Some Good Advice for the Young Posters:

Nah, it actually is a difference in how they come to decisions. Men tend to think it through to themselves, quietly researching, then speak after their decision is already made; women like to talk it through, even sometimes to themselves, making it appear as if they've changed their minds more than men.

That hasn't been my experience AT.ALL.
Thank you Damo for being better at articulation than myself.

Bullshit you sexist asshole.

Trying to pass this off as some kind of elocution misstep won't cut it either. You EXPLICITELY called women fickle and showed us all how little regard you have for the sucker that married your sorry ass.

Its pretty evident your trying to pull the old, "Oh.....I meant what Damo said" routine when you CLEARLY didn't. The least you can do is nut up and own what you say.
The only real difference is the silence in which the men go through their choices as opposed to the more vocal way women come to the same decisions.

Men and women are equally likely to be wrong, the process to make the decisions is the same just more noisy with women... ;) (that's the J/k smilie for the humorless liberals). Men see it as "making decisions" when the woman talks about it, then sees them as fickle when they say "no, it might be better if"...

If you remember that they are "thinking out loud" rather than making bunches of decisions, it may change how you view it.

Another difference that effects how men and women see each other is what I call the "tape recorder" phenomena.

When I approach a man with a problem, I expect him to offer up some solutions. When women do, they often just want a "tape recorder" that makes some non-committal noises of commiseration...

Well, I guess I'm the humorless liberal you're referring to. Do you have anything to back this up? From my personal experience I find this to be an untrue generalization. I've seen studies and have had experiences where women tend to be more collaborative in making decisions that involve groups of people, yes, but this "thinking out loud" bullshit, sounds like.....well bullshit.
That's worth a lot!

I love you. I'm also drinking beer, but I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this sober.

The fact is, its been my life's experience that women are always more rational, more sensible, more generous, and more determined to achieve high levels of intelligence than my peers. The guys I choose to befriend are typically not stupid or lazy, but even in then I sense an uncomfortable amount of sexism and insensitivity.

I want a relationship with a woman smarter than me, not just because I'm stupid, but because she would be so awesome to talk to. Also, because we really need the regimented order and sensibility that women bring to our lives, often pictured by the sexy hands-on-hits WTF stance, which admittedly encourages us to act stupidly just so we can get hit by it.

Guys will accuse me of putting women on a pedestal, of not having known enough of them very well, and some will demand I hand in my mancard. I'm constantly told that I must support other men above women, because its not what bros do, but I've always thought its complete bullshit, and I always will.

In conclusion, I love you. Post more often, please.
No, I'm formerly captbillthekid and before that I was captjack on FP. I was also on but I honestly can't remember my username. You never liked me much and we never really got along.

yeah. I tend to not like sexists and/or racists very much
I love you. I'm also drinking beer, but I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this sober.

The fact is, its been my life's experience that women are always more rational, more sensible, more generous, and more determined to achieve high levels of intelligence than my peers. The guys I choose to befriend are typically not stupid or lazy, but even in then I sense an uncomfortable amount of sexism and insensitivity.

I want a relationship with a woman smarter than me, not just because I'm stupid, but because she would be so awesome to talk to. Also, because we really need the regimented order and sensibility that women bring to our lives, often pictured by the sexy hands-on-hits WTF stance, which admittedly encourages us to act stupidly just so we can get hit by it.

Guys will accuse me of putting women on a pedestal, of not having known enough of them very well, and some will demand I hand in my mancard. I'm constantly told that I must support other men above women, because its not what bros do, but I've always thought its complete bullshit, and I always will.

In conclusion, I love you. Post more often, please.

what a pussy.....( j/k :D) that was very sweet threedee