Southerns drag their knuckles into the new millennium

Short of empirical evidence that shows one group is violent in every case versus another who is not every case race cannot be used a as "proxy measure" for behaviour. Its a bullshit example. Period. And yes. I'd say its a bullshit example in every case. That type of backward thinking has fueled the vicious cycle of the Israeli's and the Palenstians. If judgement is based on ethnicity rather than actions, its racist. As in the case of this segregated prom.

And secondly, I didn't put the actions of these neandertals on the entire group. That assertion is what's known as an erroneous extrapolation. That wouldn't even make sense considering the fact that there was an integrated prom and there were white and black attendees.
True, you did not erroneously extrapolate.

My office mate tells me that his prom was segregated like the one in Ashburn. The black kids were interested in rap, and the white kids were rock or country. The first few attempts to compromise and mix led to neither group having a good time, so they re-divided by mutual agreement into a rap party and a rock party. The parties were open to anyone because the division was not strictly race based, but the black kids and white kids tended to self-segregate based on the music.

I think it's possible this is the case here as well, and the stupid quote from the stupid daughter of stupid parents was used to portray it as racist behavior, because that is the expectation.
True, you did not erroneously extrapolate.

My office mate tells me that his prom was segregated like the one in Ashburn. The black kids were interested in rap, and the white kids were rock or country. The first few attempts to compromise and mix led to neither group having a good time, so they re-divided by mutual agreement into a rap party and a rock party. The parties were open to anyone because the division was not strictly race based, but the black kids and white kids tended to self-segregate based on the music.

I think it's possible this is the case here as well, and the stupid quote from the stupid daughter of stupid parents was used to portray it as racist behavior, because that is the expectation.

Trog, teenagers across the country have similar tastes in music.

Why aren't teenagers in the north, the midwest, and the west segregating their proms based on "music". Why is segragating proms "based on music" evidently limited to the south?

You want my guess? Because "music" is the lame cover story, for something deeper. Having to do with skin pigmentation.

Honestly, this sounds like dixie saying that his oppostion to interracial marriage isn't based on racism - it's based on a deep-rooted respect for theological guidence from the bible.
True, you did not erroneously extrapolate.

My office mate tells me that his prom was segregated like the one in Ashburn. The black kids were interested in rap, and the white kids were rock or country. The first few attempts to compromise and mix led to neither group having a good time, so they re-divided by mutual agreement into a rap party and a rock party. The parties were open to anyone because the division was not strictly race based, but the black kids and white kids tended to self-segregate based on the music.

I think it's possible this is the case here as well, and the stupid quote from the stupid daughter of stupid parents was used to portray it as racist behavior, because that is the expectation.

Well, you can sit there and pontificate on all kinds of hypotheticals of what it could have been. But I for one, have no problem calling a spade a spade. There was no mention of the "country" prom or the "hip hop" prom, or the "convicts and law abiders proms". Again, as Damo has been highlighting, there was a black student president and a white student president. One can reasonably conclude that these simians used race as a means for distinction rather than something as innocent as you are trying to infer.
Trog, teenagers across the country have similar tastes in music.

Why aren't teenagers in the north, the midwest, and the west segregating their proms based on "music". Why is segragating proms "based on music" evidently limited to the south?

You want my guess? Because "music" is the lame cover story, for something deeper. Having to do with skin pigmentation.

Honestly, this sounds like dixie saying that his oppostion to interracial marriage isn't based on racism - it's based on a deep-rooted respect for theological guidence from the bible.
To be fair to Dixie, he said that others based their racism on religion, not that he did.
It's interesting that when racism is mentioned that the left instinctively starts digging into whites, what makes them so sure that blacks are really interested in associating with whites there?
I've heard plenty of blacks (usually more black women) frown on interracial mixing, and for that matter often the same thing with keeping their race seperate than other races like hispanics.
And it's not just a black and white thing, Greeks, Arabs, Koreans, plenty of cultures and people like to be homogenous.

I would say a black person in a white neighborhood is more welcome than a white person in a black neighborhood.

All this stuff disintegrates over time and with a high number of jobs available, which is where the worst racism comes out.
It's interesting that when racism is mentioned that the left instinctively starts digging into whites, what makes them so sure that blacks are really interested in associating with whites there?
I've heard plenty of blacks (usually more black women) frown on interracial mixing, and for that matter often the same thing with keeping their race seperate than other races like hispanics.
And it's not just a black and white thing, Greeks, Arabs, Koreans, plenty of cultures and people like to be homogenous.

I would say a black person in a white neighborhood is more welcome than a white person in a black neighborhood.

All this stuff disintegrates over time and with a high number of jobs available, which is where the worst racism comes out.

I've heard of plenty of blacks (black women included) who smile upon interracial mixing. I'm one of them. So what?
I've heard of plenty of blacks (black women included) who smile upon interracial mixing. I'm one of them. So what?
The point is that it's not JUST some whites who are against interracial mixing but some blacks too. Yet this thread quickly devolved into the usual hate filled BS against white "redneck" southerners as if they are 100% responsible and supportive of this.
And I would say, "Depends on the neighborhood."
I wouldn't, and the crime stats bear that out, you are a hell of a lot more likely to get assaulted/robbed/raped as a white in a black neighborhood than you are as a black in a white neighborhood.
I'm sure the PC police will go after me for that one but those are just the stats. The problem with the left on race is that they are living in the past when say 50 to 150 years ago it was the opposite (whites safer in black neighborhoods than blacks safer in white neighborhoods).
They tend to view race today based on the far more predominant racism of yesterday and they blind themselves to it going more the other way for a few decades now.

"Welcome" was probably the wrong word to use, certainly both can make people feel unwelcome.
The point is that it's not JUST some whites who are against interracial mixing but some blacks too. Yet this thread quickly devolved into the usual hate filled BS against white "redneck" southerners as if they are 100% responsible and supportive of this.

I just like to go toe to toe on your convenient and random observations. I can in every case quite truthfully throw out another one.
I don't recall writing that there were no blacks that facilitated this or anyone else for that matter, but according to someone did. Now trusting that you are truthful in your assertions, you will have no problems pointing out where that statement was made.

I'll patiently wait.:cool:
I wouldn't, and the crime stats bear that out, you are a hell of a lot more likely to get assaulted/robbed/raped as a white in a black neighborhood than you are as a black in a white neighborhood.
I'm sure the PC police will go after me for that one but those are just the stats.


I'll wait. :cool:
I wouldn't, and the crime stats bear that out, you are a hell of a lot more likely to get assaulted/robbed/raped as a white in a black neighborhood than you are as a black in a white neighborhood.
I'm sure the PC police will go after me for that one but those are just the stats.

BTW - on this I'd prefer to be known as the fact-check police.


I just like to go toe to toe on your convenient and random observations. I can in every case quite truthfully throw out another one.
I don't recall writing that there were no blacks that facilitated this or anyone else for that matter, but according to someone did. Now trusting that you are truthful in your assertions, you will have no problems pointing out where that statement was made.
Good point. No one wrote about any blacks role in this; with attacks on Dixie, mentionings of past lynchings and hate by whites, all the left (Darla, cypriss, etc...) clearly went after whites and did not blame a single black for this.

I'll patiently wait.:cool:
It's never a long wait to find out the obvious...

I'll wait. :cool:

Are you for real? Do you really enjoy making me search out the obvious? Here we are:
"The U.S. Justice Department has reported that 85% of all inter-racial violence in America is committed by blacks against whites"

Not even close. As I said 100 years ago, it was probably the opposite, but Dems live in the past because they see racism predominantly as a white hate thing and that's pretty much all they mention and go at. The article above demonstrates that well with contrasting 2 cases.
I just like to go toe to toe on your convenient and random observations. I can in every case quite truthfully throw out another one.
I don't recall writing that there were no blacks that facilitated this or anyone else for that matter, but according to someone did. Now trusting that you are truthful in your assertions, you will have no problems pointing out where that statement was made.

I'll patiently wait.:cool:
He never said you made such a statement, he said that the thread ended up being a "bash-whites-only" thread until he came along.
He never said you made such a statement, he said that the thread ended up being a "bash-whites-only" thread until he came along.

He said.....

"as if they [whites] are 100% responsible and supportive of this."

that implies that there were no blacks that had any culpability. No one said that.