Something for you "christian nationalists" to think about

Your Jesus wasn't brought down by atheists and anarchists. He was laid low by religious fanatics allied with the government.

Something tells me that if they are willing to find common cause with white supremacists and various other hate groups then caring about any DETAILS of Jesus' story is probably not top of the list for them.
meanwhile you push the Nazi green austerity population reduction lies, designed to starve billions.

You do realize that when you go that hyperbolic you effectively destroy your own point, right? First it really has nothing to do with the conversation I was having and secondly I wonder about people who hate the ecology and nature so much that they think taking care of our resources makes someone a "Nazi".

Your reasoning is so fractally flawed that there is almost nothing of value no matter how deeply one delves into it.
You do realize that when you go that hyperbolic you effectively destroy your own point, right? First it really has nothing to do with the conversation I was having and secondly I wonder about people who hate the ecology and nature so much that they think taking care of our resources makes someone a "Nazi".

Your reasoning is so fractally flawed that there is almost nothing of value no matter how deeply one delves into it.
Your take on the situation is faulty, due to you being a dumbass.
Even vocalizing my atheism, I still feel more welcome in the GOP tent.

I don't feel unwelcome - where mentioning my views on bathroom policy, and public education policy makes me an enemy of the left
Even vocalizing my atheism, I still feel more welcome in the GOP tent.

That's nice. Probably why Trump is now hawking Bibles...the GOP is pretty mellow about the importance of Christianity to their movement.

I don't feel unwelcome - where mentioning my views on bathroom policy, and public education policy makes me an enemy of the left

What bathroom policies and public education policies do you espouse?
Something tells me that if they are willing to find common cause with white supremacists and various other hate groups then caring about any DETAILS of Jesus' story is probably not top of the list for them.

Should white people be outlawed? What about Christians? Since you and your party hate both, perhaps you'll establish concentration camps to keep them away from the rest of society?