Notice two things, it doesn't say "only democrats may assemble," though you demand that be the case. And it directly says "petition the government" - which means yes, the unwashed may sully the holy ground of the Capitol to protest a tainted election. While you view government as infallible and never to be questioned, our constitution specifically holds that those you hate have the right to protest against even Joe Biden. I know this angers and outages you - how dare the little people complain - but it is enshrined in the first amendment.
A bunch of individuals who supported Trump who believed his lies about election fraud. And, all those individuals chose to make the same individual decision when they broke into the Capitol using flag poles and other weapons who threatened the life of public officials and stopped the counting of electoral votes that had to be stopped until the next day. Agreed, not all the protestors were violence, but those are the only ones the public condemns. Many were convicted of seditious conspiracy. It would not have happened without Trump's lies and calling for them to meet and march to the Capitol.

Would you make it a criminal offense to believe things that are in opposition to the party line?

If one notes the irregularities in the 2020 election, should they be put into work camps until such time as the learn to never question the party?
Would you make it a criminal offense to believe things that are in opposition to the party line?

If one notes the irregularities in the 2020 election, should they be put into work camps until such time as the learn to never question the party?
No beliefs should be illegal. You can believe anything you want to. But when you resort to violence then you are breaking criminal laws. None of these have anything to do with political party beliefs. Violence should be prosecuted without regard to anything political parties advocate.
I am as critical of Democratic actions as Republican. Like many of the JPP posters, you attribute views to other posters which they have not expressed and do not support. I never lied about Russian collusion. I'll believe the election was unfair when the deniers submit one piece of evidence to support all their allegations which have since been largely recanted by the very ones who originally made the allegations.

And try to make your points without the insults and language. We usually see insults when people have nothing more substantive to say. Be nice.
fuck off. just be happy we aren't face to face with all your fucking bullshit spewing
Yes, you chant slogans from Rachel Maddow. I get it.

You clearly think the Bill of Rights is a single sentence that you interpret as outlawing religion. (well, party leaders interpret it that way for you.)

In fact the 1st has a provision "peacefully assemble to petition the government for redress of grievance." This is the right to protest. Notice two things, it doesn't say "only democrats may assemble," though you demand that be the case. And it directly says "petition the government" - which means yes, the unwashed may sully the holy ground of the Capitol to protest a tainted election. While you view government as infallible and never to be questioned, our constitution specifically holds that those you hate have the right to protest against even Joe Biden. I know this angers and outages you - how dare the little people complain - but it is enshrined in the first amendment.
Yes, the Constitution guarantees government cannot prevent any group from protesting. However, it says "peacefully assemble." That applies to anyone--Democrat, Republican, citizens, non-citizens....But when those protestors turn to violence they are engaging in criminal behavior and should be prosecuted. It also protects the right to lobby government.