Southerns drag their knuckles into the new millennium

Cows tend to tip on their own here on the hill sides. Unless you get the hillside varieties. To the best of my knowledge cow tipping is a western sport.

Marrying second cousins seems to happen all over though.
Strawman. No one suggested you were racist for keeping you're child out of that school. I sure as heck would. YOU were the one that said you'd support a segregated prom. You said,

a) Public schools near you are violent
(no one would fault you for not wanting your children anywhere near that kind of environment)
b) most of the people that are violent in your area are black
c) ergo you would support a segregated prom in your area, since you're special.

You could have made a stipulation or made your hypothetical based segregation of trash vs law abiding kids, but you did not.

I'm saying you're racist because you say you'd support segregated proms. I'm assuming racially segregated or are you going to try to back track from the room you've left yourself and pull a Dixie and claim you meant segregated by proclivity to violence, not race? I'm pretty sure that's coming.
I said I could see a circumstance in which I would support it, and yes, that was the point. In this case race is a proxy for violence given the bifurcated school population. You have incorrectly extrapolated that to mean I would support it in every case.

Of course, you would think I am racist, but that just shows your ignorance of the meaning of that word. No, I do not believe that whites are inherently better than others. Biased? Every person has a natural preference for association with birds of a feather, that is fact. Ok, I'll accept that I am biased just as all other people are biased. Prejudiced? Pre-judge. No, sorry, that doesn't apply, maybe a new phrase "postjudiced"?

Cypress wants to ascribe to some irrational fear. Black people don't scare me. Maybe you guys missed that thing last week with Cho Seung-Hwei? All kinds of warnings signs. I see the behaviors of kids from this particular communitay, known and quantified, as warning signs of additional risk. I use the interstate, sure. But I don't do things to increase my risk like driving 100 mph in the wrong direction. And when the cops catch you being risky and endangering others, they'll take your license (i.e. segregate you from the rest of the population).
I wondered about that, but I assumed this small rural Georgia town has neither hispanics nor asians. I could be wrong about that.
There are few Asians in GA outside of Atlanta. There is a hispanic population in rural. It is mostly migrant workers and transients.
I said I could see a circumstance in which I would support it, and yes, that was the point. In this case race is a proxy for violence given the bifurcated school population. You have incorrectly extrapolated that to mean I would support it in every case.

Yeah. I saw this "argument" coming a mile away. If that were the case, why didn't you just say you'd prefer your kids to be segregated based on priors or proclivity to violence - why even bring up race if its a mere coincidence that according to you, the most violent and criminally minded people in your neighborhood are black which would infer that you are racist? You brought up the proxy and said you'd be okay with 'segregated proms'. But that was your not so subtle way of saying that because of you're special circumstances you would approve of such an activity. Which makes no sense because a few threads down you mention your black neighbor who won't send his kids to that school. What about them? Would they be allowed at your segregated prom? I'm anxiously awaiting your back track where you tell us you meant some form of segratation by class or police record.

Trog said:
Of course, you would think I am racist, but that just shows your ignorance of the meaning of that word. No, I do not believe that whites are inherently better than others. Biased? Every person has a natural preference for association with birds of a feather, that is fact. Ok, I'll accept that I am biased just as all other people are biased. Prejudiced? Pre-judge. No, sorry, that doesn't apply, maybe a new phrase "postjudiced"?

You're the one who implied the divide between the lawful and unlawful were racially divided in your community. Not me.
I would definitely be for a segregated school [class, prom, facility] based on previous criminal violence. As a teacher I can see a great use for this. I am also for segregation based on other things, but none of them involves race.
I would definitely be for a segregated school [class, prom, facility] based on previous criminal violence. As a teacher I can see a great use for this. I am also for segregation based on other things, but none of them involves race.

Separating people based on their unlawful actions is perfectly legitimate and I'd definitely encourage such a segregation.
I would definitely be for a segregated school [class, prom, facility] based on previous criminal violence. As a teacher I can see a great use for this. I am also for segregation based on other things, but none of them involves race.

And since middle aged white males are disproportionally responsible for pedophelia and molesting female students, let's segregate them from school dances and classrooms, and only allow White female teachers and black teachers to chaparone dances and other school events. God knows what those white males are capable of, when they see the teenage girls in their pretty dresses.

Fair enough?
And since middle aged white males are disproportionally responsible for pedophelia and molesting female students, let's segregate them from school dances and classrooms, and only allow White female teachers and black teachers to chaparone dances and other school events. God knows what those white males are capable of, when they see the teenage girls in their pretty dresses.

Fair enough?

Hey Cypress, I'd actually love that rule. I wouldn't have to chaparone a prom ever again. :)
Hey thanks.

Seriously, if there is one thing that makes me the maddest about teaching it has to be the type of thing you described. I don't get these guys. I have been teaching 20 years and we have had two cases of "ilicit contact" between a couple of male teachers and female students. No sex, I think we headed that off. But in both cases, separated by 8 years, both male teachers were in their 20's and the girls were junior high age. Both teachers had wives and kids. I mean, to risk your marraige, career and jailtime for this just blows me away. I'm glad I wasn't in charge of their dismissal because even though I am not a violent man I think I would have punched those guys right in the face.
I would definitely be for a segregated school [class, prom, facility] based on previous criminal violence. As a teacher I can see a great use for this. I am also for segregation based on other things, but none of them involves race.

WE have that here in West Palm Beach. If you have been in too much in school trouble, or convicted of certian crimes you are no longer allowed to go to regular school, you have to go to the "Full Service Center" which is a school for troubled kids. I agree with this approach, just so its not based on race but on behavyor.

A kid got shot dead in the back by a police officer at a dance for one of these schools here a couple years ago.
Hey thanks.

Seriously, if there is one thing that makes me the maddest about teaching it has to be the type of thing you described. I don't get these guys. I have been teaching 20 years and we have had two cases of "ilicit contact" between a couple of male teachers and female students. No sex, I think we headed that off. But in both cases, separated by 8 years, both male teachers were in their 20's and the girls were junior high age. Both teachers had wives and kids. I mean, to risk your marraige, career and jailtime for this just blows me away. I'm glad I wasn't in charge of their dismissal because even though I am not a violent man I think I would have punched those guys right in the face.

A agree LR. Stupid Stupid... And they had degrees! (for spinner) :D

btw 2 of my sisters teach at universities. OSU and VT.

We are not that far removed from animals. We like to think we are and a few are, but most still are driven by emotions and hormones.
Good point cypress. And since they are also more than likely to go on killing rampages in schools, perhaps they shouldn't be allowed to have guns either.........uh oh......
"Good point cypress. And since they are also more than likely to go on killing rampages in schools, perhaps they shouldn't be allowed to have guns either.........uh oh......"

Well right in line with the above, then we should revoke the drivers licenses of all females, who are prone to attempt doing their makeup/hair while driving, smoking a cigarette and talking on their cell phone all the while doing 45 in a 65 and pissing me off.
Requireing a cell phone sensor inside cars that will flash the lights and honk the horn if a cell phone is used should pretty well solve that problem.

It will be known as the ASS (Asshole Sensor System)
"It will be known as the ASS (Asshole Sensor System)"

you just have to be careful not to have it on in DC. Driving around all the politicians may cause it to tilt.
Yeah. I saw this "argument" coming a mile away. If that were the case, why didn't you just say you'd prefer your kids to be segregated based on priors or proclivity to violence - why even bring up race if its a mere coincidence that according to you, the most violent and criminally minded people in your neighborhood are black which would infer that you are racist? You brought up the proxy and said you'd be okay with 'segregated proms'. But that was your not so subtle way of saying that because of you're special circumstances you would approve of such an activity. Which makes no sense because a few threads down you mention your black neighbor who won't send his kids to that school. What about them? Would they be allowed at your segregated prom? I'm anxiously awaiting your back track where you tell us you meant some form of segratation by class or police record.

You're the one who implied the divide between the lawful and unlawful were racially divided in your community. Not me.

Oh course you saw it coming from a mile away, because it's what I've been saying consistently since my first post on this. I saw that race could be used as a proxy measure for proclivity toward violent behavior in that school. The broader point being that we should understand circumstances fully before calling 'racism.' Not every instance is an example of racism.

Is it prejudice to suggest that there should be a segregated prom even in the instance I illustrated? Yes, it is, because it places responsibility for the actions of one or a few to an entire group. That is exactly what the critics of the white kids in Ashburn have done. The statement by the one girl - Mama and Daddy say don't hang out with coloreds - was put on the whole group.

By your own arguments against my stupid example, equally applied to the Ashburn kids, you are not allowed to call them racist.
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Oh course you saw it coming from a mile away, because it's what I've been saying consistently since my first post on this. I saw that race could be used as a proxy measure for proclivity toward violent behavior in that school. The broader point being that we should understand circumstances fully before calling 'racism.' Not every instance is an example of racism.

Is it prejudice to suggest that there should be a segregated prom even in the instance I illustrated? Yes, it is, because it places responsibility for the actions of one or a few to an entire group. That is exactly what the critics of the white kids in Ashburn have done. The statement by the one girl - Mama and Daddy say don't hang out with coloreds - was put on the whole group.

By your own arguments against my stupid example, equally applied to the Ashburn kids, you are not allowed to call them racist.

Short of empirical evidence that shows one group is violent in every case versus another who is not every case race cannot be used a as "proxy measure" for behaviour. Its a bullshit example. Period. And yes. I'd say its a bullshit example in every case. That type of backward thinking has fueled the vicious cycle of the Israeli's and the Palenstians. If judgement is based on ethnicity rather than actions, its racist. As in the case of this segregated prom.

And secondly, I didn't put the actions of these neandertals on the entire group. That assertion is what's known as an erroneous extrapolation. That wouldn't even make sense considering the fact that there was an integrated prom and there were white and black attendees.