Some Good Advice for the Young Posters:

I know a guy who had to pay child support to a woman he never had sex with and wasn't married to. She accused him of being the father and demanded child support. He was called into court and brought his blood test and also had the judge order DNA testing on the baby. It all came back conclusively that he was NOT the father.

The judge order him to make child support payments anyways on the basis that it was better that he pay that money then the state. Oh and because the test proved conclusively that he was not the father he was denied any visitation or custody rights. He later appealed the decision but had to pay child support during appeal. He never got that back.

you can thank a liberal judge for that
Divorce or "family" laws overcome the contractual agreement. Basically, the man owes and owes and owes... Regardless of anything signed or done by either of the parties. It is an extremely rare occurrence that a man might get custody of the kids, and when such is the case, the man still owes. I'm not kidding. My stepfather paid child support to his ex wife even though my step-sister lived in our house. It disgusted me.

working in a family court for 6 months i have some good stories of guys getting screwed over. I shall share sometime
how did you go about bringing that conversation up? please telllll me :)
It was easy for me. I simply said "we're going to get a pre-nup" "Why?" "Because, if for whatever reason, things don't work out, you're not getting my shit. And I'm not getting yours". Cue a fight that lasted a few days, and BAM! Signed like a motherfucker.
man that took some major balls. most women don't like the idea that you consider it a possibility before you are married that you might break up.

man that took some major balls. most women don't like the idea that you consider it a possibility before you are married that you might break up.

No they don't, but my way, IMO, is the best to get it done. By causing a fight, you create doubt. But because women, especially young women, are fickle, that doubt rarely lasts very long. So you get a pre-nup, just in case, and you get married.
To return to Lady T's original thought here, I have to agree. When deciding to proceed with planning a huge wedding, most of the participants only think about the desired final result, the beautiful day, everything perfect (even the weather!), etc. The realities are far different, once the planning is underway, and all the grubby little details demand attention and handling.

I'm so glad that we opted for the courthouse route. No muss, no fuss, and we are every bit as married (which is what we really wanted) as if we'd gone for the big show, which we emphatically didn't want.
OH-NO; my fingerlexia kicked in and I"ve been caught by Tom.

What ever shall I do?? :palm:

Well, if you really want to make him feel better you could let him lick your finger...just keep it straight and stiff for his licking pleasure while he closes his eyes and pretends it's zaps wittle weenie :)

just sayin':cof1:
To return to Lady T's original thought here, I have to agree. When deciding to proceed with planning a huge wedding, most of the participants only think about the desired final result, the beautiful day, everything perfect (even the weather!), etc. The realities are far different, once the planning is underway, and all the grubby little details demand attention and handling.

I'm so glad that we opted for the courthouse route. No muss, no fuss, and we are every bit as married (which is what we really wanted) as if we'd gone for the big show, which we emphatically didn't want.
Ha! Tell me about it. I've been married 3 times to the same woman!!
No they don't, but my way, IMO, is the best to get it done. By causing a fight, you create doubt. But because women, especially young women, are fickle, that doubt rarely lasts very long. So you get a pre-nup, just in case, and you get married.
Excellent strategery.:good4u: