Speaking of masscres. Bill Cliinton BURNED ALIVE 85 americans at Waco in 1993

when that same flir evidence was submitted to show that incendiary rounds were fired BY THE GOVERNMENT, they hemmed and hawed until FINALLY it was admitted that the government MAY have fired incendiary rounds but it had no effect on starting a fire..........how's the government koolaid taste?

you'd be calling Bush a child killer if it was done during his administration, partisan fuckstick

The FBI lied about the rounds they may have used but those rounds were not what started the fires. Perhaps you should learn how to actually look at evidence instead of cherry picking a lie someone told and building a conspiracy theory on it.

My standards are the same no matter who is in office. Evidence should always be looked at in it's totality.
The FBI lied about the rounds they may have used but those rounds were not what started the fires. Perhaps you should learn how to actually look at evidence instead of cherry picking a lie someone told and building a conspiracy theory on it.
how strange that any evidence that showed the government at fault mysteriously disappeared. but that's none of my business LOL

My standards are the same no matter who is in office. Evidence should always be looked at in it's totality.
so, just like cops, congress gets to investigate itself to determine that they did nothing wrong BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
That was just 28 years ago not 100 like in Tulsa where only 36 people (10 of them white) were killed . And psychopathic killer Clinton is still alive and free and could be prosecuted. The evil demon sent in MILITARY TANKS to burn alive those poor bastards But the liberal media cheered when clinton did it because the victims were white (mostly) and christian and gun owners. The three groups liberal hate most of all.

Role troll bait.
how strange that any evidence that showed the government at fault mysteriously disappeared. but that's none of my business LOL

If it disappeared then how was it found 5 years later in the same Texas Ranger storage facility it was put in during the initial investigation?

so, just like cops, congress gets to investigate itself to determine that they did nothing wrong BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
You seem to not know who did investigations and when. Ignorance is not evidence of anything but your ignorance.
If it disappeared then how was it found 5 years later in the same Texas Ranger storage facility it was put in during the initial investigation?
found AFTER the investigation and report........so any value it might have had has been discounted.........
You seem to not know who did investigations and when. Ignorance is not evidence of anything but your ignorance.
are you saying that the government did not investigate itself?????
i'm not the one swallowing uncle sams bullshit..........you really should stop trusting that government......LOL, sorry, couldn't help myself. I know you're a state worshipper

i'm not the one swallowing fanatical conspiracy bullshit..........you really should stop trusting that antigovernment horseshit......LOL, sorry, couldn't help myself. I know you're an alt-right worshipper

HAHAHAHA. Everyone has a gas can in their garage, you moron.

They weren't found in a garage, you moron.

They were found in the same places where the investigators found traces of accelerant in the charred wood beams, joists and flooring.

Fired several hours before the fires started. I am curious how you are going to explain how one of them managed to make it into an interior room when the fire started in the dining hall.

i'm curious as to what 'evidence' you relied upon to determine that the incendiary rounds that the government may, or may not have, fired did not ignite the potentially flammable CS gas that they pumped throughout the compound
i'm not the one swallowing fanatical conspiracy bullshit..........you really should stop trusting that antigovernment horseshit......LOL, sorry, couldn't help myself. I know you're an alt-right worshipper
are you now saying that Trump and Barr, operating as government, were completely truthful about everything??????
are you now saying that Trump and Barr, operating as government, were completely truthful about everything??????

Trump and Barr were not "the government".

They were members and employees of the government.

There are always liars and crooks within the government but that does not make the entire entity corrupt.

Like the old saying goes: "A few bad apples don't spoil the entire barrel".
Trump and Barr were not "the government".

They were members and employees of the government.

There are always liars and crooks within the government but that does not make the entire entity corrupt.

Like the old saying goes: "A few bad apples don't spoil the entire barrel".

in other words, the only believable members of government are the ones with the letter D after their names...............partisan stooge ROFL

Does that change your outlook of law enforcement now? just a few bad apples?
Trump and Barr were not "the government".

They were members and employees of the government.

There are always liars and crooks within the government but that does not make the entire entity corrupt.

Like the old saying goes: "A few bad apples don't spoil the entire barrel".

you're an imbecile.

but a few overly violent cops = systemic racism.
in other words, the only believable members of government are the ones with the letter D after their names...............partisan stooge ROFL

Does that change your outlook of law enforcement now? just a few bad apples?

I didn't say that.

You brought up Trump and Barr.

Obviously corruption knows no party affiliation.

But you assume the government as an entity, is not trustworthy.

I assume that the government as an entity is mostly trustworthy, though some members of it are not.

Common sense, iow.