Speaking of masscres. Bill Cliinton BURNED ALIVE 85 americans at Waco in 1993

I didn't say that.

You brought up Trump and Barr.

Obviously corruption knows no party affiliation.

But you assume the government as an entity, is not trustworthy.
because it, quite literally, is not trustworthy

I assume that the government as an entity is mostly trustworthy, though some members of it are not.

Common sense, iow.
the government thanks you for being a loyal stooge.

anyone over the age of 30 that still trusts the government, as a whole, is too stupid to be allowed in public.
i'm curious as to what 'evidence' you relied upon to determine that the incendiary rounds that the government may, or may not have, fired did not ignite the potentially flammable CS gas that they pumped throughout the compound

Have you ever seen the FLR video of the fire taken from the air?

Potentially flammable CS gas vs accelerants spread by the people in the compound? Hmm.. which should I believe based on science.
A flammable aerosol doesn't spread fire. It explodes. It's why an almost empty gas can is more dangerous than a full gas can. If a flammable gas was throughout the building the building would have been blown apart from the violent reaction. The FLR shows that the fires start in 3 areas and then spreads rapidly. The rapid spread is indicative of a liquid accelerant.
you seem to just blindly accept the governments word that they were wholly in the right..............probably because you swallowed bill and janets koolaid.

You can't give us one argument other than conspiracy theories. I don't swallow those but it seems you do.
Have you examined the evidence? Much of it was put out in public. You don't need to take their word for it. You can examine it yourself. Let me know when you can scientifically explain the fire under your theory. I look forward to your proving that CS gas spreads fire at an accelerated rate and doesn't explode.
You can't give us one argument other than conspiracy theories. I don't swallow those but it seems you do.
Have you examined the evidence? Much of it was put out in public. You don't need to take their word for it. You can examine it yourself. Let me know when you can scientifically explain the fire under your theory. I look forward to your proving that CS gas spreads fire at an accelerated rate and doesn't explode.

why do you love it when the government burns children?
because it, quite literally, is not trustworthy

the government thanks you for being a loyal stooge.

anyone over the age of 30 that still trusts the government, as a whole, is too stupid to be allowed in public.

Like all rwnj goofballs, you talk a lot of shit that comes straight out of your ass without ever saying anything.

Any fucking retard can spout off about not trusting the govt but to do so with some first hand knowledge or evidence is not so easy.

You have zero actual knowledge of the shit you spew, so it's all just a lot of meaningless words coming out of a fucking zero.
Like all rwnj goofballs, you talk a lot of shit that comes straight out of your ass without ever saying anything.

Any fucking retard can spout off about not trusting the govt but to do so with some first hand knowledge or evidence is not so easy.

You have zero actual knowledge of the shit you spew, so it's all just a lot of meaningless words coming out of a fucking zero.

the fucking zero is you, and other idiots like LV, who don't seem to think any sort of memory retention is required for decent discourse. No, what you'd rather do is be a kneejerk reactionary yourself and denounce someone like me because you think i'm only criticizing your blowbuddy joe, instead of remembering the times I blasted trump, or obama, or bush, or clinton, or even reagan. No, it's much easier to be a simpleton liberal and just accuse others of being alt right, rightwing, trumper, or any other bullshit label you feel the need to spew out your shithole..............

it's all good. you'll spend the next 3 years worshipping democrats as the greatest fucking thing on earth and republicans as traitors because of a handful of morons.............and look dumber than shit doing it.
why do you love it when the government burns children?

Thanks for playing "AsshatZombie is an idiot." You win!!!!

Do you have an explanation for the FLR video showing the fire starting in 3 places and then progressing too rapidly to simply be wood burning? Or are you only going to resort to idiotic attacks?
the fucking zero is you, and other idiots like LV, who don't seem to think any sort of memory retention is required for decent discourse. No, what you'd rather do is be a kneejerk reactionary yourself and denounce someone like me because you think i'm only criticizing your blowbuddy joe, instead of remembering the times I blasted trump, or obama, or bush, or clinton, or even reagan. No, it's much easier to be a simpleton liberal and just accuse others of being alt right, rightwing, trumper, or any other bullshit label you feel the need to spew out your shithole..............

it's all good. you'll spend the next 3 years worshipping democrats as the greatest fucking thing on earth and republicans as traitors because of a handful of morons.............and look dumber than shit doing it.

You're a lying shitbag.

You've never done anything but kiss rightwing ass and suck rightwing dick.