Socialism Vs Capitalism

Hello Woko Haram,

You could buy a car directly from a very small automaker but it would be really expensive because the only way to get the price of something down is to build a lot of them at once. Tesla sells directly to customers from the factory through it's website.

Not all States prohibit car makers from selling directly, although most do. Once again, look at the source. Who makes up these rules? Hint: It is not the general public. It is the greedy super-rich telling government what to do and forcing them to do it with the power of big money.

It's not the government telling you what to do. The government is the middleman being used by the greedy super-rich so you'll blame the government instead of who is really behind it.

The only power we should give government is grass roots power. If it came from the general public it is probably better for the general public than if it came from the greedy super-rich.

Always look at the source.

All I'm saying is that I don't understand why you believe that any party would somehow change this dynamic. No matter who you put into power, government will favor the elite. The only difference is which elites get favored. This is why I support reducing the government's role. I try to vote for whoever seems to be less interventionist in business and personal affairs. That's the best you can hope for regarding government.
Hello Penderyn,

It is a great trick that American Republicans have co-opted conservative thinking to get workers to vote against worker rights. Masterful mass deception.

I guess it is sort of a "Look out for the super-rich in hopes that some day you too will be super-rich," except some day never comes.

Will people get super rich with socialism??????
Hello Woko Haram,

BLM peddles numerous false narratives. The biggest obstacles for blacks in American society are simply themselves.

No, that's incorrect. That amounts to blaming the repressed for their own condition

You can play favorites with blacks all you want, but unless they change certain things about their culture overall, they will continue to fall behind when compared to every other group.

I disagree with this, but as a matter of curiosity, let's explore that. What should blacks change about their culture in order to be more successful, and how can individual blacks accomplish this change?
All I'm saying is that I don't understand why you believe that any party would somehow change this dynamic. No matter who you put into power, government will favor the elite.

AOC does not favor the elite.

Bernie does not favor the elite.

If we get enough people elected who do not favor the elite, and we pass the American Anti-Corruption Act, then the power of big money over government will be greatly diminished.

The only difference is which elites get favored. This is why I support reducing the government's role. I try to vote for whoever seems to be less interventionist in business and personal affairs. That's the best you can hope for regarding government.

There are two kinds of regulation. One is written by the elite to favor them. That is the most common type, and that gives regulation a bad rap. The other kind is forced on the elite by grass roots initiative. That is what we need more of. It won't happen if the elite get their way of reducing government to an ineffective regulator of capitalism. Wanting smaller government as a one-size-fits-all measure plays directly into the hands of the elite capitalists.
Hello Woko Haram,

No, that's incorrect. That amounts to blaming the repressed for their own condition

They're not repressed. Plenty of poorer minorities (like Latinos) have better economic mobility because of better family structures and a better work ethic.

I disagree with this, but as a matter of curiosity, let's explore that. What should blacks change about their culture in order to be more successful, and how can individual blacks accomplish this change?

Individual blacks already accomplish this. You'll notice that there is a growing black upper class. While some of this group still peddles the oppressed narrative (like the Obamas), their own success contradicts the narrative. Clearly, black people can succeed in this country when they actually make the right decisions and have the right priorities.

If you want specifics, stop having kids out of wedlock, make sure your children have a two-parent household to grow up in, prioritize hard work, ambition, and education. Those are the main changes, and these same values have allowed many Latinos and Asians to succeed even when they start with poverty.
AOC does not favor the elite.

Bernie does not favor the elite.

AOC is kind of a joke really, but she is a good representative of the deluded youth among the Democrats.

Bernie started out as a true believer socialist, but he's become a DNC lapdog.

If we get enough people elected who do not favor the elite, and we pass the American Anti-Corruption Act, then the power of big money over government will be greatly diminished.

Good luck with all that.

There are two kinds of regulation. One is written by the elite to favor them. That is the most common type, and that gives regulation a bad rap. The other kind is forced on the elite by grass roots initiative. That is what we need more of. It won't happen if the elite get their way of reducing government to an ineffective regulator of capitalism. Wanting smaller government as a one-size-fits-all measure plays directly into the hands of the elite capitalists.

I've seen plenty of grass roots activism result in terrible regulation. Most of this is present with stupid environmental regulation. In California, there are regulations in place that prohibit controlled burns in forest lands, which eventually leads to much bigger forest fires than would otherwise happen.
AOC does not favor the elite.

Give her a couple of terms in Congress and she will...

Bernie does not favor the elite.

Sure he does. He talks smack about the little guy but wants to increase his own wealth and power. Go look at the homes (yes, with an 's') he owns for starters.

If we get enough people elected who do not favor the elite, and we pass the American Anti-Corruption Act, then the power of big money over government will be greatly diminished.

Will this limit the power of big government over big money? Because once you hand that power to the government they won't give it back and you have no control over their using it.

There are two kinds of regulation. One is written by the elite to favor them. That is the most common type, and that gives regulation a bad rap. The other kind is forced on the elite by grass roots initiative. That is what we need more of. It won't happen if the elite get their way of reducing government to an ineffective regulator of capitalism. Wanting smaller government as a one-size-fits-all measure plays directly into the hands of the elite capitalists.

Both can be equally bad. Special interests that operate by "grass roots" can sucker morons and the functionally illiterate into backing them.
Socialism my ASS!

There is no one I know in America that wants socialism as a government.

It is not socialism to have governmental social programs such as Unemployment benefits, Food Stamps, Obamacare, Housing assistance, Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid!

And there is not one of us here that has not relied upon one or more of those Federal social services at some point in their lifetimes.


Most every decent country in the world has social programs.

America, being the richest country in the world should be leading the world as an example.
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All I'm saying is that I don't understand why you believe that any party would somehow change this dynamic. No matter who you put into power, government will favor the elite. The only difference is which elites get favored. This is why I support reducing the government's role. I try to vote for whoever seems to be less interventionist in business and personal affairs. That's the best you can hope for regarding government.

WTF does a government that is favoring the elite have to do with having less government?

And no, you don't vote for the party who is less interventionalists in business and personal affairs.

You most likely are a TRUMPTARDED FOOL who votes for the Republicans who are trying to control every aspect of our lives.
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Socialism my ASS!

There is no one I know in America that wants socialism as a government.

It is not socialism to have governmental social programs such as Unemployment benefits, Food Stamps, Obamacare, Housing assistance, Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid!

And there is not one of us here that has not relied upon one or more of those Federal social services at some point in their lifetimes.


Most every decent country in the world has social programs.

America, being the richest country in the world should be leading the world as an example.

I've never applied for or used unemployment benefits, food stamps, Obamacare, or housing assistance. I do get social security now, but I hardly need it. I have sufficient other income so it's just gravy really. Same with Medicare (never used Medicaid), it's gravy not a necessity and I could do without it.

Just because many other nations have these programs doesn't mean there aren't better alternatives, or even ways to mitigate their necessity. Claiming they are the only way forward is myopic ignorance.
Hello Woko Haram,

And what makes you think that the same tool would turn on the people giving them money?

Look, I know that a lot of people on the left believe that the Nordic countries are some sort of paradise and that they can transform this country into something similar if they just had the power to do so, but the reality is that America doesn't work like that.

For me, I'd love to make this country more like Singapore, but I don't think it's actually possible to do that. American culture is very diverse and conflicted, and that means that capitalism works best here. If you go the socialist route, it just means more corruption than before.

Singapore is erupting.
Hello Woko Haram,

Worker rights? sure. But a lot of what unions represent now is just cronyism and corruption. Public sector unions are the worst of the bunch, because they hold taxpayers hostage.

The anti-union thing is a meme perpetrated by the super-rich to squash worker rights, reduce worker pay and benefits, and making working suck.

It's all part of really rich people being chintzy and cheating the common man to further their own vast wealth.
Socialism my ASS!

There is no one I know in America that wants socialism as a government.

It is not socialism to have governmental social programs such as Unemployment benefits, Food Stamps, Obamacare, Housing assistance, Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid!

And there is not one of us here that has not relied upon one or more of those Federal social services at some point in their lifetimes.


Most every decent country in the world has social programs.

America, being the richest country in the world should be leading the world as an example.

They're called SOCIAL programs for a reason, fool. They're socialism to the core.

There are plenty of us that haven't relied on those programs. Because you believe someone else owes you something because you refuse to do for yourself doesn't mean everyone is.

As for social security and medicare, people that receive have paid into those programs. The socialism part comes in because those paying at a lower level of contribution get a better return than those paying in at a higher contribution. Those receiving food stamps, obamacare subsidies, housing assistance, and medicaid don't pay the taxes that fund those programs. If they did, they'd make enough money where they wouldn't qualify to receive them.

What's decent about someone that is unwilling to provide even the basics to themselves getting something someone else earned?
WTF does a government that is favoring the elite have to do with having less government?

And no, you don't vote for the party who is less interventionalists in business and personal affairs.

You most likely are a TRUMPTARDED FOOL who votes for the Republicans who are trying to control every aspect of our lives.

What part of your life do you claim Republicans are trying to control? Provide a list.
Get ready, if they respond, you are going to get a lot of Venezuela in the next few exchanges

No nation is one or the other, every country has a mixed economy, the US has been part socialistic since the 19th Century, the whole right wing conspiracy regarding socialism is absurd

especially since fascism (corporatism) is the ruling paradigm. amazon supports blm for instance.
AOC does not favor the elite.

Bernie does not favor the elite.

If we get enough people elected who do not favor the elite, and we pass the American Anti-Corruption Act, then the power of big money over government will be greatly diminished.

There are two kinds of regulation. One is written by the elite to favor them. That is the most common type, and that gives regulation a bad rap. The other kind is forced on the elite by grass roots initiative. That is what we need more of. It won't happen if the elite get their way of reducing government to an ineffective regulator of capitalism. Wanting smaller government as a one-size-fits-all measure plays directly into the hands of the elite capitalists.

you're a simplistic naive moron on all fronts.
WTF does a government that is favoring the elite have to do with having less government?

And no, you don't vote for the party who is less interventionalists in business and personal affairs.

You most likely are a TRUMPTARDED FOOL who votes for the Republicans who are trying to control every aspect of our lives.

How exactly are the Republicans trying to "control every aspect of our lives"? Most Republican policies are involved less in business and people's personal decisions.

Republicans aren't trying to restrict what guns you can buy, who you do business with, how you do business, or what speech you use. They also are less restrictive regarding COVID regulations and environmental regulations.

With the current administration, they're also less interventionist than Democrats in foreign policy as well.