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Is there someone in America who does not wait to see a doctor? When I call for an appointment, I get one in about 3 weeks.
You’re making a case for America’s “FOR PROFIT” healthcare Nordi. Even 3 weeks beats the shit out of 7 to 10 weeks for a GP and 7 to 10 months or even 2 years for surgeries and SEVERAL WEEKS for a specialist appointment in socialized medicine countries, unless of course you have connections and money or belong to the correct political party.
I don’t know where you live, but I live in a highly populated area and I get doctor’s appointments for GP under 3 weeks, and specialist appointments under a week. I’ve had several critical procedures scheduled and performed under a week and a life saving operation scheduled and performed in 6 days.
That is waiting. If I need a specialist, my doctor has to make a connection. So I go to him first, then get an appointment with specialists in the future.
I need NO referrals from a GP to see a specialist Nordi! You need to buy better insurance!!!
Of course I waste half a day at the doctors office too. Wait,wait, wait. That is part of any medical system.
If you think your waiting is bad now, wait till healthcare is FREE!!!!!
My Canadian friends laugh when I ask if they want to trade for our system. The rest of the world laughs at our system. Healthcare is a right.
If my healthcare is a right then I’ll be expecting you and Frank and every other leftie to buy me and mine a nice house where it’s warm in the winter and cooled in the summer and you need to buy all of my food and transport me to the doctor too!!! All of that is related to my HEALTHCARE!!!!! Healthcare asa right is preposterous!!!!
Saw a reporter asking some people walking from America to a Mexican town what they thougt about the wall. They said we are against it. We are going to town to get dental care and prescriptions
America has great dental care too Nordi!!! The problem isn’t dental care, it’s INSURANCE Nordi!!! Vote the bastards out of Washington, DRAIN THE SWAMP Nordi!!! If you think Americans are walking to Mexico now for healthcare, just wait till it’s FREE in America!!!!!