Something for you "christian nationalists" to think about

Is Cypress ok? I think he's gone nuts.

Does everybody hate Cypress? The guy is the biggest hatemonger on the forum,.
I studied Einstein and Newton in college, you lying piece of shit.
My goodness, you are hypocritical liar with no morals.

You never read their scientific papers. I know you didn't because undergraduates learn about mechanics and relativity by reading college textbooks and listening to teachers -- not by reading the actual scientific papers and treatises of Einstein and Newton.

Which is exactly where my knowledge Marx comes from. Books and teachers.
My goodness, you are hypocritical liar with no morals.

You never read their scientific papers. I know you didn't because undergraduates learn about mechanics and relativity by reading textbook and listening to teachers -- not by reading the actual scientific papers and treatises of Einstein and Newton.
I have, you lying piece of shit.
I have, you lying piece of shit.
My goodness, you are hypocritical liar with no morals.

You never read their scientific papers. I know you didn't because undergraduates learn about mechanics and relativity by reading textbooks and listening to teachers -- not by reading the actual scientific papers and treatises of Einstein and Newton.

Which is exactly where my knowledge Marx comes from.
For someone who is always talking about morality, YOU HAVE NO MORALS.
Why the fuck would I read a 1,200 page tome written in archaic 19th century lexicon, when I can read what Marx scholars say about him?

You never read Einstein or Newton, but you feel free to mouth off about them.

My goodness, you are a raging hypocrite.

The Communist Manifesto is 35 pages.

Capitol Vol.1 is a long book, but the Manifesto outlines the agenda of the democrat party.
For someone who is always talking about morality, YOU HAVE NO MORALS.
I can tell by the way you write about physics, you never took and passed a university physics class. Why would you lie about it? And you certainly never read Newton's Princpia, or Einstein's 1915 paper on general relativity.

But you sure do run your mouth about physics.

My God, you are a hypocritical liar with no morals.
I can tell by the way you write about physics, you never took and passedca university physics class. Why would you lie about it? And you certainly never read Newton's Princpia, or Einstein's 1915 paper on general relativity.

But you sure do run your mouth physics.

My God, you are a hypocritical liar with no morals.
Look, you are a disgusting liar. All I have to say to you.

The Communist Manifesto is 35 pages.

Capitol Vol.1 is a long book, but the Manifesto outlines the agenda of the democrat party.
Nope, despite your frantic Googling excercise, that's not what I'm talking about.

Marx's most seminal work is Das Kapital, which is an epic tome which maybe 800 people in North America have read in full
so I assume you saw the central banking part.....

banker bailouts..... only a reactionary would be against them.

1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.
2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.
4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
5. Centralisation of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.
6. Centralisation of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.
7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
8. Equal liability of all to work. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of all the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the populace over the country.
10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children’s factory labour in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, &c, &c.


I've oft wondered about the idea of credit in a society where capital and private ownership are abolished. What would credit be used for?

BTW: For the Marxists here, @Hume , @Obtenebrator , et al. What in the above list in any way contradicts or clashes with the treatise of Mussolini in Il Fascisti? You bristle that I note you Communists are fascists, but in what way does Marx actually differ from Il Duce?
Nope, despite your frantic Googling excercise, that's not what I'm talking about.

Marx's most seminal work is Das Kapital, which is an epic tome which maybe 800 people in North America have read in full


Capitol, Vol. 1 IS "Das Kapital."

Read for content.
Look, you are a disgusting liar. All I have to say to you.
We have college teachers, college textbooks, and articles by subject matter experts so we don't have to read Marx's Das Capital, Newton's Princpia, or Einstein's papers on relativity.

No one has the time or inclination to read through the vast collection of original source material, unless we want a bachelor's degree to take 35 years to finish.

You never read Biden's infrastructure bill in full, but you felt free to run your mouth about because you read some articles by journalists.

My God you are a hypocrite without morals.
We have college teachers, college textbooks, and articles by subject matter experts so we don't have to read Marx's Das Capital, Newton's Princpia, or Einstein's papers on relativity.

No one has the time or inclination to read through the vast collection of original source material, unless we want a bachelor's degree to take 35 years to finish.

You never read Biden's infrastructure bill in full, but you felt free to run your mouth about because you read some articles by journalists.

My God you are a hypocrite without morals.
You are a lying piece of shit.

Capitol, Vol. 1 IS "Das Kapital."

Read for content.
You said Communist Manifesto, not Das Kapital. See post 49.

Communist Manifesto was written in the 1840s.

Das Kapital is Marx's seminal work, and was published decades later, 1860s, I think.

You should refrain from frantic Googling. Frantic Googling on topics you don't know usually ends in failure.
You are a lying piece of shit.
I could devote the next 18 months to reading the three volumes of Das Kapital and still not have the full picture of Marx's life and what he thought.

There are probably dozens if not hundreds of extant articles and letters written by Marx, his friends, his colleagues which give insight to Marx's life and project.

That's why we have college professors to teach us about Marx. They are the only people on the planet who spent years in grad school and faulty appointments reading through all the primary source material.

Your free to spend the next year slogging through Das Kapital.

I'm just going to spend a few hours listening to Marx scholars or reading their articles, and at the end I'll probably have a better overall holistic picture of Marx's life than you did slogging through Das Kapital
I could devote the next 18 months to reading the three volumes of Das Kapital and still not have the full picture of Marx's life and what he thought.

There are probably dozens if not hundreds of extant articles and letters written by Marx, his friends, his colleagues which give insight to Marx's life and project.

That's why we have college professors to teach us about Marx. They are the only people on the planet who spent years in grad school and faulty appointments reading through all the primary source material.

Your free to spend the next year slogging through Das Kapital.

I'm just going to spend a few hours listening to Marx scholars or reading their articles, and at the end I'll probably have a better overall holistic picture of Marx's life than you did slogging through Das Kapital
You are a lying piece of shit.
you are too dumb to gas light me "sweetie pie"
your words are a dead give away for your underlying bigotry that you are "hawking"

dipshit, I started out explaining my lack of belief in the super natural. you continue showing everyone how fucking stupid you are in any exchange of ideas.

So if you don't have any religious faith why are you going on about this stupid myth of religious persecution in this country? Do you not know anything about America? It is one of the MOST religious countries in the developed world.
Oh, is it wrong to stop the certification of an election? It is "treason," comrade?

Blatant lying is so clever.

What is amazing is that no matter how many times you Stalinists are exposed for this, or any lie - you just keep telling it.

LOL - you just keep on with the radical left lies.

I DARE you to post the statement in context and verbatim. You won't - you lack the integrity.

Yes you are. Arresting and prosecuting opposition candidates to thwart free and fair elections. Mass arrests of enemies of the party in 2021, turning America into a police state. Stalinist Show Trials with rigged "evidence" and a script produced by Chinese State Media (NBC) Producers.

What is the desired outcome of your revolution? Dictatorship of the Proletarians? Not "duhmobcracy" as the little Goebbles keep claiming - but dictatorship.

Just remember: you are the people who wanted SCOTUS to make the President into a king above the law.

Wish you didn't hate America so much.