Something for you "christian nationalists" to think about

You do realize that when you go that hyperbolic you effectively destroy your own point, right?


Says the one ranting about "Christian Nationalists"...


First it really has nothing to do with the conversation I was having and secondly I wonder about people who hate the ecology and nature so much that they think taking care of our resources makes someone a "Nazi".

Yet you want to denigrate those who are white, or Christian.

Your reasoning is so fractally flawed that there is almost nothing of value no matter how deeply one delves into it.

The racism and anti-Americanism of you of the Marxist left must be responded to.
Even vocalizing my atheism, I still feel more welcome in the GOP tent.

I don't feel unwelcome - where mentioning my views on bathroom policy, and public education policy makes me an enemy of the left

Likewise, as an Agnostic I also feel more welcome by the Americans (GOP) than I do the radical left.
You debate like you don't have much education. Sorry to hear that. Maybe you could address the actual points but I suspect all you can do is scream at other people.
I generally find that most who attack the education of others, particularly folks who demonstrate a grasp of what is happening in the world, are generally those who were lucky to graduate from high school........
anyone's who challenges lib'rul socialism.........

Three things the Communists HATE:
  1. White People
  2. A Sovereign Nation
  3. Christians
So those such as me who are white and support a free and independent America, unencumbered by the rule of the Globalist Oligarchs are hated by the democrats. Despite not being a Christian, the Communists will claim I am a "Christian Nationalist" because I support the Constitutional Republic and secure borders.

The vile racism of those such as @Obtenebrator clearly shows the KKK roots of the Marxist democrats. They haven't changed at all, they just shifted the skin color of the victims of their vile racism.
That's nice. Probably why Trump is now hawking Bibles...the GOP is pretty mellow about the importance of Christianity to their movement.
the left's hatred for religion is a major turn off. I was once a teenager angry with the world too, but I grew up and realized my biggest problems are the church of progressive policy.

What bathroom policies and public education policies do you espouse?

parents have a say. the liars lying about books being banned lie about pretty much everything. you strike me as a shit stain liar - what handle did you use or are you a sock puppet?
Even vocalizing my atheism, I still feel more welcome in the GOP tent.

I don't feel unwelcome - where mentioning my views on bathroom policy, and public education policy makes me an enemy of the left
Your party worships, adores, admires an amoral atheist as it's leader and Messiah. Why wouldn't a MAGA atheist find that appealing?
Your party worships, adores, admirers an amoral atheist as it's leader and Messiah. Why wouldn't a MAGA atheist find that appealing?
your party lies about everything to maintain power

you have a dementia patient in the white house and you all know it

so spare me your virtue signal
Your Jesus wasn't brought down by atheists and anarchists. He was laid low by religious fanatics allied with the government.
Something for you being a natural reproduction living forward in chronological order of specific space and time added to the species on a specific rotation of the planet intellectually charted what has been completed while eternally separated in plain sight each rotation called today in the life of series parallel events simultaneously taking place for each ancestor spontaneously native since conceived into this atmosphere as part of the whole food chain occupying time evolving uniquely here, today.
the left's hatred for religion is a major turn off.

The Left doesn't "hate" religion, sweetie pie. No one is attacking you. We just want you to remember that our nation is NOT a theocracy and as such YOUR religion has not more special place in the government than ANY religion. It's just not how the government works in this country.

And that's actually a BENEFIT for you. It means your religion will not be threatened in any way. You just don't get to tell everyone how to behave based on your religious beliefs.

I was once a teenager angry with the world too, but I grew up and realized my biggest problems are the church of progressive policy.

Wait until you are laid off and need that federal aid money. Or better yet wait until you are old and need Medicare. Don't worry, us libruls will still help you get the help you need. We value caring for others.

parents have a say. the liars lying about books being banned lie about pretty much everything. you strike me as a shit stain liar

That's the stuff. Your love of Jesus shines through your accusations of people being "shit stained liars". I can feel your Christian love.

- what handle did you use or are you a sock puppet?

I am who I am.
Marx detested liberals because they believed in democracy and using elections and parliamentary institutions for incremental reforms.

democrats hate actual liberals today as well. Marxists are totalitarians by nature, as we see from the Bidenistas.
You never read Marx. My goodness, you have no morals.

I rarely agree with Cypress on anything - but would believe he has read Marx for before I would believe you have.

Marx DID advocate for revolution to bring about socialism rather than through ballot boxes.

democrats hate actual liberals today as well. Marxists are totalitarians by nature, as we see from the Bidenistas.

Is that why Trump got his flying monkeys to attack the Capitol to stop the affirmation of the 2020 election and then called up Georgia asking them to "find" him more votes? Is that why Trump promised to be a "dictator on day one"?

Yeah the Left is sure authoritarian by nature.
The Left doesn't "hate" religion, sweetie pie. No one is attacking you. We just want you to remember that our nation is NOT a theocracy and as such YOUR religion has not more special place in the government than ANY religion. It's just not how the government works in this country.

you are too dumb to gas light me "sweetie pie"
your words are a dead give away for your underlying bigotry that you are "hawking"

That's the stuff. Your love of Jesus shines through your accusations of people being "shit stained liars". I can feel your Christian love.
dipshit, I started out explaining my lack of belief in the super natural. you continue showing everyone how fucking stupid you are in any exchange of ideas.
Is that why Trump got his flying monkeys to attack the Capitol to stop the affirmation of the 2020 election

Oh, is it wrong to stop the certification of an election? It is "treason," comrade?

and then called up Georgia asking them to "find" him more votes?

Blatant lying is so clever.

What is amazing is that no matter how many times you Stalinists are exposed for this, or any lie - you just keep telling it.

Is that why Trump promised to be a "dictator on day one"?

LOL - you just keep on with the radical left lies.

I DARE you to post the statement in context and verbatim. You won't - you lack the integrity.

Yeah the Left is sure authoritarian by nature.

Yes you are. Arresting and prosecuting opposition candidates to thwart free and fair elections. Mass arrests of enemies of the party in 2021, turning America into a police state. Stalinist Show Trials with rigged "evidence" and a script produced by Chinese State Media (NBC) Producers.

What is the desired outcome of your revolution? Dictatorship of the Proletarians? Not "duhmobcracy" as the little Goebbles keep claiming - but dictatorship.
You never read Marx. My goodness, you have no morals.
Why the fuck would I read a 1,200 page tome written in archaic 19th century lexicon, when I can read what Marx scholars say about him?

You never read Einstein or Newton, but you feel free to mouth off about them.

My goodness, you are a raging hypocrite.
Why the fuck would I read a 1,200 page tome written in archaic 19th century lexicon, when I can read what Marx scholars say about him?

You never read Einstein or Newton, but you feel free to mouth off about them.

My goodness, you are a raging hypocrite.
I studied Einstein and Newton in college, you lying piece of shit.