Alik Bakhshi
Something is wrong with America
The population of the United States is 340 million, and, surprisingly, out of all this huge number of people, the American people elect two elders for the post of president, one of whom is a frail old man, the other is a morally corrupt person with unpredictable and impudent behavior. Is it really true that in all of America there is no longer a politician equal to Ronald Reagan, who boldly called Russia the definition it deserves - the Evil Empire. I believe that if Ronald Reagan had been in President Trump’s place, he would not have shaken hands with the liar and murderer Putin.
On the Internet, I asked the question “I would be grateful if someone could give at least one example of when Putin told the truth?” (1) As expected, no one came up with an example. To the definition of Russia “Empire of Evil” we can also add “Empire of Lies”. (2) Putin's Russia demonstrates the truth of Victor Marie Hugo in the words “Lies are the embodiment of Evil.”
If this is so, then whoever is the next president of America should not conduct any negotiations with the liar and terrorist Putin, much less sign agreements that mean nothing to Putin. It is enough that the Kremlin fascist violated Russia’s obligations under the Budapest Memorandum and, taking advantage of this, attacked Ukraine, deprived of its nuclear shield.
The extent to which President Trump, shaking hands with a bloody murderer, understood what Russia and the Russian people with their great-power worldview represent is a big question.(3) It must be said that even today on the eve of the elections, challenger Trump, unlike Biden, does not have a clear position regarding Russia . However, he is not alone; not all Western politicians still do not understand that Russia is a monster from the era of lizards that has survived to this day, which has no place in modern civilization. While the era of empires is the past of civilization, Great Russian chauvinism, of which Putin is the spokesman, is still firmly seated in the minds of the Russian people. Russia must be isolated and not repeat the past mistake, when the West thoughtlessly rushed to help Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union in the hope that Russia no longer poses a threat to the world community.
If Reagan managed to defeat the Evil Empire in the Cold War, then all subsequent American presidents did nothing to completely destroy the Russian Empire. And, it’s a pity that in America there was no leader who could continue Reagan’s policies, because Biden no longer has sufficient vitality for this, and the populist Trump, even worse, has neither conscience nor intelligence.
1. A question that has no answer.
2. The Empire of Lies and its main liar.
3. Great Russian chauvinism, and Putin is its Fuhrer.