Speaking of masscres. Bill Cliinton BURNED ALIVE 85 americans at Waco in 1993

That's bullshit.

No wonder you fuckers love Trump so much.

Nothing you asswipes love better than a fellow congenital right-wing liar.

what does trump have to do with the reno/clinton massacre? this is just more of your liberal hatred being exposed. As I said previously, had this been done under Bush, you'd be calling him a child killer
That was just 28 years ago not 100 like in Tulsa where only 36 people (10 of them white) were killed . And psychopathic killer Clinton is still alive and free and could be prosecuted. The evil demon sent in MILITARY TANKS to burn alive those poor bastards But the liberal media cheered when clinton did it because the victims were white (mostly) and christian and gun owners. The three groups liberal hate most of all.

So much stupidity in one so small minded.


85 people didn't die at Waco on the day of the fire. 76 people did. Of those, many were shot to death including most of the children.
The fires were not started by tanks but based on evidence and testimony, including flr video, it was determined that the fires were started by the people in the compound.
So much stupidity in one so small minded.


85 people didn't die at Waco on the day of the fire. 76 people did. Of those, many were shot to death including most of the children.
The fires were not started by tanks but based on evidence and testimony, including flr video, it was determined that the fires were started by the people in the compound.

when that same flir evidence was submitted to show that incendiary rounds were fired BY THE GOVERNMENT, they hemmed and hawed until FINALLY it was admitted that the government MAY have fired incendiary rounds but it had no effect on starting a fire..........how's the government koolaid taste?

you'd be calling Bush a child killer if it was done during his administration, partisan fuckstick
were you even alive when this government orchestrated massacre took place? I know you're extremely prone to swallowing government koolaid, so probably not.

I was in my mid 30's at the time the Trump-Koresh Waco massacre happened, dumbass.

Go guzzle another pitcher of Trump Kool Aid.

what does trump have to do with the reno/clinton massacre? this is just more of your liberal hatred being exposed. As I said previously, had this been done under Bush, you'd be calling him a child killer

Vernon "David Koresh" Howell was the illegitimate son of Donald Trump's father, making him DJT's half brother.

Also, what has any Democrat got to do with any of the unrelated bullshit morons like you are constantly tying them to?

Enjoy the taste of your own medicine, goofball.
I was in my mid 30's at the time the Trump-Koresh Waco massacre happened, dumbass.

Go guzzle another pitcher of Trump Kool Aid.

Vernon "David Koresh" Howell was the illegitimate son of Donald Trump's father, making him DJT's half brother.

Also, what has any Democrat got to do with any of the unrelated bullshit morons like you are constantly tying them to?

Enjoy the taste of your own medicine, goofball.

you appear to be just another hate filled liberal idiot who can only spout bullshit with no proof. cite trump and koresh's relationship with factual info, not some loony left website.

I also find it hilariously ironic that you hate filled fuckers base your trust in government wholly dependent upon who's running it. more partisan hatred bullshit.
you appear to be just another hate filled liberal idiot who can only spout bullshit with no proof. cite trump and koresh's relationship with factual info, not some loony left website.

I also find it hilariously ironic that you hate filled fuckers base your trust in government wholly dependent upon who's running it. more partisan hatred bullshit.

you appear to be just another hate filled conservative idiot who can only spout bullshit with no proof. debunk trump and koresh's relationship with factual info, not some loony rabid-right website.

I also find it hilariously ironic that you hate filled fuckers base your mistrust in government wholly dependent upon who's running it. more partisan hatred bullshit.
Nope. Koresh may have set the fires. A peaceful solution was offered and Koresh refused it, over and over.

nope it was the feds that started the fires. janet reno had something to prove. she proved she's a monster.

and hillAry and huma carved off a child's face in a snuff film.
you appear to be just another hate filled conservative idiot who can only spout bullshit with no proof. debunk trump and koresh's relationship with factual info, not some loony rabid-right website.
you made that outlandish claim, it's up to you to provide the proof. don't expect me to disprove a negative. not how it works.

I also find it hilariously ironic that you hate filled fuckers base your mistrust in government wholly dependent upon who's running it. more partisan hatred bullshit.
your blurred vision of hate obviously has you forgetting just who I am, considering I don't trust government period, no matter who is in charge. you should suck on your binky until you calm the fuck down, junior
I was in my mid 30's at the time the Trump-Koresh Waco massacre happened, dumbass.

Go guzzle another pitcher of Trump Kool Aid.

Vernon "David Koresh" Howell was the illegitimate son of Donald Trump's father, making him DJT's half brother.

Also, what has any Democrat got to do with any of the unrelated bullshit morons like you are constantly tying them to?

Enjoy the taste of your own medicine, goofball.

I was 22. the whole "who started the fire" has always been a point of contention.
you made that outlandish claim, it's up to you to provide the proof. don't expect me to disprove a negative. not how it works.

I will accept your admission of defeat.

your blurred vision of hate obviously has you forgetting just who I am, considering I don't trust government period, no matter who is in charge. you should suck on your binky until you calm the fuck down, junior

You are a Trump-sucker.

Stop trying to claim non-partisanship.
I was 22. the whole "who started the fire" has always been a point of contention.

Only to those who want to believe antigovernment conspiracy bullshit.

There were traces of accelerant and gas cans found inside the compound after the fire,

One of the origin points was on the second floor where the supposed "fire emitting tanks" could not have reached.


This report relates to the cause and origin of a fire that occurred on April 19, 1993 at the structure known as the "Branch Davidian compound" located near Waco, Texas.


This report establishes that the fire was the result of an intentional act by a person or persons inside the compound and in in violation of state and federal criminal laws including but limited to: Title 7, Section 28.02 of the Texas Penal Code (Arson), and Title 18, Section 844(i) of the U. S. Code.

Furthermore, if the prosecution establishes that a person intentionally causes the death of an individual in the course ot committing or attempting to commit Arson, the person may be trie,j for Capital Murder as defined under Title 5, Section 19.03 T.P.C. punishable by life imprisonment or death.


This fire was caused by the intentional act(s) of a person or persons inside the compound. Fires were set in three separate areas of the structure identified as points of origin 1, 2, and 3. This investigation establishes that these fires occurred in areas significantly distant from each other and in a time frame that precludes any assumption of a single ignition source or accidental cause.

Furthermore, the physical evidence collected at the scene included the remains of several metal containers commonly used for the storage of flammable liquids. These containers were collected by members of the Texas Rangers crime scene team and remain in their custody. Samples of fire debris were also collected and proof of flammable liquids was established through the use of an accelerant detection dog and through laboratory analysis. Further details are included in other sections of this report.

Point of origin #1 is further identified as the second floor, front section of the building, southeast corner.

Point of origin #2 is further identified as the first floor, mid section of the building in or near the area identified as the dining room.

Point of origin #3 is further identified as the first floor, right side (east) of the building identified as the chapel area.

Investigative findings further confirm that flammable liquids were used to accelerate the spread and intensity of the fire.


From The Dallas Morning News:

Only to those who want to believe antigovernment conspiracy bullshit.

There were traces of accelerant and gas cans found inside the compound after the fire,

One of the origin points was on the second floor where the supposed "fire emitting tanks" could not have reached.

it was some kind of grenade.