Speaking of masscres. Bill Cliinton BURNED ALIVE 85 americans at Waco in 1993

Trump and Barr were not "the government".

They were members and employees of the government.

There are always liars and crooks within the government but that does not make the entire entity corrupt.

Like the old saying goes: "A few bad apples don't spoil the entire barrel".

All govt officials take bribes all the time, you moron. That's why govt has to be kept small.
That was just 28 years ago not 100 like in Tulsa where only 36 people (10 of them white) were killed . And psychopathic killer Clinton is still alive and free and could be prosecuted. The evil demon sent in MILITARY TANKS to burn alive those poor bastards But the liberal media cheered when clinton did it because the victims were white (mostly) and christian and gun owners. The three groups liberal hate most of all.

Wasn't that Janet Reno?
That was just 28 years ago not 100 like in Tulsa where only 36 people (10 of them white) were killed . And psychopathic killer Clinton is still alive and free and could be prosecuted. The evil demon sent in MILITARY TANKS to burn alive those poor bastards But the liberal media cheered when clinton did it because the victims were white (mostly) and christian and gun owners. The three groups liberal hate most of all.

No one care.
They are destroying my country. Diversity is a terrible idea. MAWA

So are you a Grand Dragon or what?

Is your hood red? Being a cracker I have a certain cousin that wears a red hood and has klan paraphernalia in his room with anti jigaboo stuff.

I don't support that garbage.

Yeah...wtf, dude? I for one, am not buying it.

It's not Black Americans, it's leftists using black people in America. The weak ones they can get to.
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The tanks were sent in to knock holes in the walls of the compound so they could send tear gas into the building.

That maniac rwnj gun-freak Vernon Trump Howell/David Trump Koresh ordered his henchmen to spread gasoline around and set the place on fire.

It was all part of his insane Biblical prophesy which he was determined to fulfill.

And in typical fashion, his fellow unhinged nut jobs on the political right, made a folk hero out of him.

I'm sure the fact that he "married" several little girls and made them his "wives" probably appeals to right-wingers too.

Of course, in your unbelievable level of hypocrisy, you disparage Joe Biden as a pedophile because he hugs little girls like a grandfather while making a hero out of Trump-Koresh for sleeping with little girls who he later murdered along with their mothers.

You are all such a bunch of sick-ass, twisted motherfuckers. :palm:

12 b violation. mod alert.
Blacks are a plague in every country that has them. They are stupid and can't get real jobs except thru affirmative action. The rest use crime or welfare.

You're a racist idiot. And wrong.

Were you ever in gifted classes? Well lemme tell you, black kids were, and not because of Affirmative Action, it's because they qualified.

How they went was up to them. Some made it big time, some didn't. Mostly everybody made it, though.

Is your IQ over 128?

I'm quite fond of my black friends, motherfucker. If you have a problem with them, you've got a problem with me for sure.

We stick by each other. And win.

When 9 of us beat like 50 niggers from across town? 1/3 or so of us was black. Viets, Mexicans, Cubans, blacks, wtf ever, and whites.

The thing was we all stood together and took them on and won.

Naw bitch, there's been blacks in this country since before it started, and some of them are good friends of mine.

Shove that racist shit right up your ass with a corncob, k?
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