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so YOU some how know for SURE Trump didn't give them any secrets?yes shit for brains.......I'm telling shit for brains Trump didn't give the Russians any secrets.......shit for brains isn't ready to believe it because shit for brains is still mired in DNC propaganda.......get a life......
I would like to know just how YOU know for sure and nobody else does.
were YOU there? if you were then YOU have to be a Russian seeing Trump was the ONLY American in the room.
Trump has admitted he has shown secret info to people that did NOT have a security clearance before, so what says he didn't this time?
it is you that has shit for brains calming it is DNC Propaganda is just BULL SHIT the DNC has nothing to do with this, and you don't have the intelligence to see and understand that..
it is MY point that there were NO other Americans in that room , NOT ONE, at that time and there is NO WAY to tell if Trump gave them any secret info or not.
your saying he didn't so I want to know just how do you know for SURE he didn't.
you are just too stupid to admit Trump could have and there is NO way of knowing for SURE unless one of the Russians that was there comes out and tells us he did.
Trump may be one of our nations biggest traitors one like we have never known before and you are too stupid to be able to open your eyes and see it.
AGAIN just how are we suppose to know if he did or not? There was NOT another American in the room let alone a Russian speaking American.
Have a nice day