Some Good Advice for the Young Posters:

See, even if you're just trying to be funny, I still don't see the appeal in knocking women for sport...
Because it's funny to see people get pissed off. It's the same reason I'll egg my dad on when he's drunk and watching the news. Because his reaction is funny to me.
I love you. I'm also drinking beer, but I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this sober.

The fact is, its been my life's experience that women are always more rational, more sensible, more generous, and more determined to achieve high levels of intelligence than my peers. The guys I choose to befriend are typically not stupid or lazy, but even in then I sense an uncomfortable amount of sexism and insensitivity.

I want a relationship with a woman smarter than me, not just because I'm stupid, but because she would be so awesome to talk to. Also, because we really need the regimented order and sensibility that women bring to our lives, often pictured by the sexy hands-on-hits WTF stance, which admittedly encourages us to act stupidly just so we can get hit by it.

Guys will accuse me of putting women on a pedestal, of not having known enough of them very well, and some will demand I hand in my mancard. I'm constantly told that I must support other men above women, because its not what bros do, but I've always thought its complete bullshit, and I always will.

In conclusion, I love you. Post more often, please.

I'd want a woman smarter than me, but when you're me, that's a difficult task.


I'm actually dumber than a bag of bricks and will take whatever the fuck walks my way.
Because it's funny to see people get pissed off. It's the same reason I'll egg my dad on when he's drunk and watching the news. Because his reaction is funny to me.

You're single and jerk your polish chain nightly.

Leave off the booze grandpa. Or else Legion will suck your dick.

Since we're on the topic of feminism, here is an article a girl posted on Facebook about Lady Gaga recently. I'll admit I'm a fan of hers, because I love a lot of the disco/techno stuff she does, and because she turns me on singing about rough sex. She's not even all that physically attractive, and I don't even find rough to be all that appealing, but she's freaking hilarious and makes me laugh.

The article seems to be self-defeating for women such as Gaga, though, because it basically reiterates that women being repressed is bad, but then it criticizes Gaga for self-objectifying. Its like she can't score, and I not only want her to, but I want to be with her when it happens...

Since we're on the topic of feminism, here is an article a girl posted on Facebook about Lady Gaga recently. I'll admit I'm a fan of hers, because I love a lot of the disco/techno stuff she does, and because she turns me on singing about rough sex. She's not even all that physically attractive, and I don't even find rough to be all that appealing, but she's freaking hilarious and makes me laugh.

The article seems to be self-defeating for women such as Gaga, though, because it basically reiterates that women being repressed is bad, but then it criticizes Gaga for self-objectifying. Its like she can't score, and I not only want her to, but I want to be with her when it happens...

Surely you know that daft punk is the best techno band ever then?

What about ladytron?

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I love you. I'm also drinking beer, but I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this sober.

The fact is, its been my life's experience that women are always more rational, more sensible, more generous, and more determined to achieve high levels of intelligence than my peers. The guys I choose to befriend are typically not stupid or lazy, but even in then I sense an uncomfortable amount of sexism and insensitivity.

I want a relationship with a woman smarter than me, not just because I'm stupid, but because she would be so awesome to talk to. Also, because we really need the regimented order and sensibility that women bring to our lives, often pictured by the sexy hands-on-hits WTF stance, which admittedly encourages us to act stupidly just so we can get hit by it.

Guys will accuse me of putting women on a pedestal, of not having known enough of them very well, and some will demand I hand in my mancard. I'm constantly told that I must support other men above women, because its not what bros do, but I've always thought its complete bullshit, and I always will.

In conclusion, I love you. Post more often, please.


find a woman who is your friend. don't think guy friend or girlfriend, think your friend. someone you can do anything with, almost doesn't matter, in that, find your friend..... someone you can be friends with for life. find that...find happiness. a true life friend. one who accepts you for who you are.

i went through a couple of great "fuck" girlfriends that i thought i would never, ever, ever, live without. what an idiot i was. i found a friend. i won't go into the story, however, at first we hung out as friends, in everything, shopping, hiking, working, kayaking, camping....and i didn't want to admit it, but i loved her. so all our friends started pushing us together.

one day on a hike, they pinned us together on a small ravine/side trail on the way down to palouse falls....i still remember the laughter....kiss her, kiss her...well, i did.

i won't bore with the rest of the details....needless to say....i still enjoy kissing her as my wife.
I love you. I'm also drinking beer, but I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this sober.

The fact is, its been my life's experience that women are always more rational, more sensible, more generous, and more determined to achieve high levels of intelligence than my peers. The guys I choose to befriend are typically not stupid or lazy, but even in then I sense an uncomfortable amount of sexism and insensitivity.

I want a relationship with a woman smarter than me, not just because I'm stupid, but because she would be so awesome to talk to. Also, because we really need the regimented order and sensibility that women bring to our lives, often pictured by the sexy hands-on-hits WTF stance, which admittedly encourages us to act stupidly just so we can get hit by it.

Guys will accuse me of putting women on a pedestal, of not having known enough of them very well, and some will demand I hand in my mancard. I'm constantly told that I must support other men above women, because its not what bros do, but I've always thought its complete bullshit, and I always will.

In conclusion, I love you. Post more often, please.

Three D, here is all you will ever need to know about women.

#1. They are way smarter then you will ever be.
#2. You will never figure them out.
#3. If you think you have them figures out, your a fool
#4. If you do actually have them figured out, they will have you killed.
#5. Don't ever mess with someone who can bleed for three days straight and not die.
#6. Never, ever say "Yes" If they ask you if a particular outfit makes them look fat. It's a trap.
#7. Always remember when you're around women that you have to sleep at some point. So think before you say something stupid, that is, if you want to ever wake up again.
#8. If you have a woman in your life you must say these three sentences every day if you expect to survive. "Yes Dear." "Honey, I love you." and "Wow, your beautiful."
#9. Never ask them to make a decision. That's your job. Besides, someone has to be held accountable when the decision goes wrong (see rule #1).
#10. and never, under any circumstances, take advice from a Hoople.
That hasn't been my experience AT.ALL.
You should go and watch, "Defending the Caveman" with your guy. You'll love it. And yes, you are humorless. :p

Anyway, it is something I remember from my eons-ago Psych courses, and it has actually worked to make less fights between myself and the women I love. What you called conglomeration in a later post is what I jokingly called "noise".

The difference is in how they think through the decisions, not the result of the decisions.

As for the second it is my own observation.
Three D, here is all you will ever need to know about women.

#1. They are way smarter then you will ever be.
#2. You will never figure them out.
#3. If you think you have them figures out, your a fool
#4. If you do actually have them figured out, they will have you killed.
#5. Don't ever mess with someone who can bleed for three days straight and not die.
#6. Never, ever say "Yes" If they ask you if a particular outfit makes them look fat. It's a trap.
#7. Always remember when you're around women that you have to sleep at some point. So think before you say something stupid, that is, if you want to ever wake up again.
#8. If you have a woman in your life you must say these three sentences every day if you expect to survive. "Yes Dear." "Honey, I love you." and "Wow, your beautiful."
#9. Never ask them to make a decision. That's your job. Besides, someone has to be held accountable when the decision goes wrong (see rule #1).
#10. and never, under any circumstances, take advice from a Hoople.

LOLZ @ #4. Women are like the Illuminati!!!!!
