Socialized medicine a global failure

It must be extremely odd to live in a country where the bosses are eager to pay twice as much for medical treatment, just to spite and kill poor people. Is that what American 'Christianity' is all about then?
It must be extremely odd to live in a country where the bosses are eager to pay twice as much for medical treatment, just to spite and kill poor people. Is that what American 'Christianity' is all about then?

It's odd that all of you that claim to care so much for those that don't have coverage refuse to personally pay their medical bills.

It's odd that people who refuse to provide such things for themselves think others should be forced to do it for them.
You have an aversion to answering questions don't you? Under what you support, do those that don't contribute to the pot get care?

I've offered a solution to the problem you mention. Hospitals shouldn't be required to treat those that can't pay or get a bleeding heart like you to pay on their behalf. That way there are no costs increases because people that aren't paying get something they don't pay for. See how easy that is?

It would be cheaper to send them to extermination camps and let them die.
Nobody thinks single payer is free.. Who told you that?

Apparently you don't pay attention to your own party's newest members. They've been brainwashed to believe y'all's coming Democrat controlled government will deliver them everything free by taxing the wealthy.

But since you seem to know it's not free, how much will it cost and who's gonna pay for it?
Which colonies? What have we stolen from them? put your facts where your communist mouth is commie!

Everywhere you include in 'the Monroe Doctrine', kid. Obvious if you think about it, though you are trying hard to rule the Middle East as well. Any country your feel you have the right to interfere with the government is actually a colony, though you avoid taking responsibility or laying out cash - just steal, steal, steal, or destroy everything with your drug-runners.
Hello Robo,

I checked out the link. Here is a statement from your link:

"Nothing contained in this blog is to be construed as necessarily reflecting the views of the Pacific Research Institute or as an attempt to thwart or aid the passage of any legislation."

It's a BLOG!

It's opinion.

Nothing more significant that a post at JPP.

"The Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy (PRI) is a California-based free-market think tank which promotes "the principles of individual freedom and personal responsibility" through policies that emphasize a free economy, private initiative, and limited government.[3]" wiki

Well if it's just an opinion blog that you disagree with, then you should be able to debunk it, right? I'll wait!
It would be cheaper to send them to extermination camps and let them die.

It would be cheaper on ME if you bleeding hearts would personally do for them to the level you claim to care. Since I don't give a shit about you or them because neither of you are my responsibility, I don't care what it costs you or them.

There is another option that would make it cheaper on ME. It would mean they took the responsibility to do for themselves. Outside of that, I don't give a shit.
Apparently you don't pay attention to your own party's newest members. They've been brainwashed to believe y'all's coming Democrat controlled government will deliver them everything free by taxing the wealthy.

But since you seem to know it's not free, how much will it cost and who's gonna pay for it?

Really? What do you think of healthcare in Australia, Israel, Germany, Switzerland, Denmark etc?
Everywhere you include in 'the Monroe Doctrine', kid. Obvious if you think about it, though you are trying hard to rule the Middle East as well. Any country your feel you have the right to interfere with the government is actually a colony, though you avoid taking responsibility or laying out cash - just steal, steal, steal, or destroy everything with your drug-runners.

So you can't name names of our colonies and you can't rationally report on what we're stealing from them, right? Who'd have guessed it????????:dunno::yay::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:
So you can't name names of our colonies and you can't rationally report on what we're stealing from them, right? Who'd have guessed it????????:dunno::yay::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:

Have you never heard of the Monroe Doctrine, child? Ask Mommie! You steal from everyone, but especially from every country south of your projected wall, with all of whose governments you perpetually attempt to interfere, as you know.
Plenty of people in the USA want a system more like Canada:

An American health care protest:

200 Arrested protesting GOP Health Care Bill

Canadians don't want what we have.

A Canadian health care protest (Yes, I found one):

Over 500 Canadian doctors protest raises, say they’re being paid too much (yes, too much)

The american people have never experienced long waiting list for treatments or the high taxes of single payer healthcare the vast majority don't have a clue what the cost of single payer would be to America's 300-400 million people or what it would do to our national debt. So, why wouldn't they poll positive to single payer when it's being advertised by the left as the greatest thing since sliced bread?

Canadians for the most part have never experienced America's healthcare system. All most of them know about it is the lies and propaganda that the socialist dominated WHO feed the world. The most, and probably the only thing, successful that the socialist left produce is their propaganda machine.
The american people have never experienced long waiting list for treatments or the high taxes of single payer healthcare the vast majority don't have a clue what the cost of single payer would be to America's 300-400 million people or what it would do to our national debt. So, why wouldn't they poll positive to single payer when it's being advertised by the left as the greatest thing since sliced bread?

Canadians for the most part have never experienced America's healthcare system. All most of them know about it is the lies and propaganda that the socialist dominated WHO feed the world. The most, and probably the only thing, successful that the socialist left produce is their propaganda machine.

The United States trails even some third world countries in the efficacy of its healthcare...

...and pays more for its failed system BY FAR than any other nation.

It is a total failure right now.

Not a single nation with universal healthcare would trade its system for ours...and most laugh at our system.

Obamacare was a reasonable attempt to help us catch up to the rest of the world...but the morons on your side are doing everything possible to destroy it.

Wake the hell up.
Hello Robo,

The american people have never experienced long waiting list for treatments or the high taxes of single payer healthcare the vast majority don't have a clue what the cost of single payer would be to America's 300-400 million people or what it would do to our national debt.

The reason our health care is so expensive is because we get so sick. If we had far more diligent regulation of the capitalism which makes us so sick we would be healthier as a nation and would lower our health care costs. Also, do not forget that it was the right which allowed drugs to get so expensive, a MAJOR cost factor in our high health care costs. Over half of America is on some kind of prescription, with no regulation at all of drug prices.

So, why wouldn't they poll positive to single payer when it's being advertised by the left as the greatest thing since sliced bread?

But wait a minute. I though Fox news had the highest ratings. Are they unable to counter the messages of the left with such a popular platform?

Canadians for the most part have never experienced America's healthcare system. All most of them know about it is the lies and propaganda that the socialist dominated WHO feed the world. The most, and probably the only thing, successful that the socialist left produce is their propaganda machine.

And again. Take a wild guess why the right is unable to convince Canadians to want the US health care system. Canadians would have to be convinced that it is in their better interest to allow drug prices to be accepted without negotiation, and for those of limited means to be tossed to the curb.

It is selfish for those of adequate means to protest having to pay more so that those of limited means can have access to proper health care.

The one thing we never hear from anyone on the right is that America is the only highly industrialized nation which does not have universal health care. They choose to ignore this troubling fact. Why? Does our fantastic wealth depend upon letting the poor die needlessly? If so, then our wealth exceeds our compassion.
Really? What do you think of healthcare in Australia, Israel, Germany, Switzerland, Denmark etc?

I think the socialist healthcare systems in those countries create long waiting times for care, high taxes, rationed healthcare, the rationing controlled by government bureaucrats. I think the richer folks in those countries jump the list for care with bribery payments. I think the care is likely at a lower level than what's available in America except for the ruling class and wealthy. I think the only reason those countries can afford single payer care is because they are nations with populations hardly more than our mid sized states. They also afford single payer because they contribute only a fraction of their GDP to their own national defense and they leave their national defense up to NATO and America's protection of them. I also think the people in those countries are brainwashed by the WHO and propagandized by their own governments and they have no actual clue how good America's healthcare really is. They're lied to! I also think most if not all of those countries are experiencing more and more difficulties with their systems because they're not able to keep up with the need for doctors, and the cost.
Have you never heard of the Monroe Doctrine, child? Ask Mommie! You steal from everyone, but especially from every country south of your projected wall, with all of whose governments you perpetually attempt to interfere, as you know.

WHAT HAVE WE STOLEN?????????:dunno:
The United States trails even some third world countries in the efficacy of its healthcare...

According to WHO Frank? The WHO? Keep listening to the socialist propaganda Frank! Don’t bother with other truthful facts!

...and pays more for its failed system BY FAR than any other nation.

The “failed” system Frank is the “INSURANCE” system. The healthcare system is among the best on earth! The reason the INSURANCE system sucks Frank is because of the crooks you vote for to control it from the federal government Frank! They take bribes from BIG PHARMA and BIG Insurance Frank.

It is a total failure right now.

So the healthcare system that’s kept you alive for 82 years is a total failure, right Frank?

Not a single nation with universal healthcare would trade its system for ours...and most laugh at our system.

They’re brainwashed by the WHO and their own governments Frank. They all depend on America to cover their asses for their national defense. They wait in lines much longer than you do Frank. They get less care than you do Frank. They pay much higher taxes than you do Frank. The rich folks in those countries jump the list Frank. They wouldn’t trade their healthcare for ours because they’ve been lied to about our healthcare and their own healthcare Frank!

Obamacare was a reasonable attempt to help us catch up to the rest of the world...but the morons on your side are doing everything possible to destroy it.

Wake the hell up.

Obamacare was a disaster originally created by the REPUBLICANS at the Heritage Foundation, then rejected by the Heritage as not workable nationally. Then it was picked up and tested by the Republican Governor Mitt Romney in Massachusetts where it’s success is arguable. Then it was picked up by Obama and the Democrats in the Congress. It’s unconstitutional as a national program developed by, and operated by the feds, no matter what that Republican asshole on the Court, Roberts says.

I never paid a co-pay until Qbamacare went into effect Frank!